Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/548

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49S C. 17 — 20. Anno fecundo & tertio Philtppi & Makim. A. D. 1555." Means above fpecified, wherein no Wager of Law, Effoin, Protection or Injunction fnall be admitted or allowed for the Defendant or Defendants. Farther Previjions relating I ereto 8 Elix. a 13. 1 Jac. 1. c. 16. 14 Ja. 1. c. 32. n & 12 W. 3. c. 21. 4 & 5 Annoe, c. 13 and 19. 2 Geo. 2. c. 26. 4 &«. 2. f. 24. W 10 Geo. 2. c. 31. CAP. XVII. The Benefit of Clergy fhall be taken from Bennet Smith, for being acceffory to the Murther of Giles Rufford before the Murther committed, and for procuring of the fame. PR. 4 & 5 P. & M. c. 4. C A P. XVIII. An Aft touching Commiffions of the Peace and of Gaol-delivery, in Towns Corporate not being; Counties. 39 H. 7. c 7. ' II7HERE the King and Queen's mod: excellent Highnefs, and their noble Progenitors, Kings of YV this Realm, have heretofore granted their feveral Commiffions directed as well unto the Mayors, Recorders and other grave Men, and Inhabitants of certain ancient and famous Cities and Towns Cor- porate within this Realm of' England, not being Counties in themfelves, as alfo unto divers other worfhip- ful and learned Men, dwelling out of the fame Cities and Towns Corporate, as well for the keeping of their Peace, good ordering of their People, «nd_ executing of their Laws and Statutes within the fame Cities and Towns Corporate, as alfo for the Delivery of their Majefties Prifoners remaining in the Gaols there; and after the granting of fuch Commiffions, their Majefties have granted divers other like Com- miffions unto certain worfhipful and learned Men of the Shires, Lathes, Rapes, Ridings and Wapentakes of this Realm of England, for the Confervation of their Peace, and alfo delivering of their Prifoners re- maining in their Gaols within the fame Shires, Lathes, Rapes, Ridings and Wapentakes ; (2) which Commiffions fo bearing a later Day, have been a Svperfsdeas and clear Difcharge unto all and fingular the faid former Commiffions, granted unto the laid Cities and Towns Corporate, not being Counties in themfelves ; (3) fo that the laid Mayor and other grave and chiefeft Officers of every fuch City and Town Corporate, have been charged to fue for the renewing again of fuch Commiffions, both for the Peace and Gaol-delivery, to the great Expences, Cofts and Charges of the faid Mayor, and other the Inhabitants of fuch Cities and Towns-Corporate, and to the great Protracting and Delay of Juftice therein in the: mean Time : For Reformation whereof, and for the better Advancement of Juftice in the Premiffes ;' A Commiffion. of II. Be it therefore enacted by the King and Queen's Majefties, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and. the Peace and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament afiembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That all and fin- Gaol-delivery gular Commiffion and Commiffions, granted or to be granted to any fuch City or Town Corporate, not Supertedeas to a being as i s aforefaid a County in itfelf, for the keeping of their Peace and Delivery of their Prifoners re- • former like maining in the Gaols of any fuch City or Town Corporate, not being a County in itfelf, fhall ftand, re- Commiffion main, and be good and available and effectual in the Law, to all Intents, Conftructions and Purpofes ; the granted to a City granting of any like Commiffion of Peace, or Gaol-delivery to any Commiffioner or Commiffioners for the or Town Cor- ^ on f erv - a tion of the Peace, or Delivery of the Prifoners remaining in the Gaol of any Shire, Lathe, E.ape, Riding or Wapentake, within this Realm of England, bearing Date after the faid Commiffion or Com- miffions granted as is aforefaid, to any fuch City or Town Corporate, not being, as is aforefaid, a County • in it felf, to the contrary notwithftanding. porare 4 Inft. 169. Farther Pro-vl- Jions concerning Corporations 13 Car. 2. fiat. : c. 1. 5 Geo. 1. c. 6. and 11 Geo. I. c. 4. A Revivor of the Statute of 22 H, 8. CAP. XIX. •. 11. touching Powedike in Marfh-land, which was repealed by the Statute of 1 M. Stat. 1. PR. CAP. XX. For the Duchy of Lancafter. The Decay of «  the Revenues of c Orafmuch as the King and Queen our Sovereign Lord and Lady confidering and regarding the Eftate of the Duchy of Latuajler, being one of the moft famous Princelieft and Statelieft Pieces of our faid L'iica'fter y °' ' Sovereign Lady the Queen's ancient inheritance, do perceive and confider, that the Poffeffions and yearly ' Revenues of the faid Duchy are and have been of late greatly diminifhed, as well by reafon of iundry ' Gifts, Grants and Sales made by the late Kings of famous Memory, Henry the Eighth and Edward the

  • Sixth, late Kings of England, Father and Brother to our faid Sovereign Lady the Queen's Highnefs, as

' alfo by reafon of fundry Exchanges made with divers of their loving Subjects, of fundry Manors, Lands, ' Tenements, Poffeffions and Hereditaments lately belonging to the fame Duchy, and the Manors, Lands, ' Tenements, Poffeffions and Hereditaments, being received and taken in Recompence of the faid Ex- ■ ' changes, be not annexed to the faid Duchy, but been in the Order, Survey and Governance of other ' Courts and Places fo by their Kighneffes taken and received in Exchange : ' II. Arid forafmuch alfo as their Majefties do mind and intend to preferve, advance, maintain and con-

  • tinue the ancient and honourable Eftate of the faid Duchy ;' our faid Sovereign Lord and Lady therefore

be pleafed and contented, that it be enacted, ordained and eliablifhed by their Majefties, with the Affents of