Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/583

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A. D. 1562. Anno quinto Rcginrc F.1.1 7 bf.tiu. C. r. -~ Perfon or Perfons, giving them or Ionic ofthem thereby Authority to tender and minuter the Oath uforc- I'.iid, to fuch Perfon or Perl ■ the aforefaid Commiflion or I (hall be authorifed to tender the fame ( )ath unto, VIII. And be it alfo further enacted hy the Authority of this prefenl Pi rliamcnt, Th; I It" any Perf t>r Perfons appointed or compellable by ihi'. A^t, or by the laid Aet made ii I the faid Oath; or if any Perfon "r Perfons to « 10m the faid Oath by aj Commiflions fliall be limited and appointed to be tendred, : (hall, at the Tin the faid Oath fo tendred, refufc n> take or pron mncc the faid Oath in Mannci I Form i!i 11 then the Party fo rcfufing, and being thereof lawfully indidted or prcfented withi any fuch Rcfufal, and convicted or attainted at any Time after, according to 'he I Realm, lhall fufFer and incur the Dangci , Pen Ities, Pains and Forfeiture , ordained. and provid tutc of Provifion and Pramitnire aforefaid, made in the fixteenth Year of the Reign of King Richard the ' v -- = ■<■$• ond. IX. And furthermore he it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every fuch Perfon and, '.' Perfons, having Authority to tender the Oath aforefaid, fhall within forty Days next after futh Refu- . or Rcfufals of the faid Oath, if the Term be then open ; and if not, then at the lirft Day of the full SjrUl 4.7. Term next following the faid forty Days, make true Certificate under his or their Seal or Seals of the Names, Places and Degrees of the Perfon or Perfons fo refilling the fame Oath, before the Queen, her lleiis or Succeflbrs, in her or their Court, commonly called the King's Bench ; (2) upon Pain that every of the faid Perfons having fuch Authority to tender the laid Oath, making Default of fuch Certificate, (hall for every fuch Default forfeit an hundred Pound to the Queen's Highnefs. her Heirs or Succeflbrs: (3) ]) )" -'A- And that the Sheriff of the County where the faid Court, commonly called the King's Bench, fliall for the Time be holdcn, fhall or may hy Virtue of this Acl im panne] a Jury of the fame County, to inquire of and upon every fuch llefufal and Rcfufals ; (4) which Tury fliall or may upon every fuch Certificate, at I other Evidence to them in that Behalf to be given, by Virtue of this Act, proceed to indifl: the Perfon and 1 e ° tn Perfons fo offending in fuch Sort and Degree, to all Intents and Purpofes, as the fame Jury may do of any Offence or Offences againft the Queen's Majefty's Peace, perpetrated, committed or done within the fame County, of and for which the fame Jury is fo impanelled. X. And for ftronger Defence and Maintenance of this Ad, it is further ordained, enacted and cftablifhcd by the Authority aforefaid, That if any fuch Offender or Offenders, as is aforefaid, of the firft Part or

Branch of this Eftatute, that is to fay, by Writing, Cyphering, Printing, Preaching or Teaching, Deed

or Act, advifedly and wittingly hold or Hand with, to extol, fet forth, maintain or defend the Authority, U Hull be Tm. furifdiction or Power of the Bifhop of Rome, or of his See, heretofore claimed, ufed or ufurped within this fonthefceond Realm, or in any Dominion or Country, being of, within or under the Queen's Power and Obeyfancc : ^Vui^A^t'ifo"- (2) Or by any Speech, open Deed or Adt, advifedly and wittingly attribute any fuch Manner of Jurifdic- ,;.,. ,, t! „ Bi . tion, Authority or Prehemincnce to the faid See of Rome, or to any Bifhop of the fame See for the Time (hop 01 S being, within this Realm, or in any the Queen's Dominions or Countries ; (3) or be to any fuch Offender Ranc- or Offenders abetting, procuring or counfelling, or aiding, affifting or comforting, upon Purpofe, and to " « ">c Ojtn. the Intent to fet forth, further and extol the faid ufurped Power, Authority or Jurifdiction, after fuch Con- viction and Attainder as is aforefaid, do eftfoons commit or do the faid Offences or any of them, in Manner and Form aforefaid, and be thereof duly convicted and attainted as is aforefaid : XI. And a'fo, Tnat if any the Perfons above named and appointed by this Act to take the Oath afore- faid, do after the Space of three Months next after the firft Tender thereof, the fecond Time refufc to take and pronounce, or do not take and pronounce the fame, in Form aforefaid to He tendered, that then every fuch Offender or Offenders, for the fame fecond Offence and Offences, fhall forfeit, lofe and fuffer fuch like and the fame Pains, Forfeitures, Judgment and Execution, as is ufed in Cafes of High Treaion. XII. Provided always, That this Adt, nor any Thing therein contained, nor any Attainder to be had N» .Corroptioi by Force and Virtue of this A&, fhall not extend to make any Corruption of Blood, the Difhcriting of any p or , c ^ rc or of Heir, Forfeiture of Dower, nor to the Prejudice of the Right or Title of any Perfon or Pe. Ions, other than Dmtet l0T lnf the Right or Title of the Offender or Offenders, during his, her or their natural Lives only. Atuinder by Xni. And that it fhall and may be lawful to every Perfon and Perfons, to whom the Right or InterefttliU Act. of any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, after the Death of any fuch Offender or Offenders, fhould or might have appertained, if no fuch Attainder had been, to enter into the fame, without any Qufttr le main to be fued, in fuch Sort as he or they might have done, if" this Act had never been had ne made. ' XIV. Provided alfo, That the Oath expreffed in the faid Act made in the faid firft Year, fliall be taken ™*£jj£* and expounded in fuch Form as is fet forth in an Admonition annexed to the Queen's Majefty's Injunctions, , E , c t ftiU publiflied in the firft Year of her Majefty's Reign ; that is to fay, to confefs and acknowledge in her Ala- be expounded, jefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, none other Authority than that was challenged and lately ufed by the Noble King Henry the Eighth and King Edward the Sixth ; as in the faid Admonition more plainly may appear. XV. Aiid be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Aft Avail be openly read, publiflied, MdJy*»tCoorB declared at every Quartet-Seflions by the Clerk of the Peace, and at every Leet and Law-day by the Afl ^ b _ Steward of the Court, and once in every Term in the open Hall of every Houfe and Houles of Court published. and Chancery, at the Times, and by the Perfons thereunto to be limited and appointed by the Lord Chan- cellor or Keeper of the Great Seal for the Time being, t* • 1 Ever* Knight XVI. And be it further enacted, That every Perfon which hereafter fhall be elcfted or appointed a Knight, C]tij > n and „' r _ Citizen or Burgefs, or Baron for any of the five Ports, for any Parliament or Parliaments hereafter to be gtls of th( . Pjr . holdcn, fliall from henceforth, before he fhall enter into the Parliament-houfe, or have any V oice there, lament (hall openly receive and pronounce the faid Oath before the Lord Steward for the Time being, or his Deputy uiceaerud