Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/582

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532 C.i. Anno quinto Rcginse Elizabeths. A. D. 1562, fend the Authority, Jur.ifdiftion or Power of the Biihop. of Rome, or of his See, heretofore claimed, ufed or ufurped within this .Realm, or in any Dominion or Country, being of, within or under the Queen's Power or DbeyCance; (2) or by any Speech, open Deed or Aft, advifedly and wittingly attribute any fich manner cf Jurifdiftion, Authority or Preheminence to the faid See of Rome, or to any Bifnop of the fame The Penalty for See 'for the Time being,'withiiTthis Realm, or in any the. Queen's Dominions or 'Countries : (3) That rnaintainingthc^ t j len evev ,, fuch Perfon or Perfons fo doing or offending, their Abetters, Procurers and Ccunfellers, and Biihop o/se'e of a ^° thei: Aiders, Affiftants and Comforters, upon Purpofe, and to the Intent to fet forth, further and extol Rome. the faid ufurped Power, Authority or Jurifdiftion of any of the faid Bifhop orBifhops of R'orfie arid every of sS H. S. c. 10. them, being thereof lawfully indicted or prefented within one Year next after any fuch Offences by him or 13 El. c. 2. them committed, and being lawfully convicted or attainted at any Time after, according to the Law? of this Realm, for every fuch Default and Offence, fhall incur into the Dangers, Penalties, Pains and Forfeitures 16 R. 2. c t. ordained and- provided by the Statute of.Provifion and Prxmunire, made in the fixteenth Year of the Reign of King Richard the Second. / What Juftices HI. And it is alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That as well Juftices of Affife in their Circuits, as may encjmre of, Juftices f Peace within the Limits of their Commiffioivand Authorities, or two of every fuch Juftices of Offences' afore- F ea:e at the leaff, whereof one to be of the Quorum, fhall'have full Power and Authority by Virtue of this faid. Aft, in their .Quarter or, open Seffions, to enquire of all Offences, Contempts and Tranfgreffions, perpe- trated, committed or done, contrary to the true Meaning of the Premiffes, in like Manner and Form as they may of other Offences againft: the. Queen's Peace; (2) and (hall certify every Prefentment afore them or any of. them had' ■ or madfe concerning the fame, or any Part thereof, before the Queen, her Heirs and' Siiccejibrs, jn heir or their Court, commonly called the King-'s, Bench, within forty Days next after any fuch Prefentment had or made, if the 1 erm be then open; -and -if not, at the .firft-Day of the full Term' The Penalty for next following the faid forty Days; (3) upon Pain that every of the Juftices of Affife, or Juftices of the Default of Cer- p eaC g 5 before whom fuch Prefentment fhall be made, malcihg Default of fuch Certificate contrary to this faid offences.^ Statute, to lofe. and forfeit for: every fuch- Default one hundred- Pounds to the Queen's Highnefs, her Heirs and Succeffors.' ' The Juftices of IV. And it is enafted by the Authority' aforefaid, that the Juftices of the King's Bench, as well upon the King's Bench every fuch Certificate, as by Enquiry before themfelves, within the Limits of their Authorities, fhall have teri e'the of-'^ u ^ P° wer an( ^ Authority to hear, order and determine every fuch Offence done or committed contrary to fences aforefaid. the tru e Meaning of thjspriefcnt Aft^ according to the Laws .of this Realm, in fuch like Manner and Form to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the Perfon or Perfons, againft whom any Prefentment fhall be had upon this Eftatute, had been prefented upon any Matter or Offence expreffed in the faid Eftatute made in the faid fixteenth Year of the Reign of King Richard the Second. Thefe ihall take ■ V. And moreover, be it' enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That as well all Manner of Perfons ex- the Oath fet preffed and appointed in and