Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/547

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A. D. 1555* Aimo fccundo & tcrtio Piiilippi & Marijg. C. 16. 497 nig and (Queens iviajemes, our i.iiu sovereign i,om ami i.ady s uic, and t»; the Ule o! the i 1 Tors of the Queen's Majefty, and the other I talf to him or them that will fuc for the fame in ing and Queen's Majefties Court', of Record, by Action of Detinue, Bill, Plaint, I irilej wherein no Wager of Law, Eflbin, Protection or Injunction ihall Le allowed for the Ue- Proportion heretofore had and ufed ; that then the fame Boat or Boats f. > being made contrary to the trtion and Sort before cxprciled, (hall be taken as Forfi it, and (hall b : forfeit, the one Half then the King and Queen's Majefties, our laid Sovereign Lord and Lady's Ufc, and to the Vfc of the Heil Succcflbrs the King otherwik VIII. And be it further enacted, That if any Perfon or Perfons which from and after the faid Feaft fhall ufc and exercife the Occupation of Rowing betwixt Grave/end and Wind/or aforefaid, which in the Time <>i the Execution of any Commiflion of Preffing that fhall be had for the Service of the King an J Qui Majefties, and the Heirs and Succcflbrs of the Queen's Majefty, in their Affairs, (hall willingly, voTunta-the - rily and obftinately withdraw, hide or convey him or themfclves in the fame Time of Preffing, into fecrec l Places and Outcorners, and after when fuch Time of Preffing is overpaffed, fhall return and come again to the faid River of Thames, to row betwixt Grave/end and Windfor aforefaid, and that duly proved by twoSce^i- 5 Ann*, fa I indifferent Witneffes, before the faid Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen or jufticcs of the Peace, and tvo c - ' of the laid Rulers; that then he or they fo doing or offending fhall Curler Imprifonment by the Space i two Weeks, and be banifhed any more to Row from thenceforth upon the faid River of Thames, by the hereto. Space of one whole Year and Day then next following. IX. And be it further enacted, That it fhall be lawful to the faid eight Rulers for the Time being, and The Overften their Succeflbrs from Time to Time, to convent and call before them at fome convenient Place by them to n, * u <*"*& die be appointed, all and every fuch Perfon and Perfons, which from and after the faid Feaft of Pentecaft {hall ^'^.'."'Ih^* occupy and ufe the faid Trade and Occupation of Rowing betwixt Grave/end and Windfor aforefaid, (2) Name*. and lhall enter and regifter the Name and Names of them and every of them, that fhall be by them allowed or admitted for Watermen to row betwixt Gravcfend and Windfor aforefaid, in a Book to be made for the fame Intent and Purpofc 5 (3) and to take fuch further Order and Direction therein with every the faid Parties, by the Authority of this prefent Act, as it (hall feem meet and necellary by the Difcretion of the faid Overfeers and Rulers for the Time being : (4) And alfo that the faid Overfcers and Rulers fhall and OverOcrs <h% may by the Authority of this Aft ovi.rfee, view and furvey at all and every Time and Times hereafter, v ' cw ,he Bo " a all manner of Boats and Wherries that fhall from and after the faid Feaft be made, before the faid Boat or ^^tll" Boats, Wherry or Wherries, be launched out of the Yard or Ground wherein the fame Boat or Boats, Wherry or Wherries fhall fortune to be made, into the faid River of Thames, to the Intent that they and eyery of them may be made and prepared in fuch Manner and Form, and according to the Goodncfs, Proportion and Quantity in this prefent Act before limited and exprefled. X. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons which at any The Penalty of Time hereafter fhall be elected or chofen to be a Ruler or Overfeer as before is exprefled, do happen Overfeers r «i- negligcntly to ufe and exercife his or their Room or Place, or that will obftinately refufc to take upon " nc ! nt;r 1>lic '» him or them the Room or Rooms, Place or Places of any the faid Overfeers or Rulers, that then all and ° r JflSLS •- every fuch Offender or Offenders fo offending fhall lofe and forfeit the Sum of v. li. of lawful Money of £cm England; the one Half whereof fhall be to our faid Sovereign Lord and Lady the King and Queen's Ma- jefties Ufe, and to the Ufe of the Heirs and Succeflbrs of the Queen's Majefty, and the other Half to him or them that will fue for the fame in any of the King and Queen's Majefties Courts of Record, by Aftjon of Debt, or by any otner the Ways or Means above fpecified, wherein no Wager of Law, Eflbin, Protection or Injunction fhall be admitted or allowed for the Defendant or Defendants. XI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, Thai the faid Mayor and Court of Aldermen AfrcTmcnt, of the faid City of London for the Time being, fhall from Time to Time at their Dilcretions limit, f^ what Faro Wa- and affefs the Price or Prices, and Sums of Money, that every Perfon or Perfons fo authorized to Row.' as is aforefaid betwixt Grave/end and Windfor aforefaid, fhall take for his or their Labour or Fare, from tW cenGi teni Place to Place particularly, betwixt Gravefend and Windfor aforefaid ; (2) and the fame Prices and Affefs- *nd W m r ments to »be fet, fhall bring or caufe to be brought to the Privy Council of our Soveieign Lord and 6 H - 8 - Ci 7-" Lady the Kinf and Queen, to be viewed and feen by fome of the faid Privy Council ; and after that, the (aid AiTeffments and Prices fhall be figned and fubferibed with the Hands of two of the faid Privy Council at the leaft ; (3) and the faid Mayor and Court of Aldermen for the Time being fhall caufe the faid Prices and Affeffments to be written and fet up in Tables in the Guildhall 'in the City of London, /7 "-.-'- mnfter- Hall and elfewhere, where the faid Mayor and Court of Aldermen lhall think convenient: (4) And every Perfon and Perfons that fhall take for his or their Fare or Labour above th; Prices that (nail b<r affefted viewed, written and fet up in Form aforefaid, fhall forfeit for every fuch Offence forty Shillings, and alfo fhall fufter Imprifonment by one Half Year: (5) The one Moiety of the faid Forfeiture to be to the King and Queen's Majefties, their Heirs and Succeflors, and the other Moitty thereof to him or them that will fue for the fame in any of the King and Queen's Majefties Courts of Record, by Action of Debt, or by any other the Ways or Means above fpecified, wherein no Wager of Law, Eflbin, Protection or Injunction fhall be admitted or allowed for the Defendant or Defendants. XII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons occupying or Tfce Semnti «f ufin->- any Weftern Barge, fhall retain, take or receive into his or their Service, any (ingle Perfon not Wdtem Bai&ej keeping Houfe or Houfhold, but only fuch as fhall be retained with him or them by the whole Year, p ' and no Houiholder but fuch as he or they will or fhall anfwer for, for his or their good Behaviour, fa.) IV't"" I ■n • <-tt> r • . _«-_-- r._i_ rcc -.1 _ ^1 Mr_:_^_. »i c .._ i._ .._ .u. I": .... i ; ■> >- ' • "*" i pon rain < lajefties, me in am Vol. II.