by the Aft made in the firft Year of the Queen's Majefty's Reign that now is, intituled, ' An Aft reftoring to the Crown the ancient Jurifdiftion over the Eftate Ecclefiaftical and ' Spiritual,, and abohlhing all foreign Powers repugnant to the fame,' to take the Oath expreffed and fet Takers of Eccle- forth in the fame : (2) As all other Perfons which have taken or fhall take Orders, commonly called Ordines iiaftical Orders. Sacros, or Ecclefiaftical QrdeES, have, been or fhall be promoted, preferred or admitted to any Degree of Degrees in the Learning in any Univerfity within this Realm or Dominions to the fame belonging: And all School- Univeifuies. Mailers and publick- and private Teachers of Children; (4) as alfo all Manner of Perfon and Perfons, U»ter-Barr &"' t ' lat have taken or hereafter fhall take any Degree of Learning in or at the Common Laws of this Realm, Benchers. ' as well Utter-Barrefters as Benchers, Readers', Ancients in'any Houfe or Houfes of Court, (5) and all Prin- Readers. cipalTreafure'rs, and fuch as be of the Grand Company of every Inn of Chancery, and all Attornies, Pro- • Andests. tonotaries and Philizers, towards the Laws of this Realm, (6) and all Manner of Sheriffs, Efcheators and Pronotanes. Feodaries, and all other Perfon and Perfons which have taken or fhall take upon him or them, or have Philizers." been or fhall be admitted to any Miniftry or Office, in, at or belonging to the Common Law, or any Sheriff's. other Law or Laws', of,' to or for the Execution of them v or -any of them,- ufed- or allowed, or at any Efcheators. Time hereafter' to be ufed or allowed within this Realm' or any of the Dominions or Countries belonging, Feodanes. ^ or w hich hereafter fhall happen to belong, to the Crown or Dignity of the fame; (7) and all other Offi- CornmonUw. cers or Minifters of or towards any Court whatfoeyer, .(8) and' every of them, fhall take and pronounce a Officer of any' Corporal Oath upon the Evangelifts, before he or they fhall be admitted, allowed or fuffered to take upon Court. him or them, to ufe, exercife, fupply or occupy any fuch Vocation, Office, Degree, Miniftry, Room or Service, as is aforefaid, and that In the open. Court whereunto he doth or fhall ferve or belong : (9) And if he or they do not or fhall not ferve or belong to any ordinary or open Court, then he or they fhall take and pronounce the Oath, aforefaid, in an open Place before a convenient Affembly, to wfnefs the fame, (10) and before fuch Perfon or Perfons as have or fhall have Authority by common Ufe or otherwise, to admit or call any fuch Perfon or Perfons, as is aforefaid, to any fuch Vocation, Office, Miniftry, Room or Ser- vice, or elfe before fuch Perfon or Perfons, as by the Queen's Highnefs, her Heirs or Succeffors, by Com- miffion under the Great S-eal of England, fhall be named or affigned, to accept and take the fame, ac- 1 El. c.i. cording to the Tenour, Effeft, and Form of the fame Oath Verbatim, which is, and as it is already fet forth to be taken, in the aforefaid Aft made in the firft Year of the Queen's Majefty's Reign. The Biihop may VI. And it enafted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That every Archbifhop and_ tender the Oath Biihop within this Realm, and Dominions of the fame, fhall have full Power and Authority by Virtue of r<> any Spi.r.ual ^jg ^ft., to tender or minifter the Oath aforefaid, to every or any Spiritual or Ecclefiaftical Perfon within their proper Diocefe, as well in Places and Jurifdiftions exempt, as elfewhere. The Lord Chan- VII. And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Lord C nan cellor or Keeper of the Great • ceiior may d::acT:g ea | jr £ tl gi an! i f or the Time being fhall and may at all Times h?reafter, by Virtue of this Aft, without » Comiruflion to f urt j ier Warrant, make and direft a Commiflion or Commiffions under the Great Seal of England, to any 4 Perfon forth Anno I Eli