Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/585

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A. D. 1562. Anno quinto Reginas E r. i / 4 n ;•■ . t r, ■. C. ;, £ his Default I'y the Space of one Year, thi n he in ihc Ri the fame Remedy : And in his Default, the immediate Lord of th or the Queen and Informer. But this Act {hall not extend to an I in:/, for the only keeping of his own Horfes, Draught Oxen, K tobefpent in In!, own Houfc, fo that lie huh not other fufficicni r Park, Warren of Conies, iiV. ut fupra, 5 & 6 Ed, b. c. 5. REP. 39 I li Coke PI. 1 it. C A P. III. A Reviver of the Statute of 22 II. 8. c. 12. and 3 & 4 Ed. 6. c. 16. touching relieving poor and impotent '•' Perfons, and Punifhmcnt of Vagabonds, The poor and impotent Perfons of ever) Parifl) (lull b. . lieved of that which every Pcrfon will of their Chanty give weekly : Ami the fame Relief (hall be gath in every P.irilli by Collectors affigned, and weekly diftributed to the Poor; foi none of them (ha go or fit begging. Ami if any rarifhioner (hall obftinately refufe to pay . eafonabl . the faid Poor, or fhall difcourage others ; then the Juftices of Peace at the Quarter-Seffions may tax him to a rcafonable weekly Sum; which it he refufe to pay, they may commit him to Prifon. And if any Parifh have in it more impotent poor Perfons than they are able to relieve, then the Jufti of the County may licence fo many of them as they (hall tiiink good, to beg in one or more 1 lundreds of the fame County. And if any Poor beg in any other Place than he is licenced, he (hall be punilhcd a> 1 Vagabond, according to the Stat, of 22 H. 8. EXP. J4 Eli/., c. 5. CAP. IV. An Aft containing divers Orders for Artificers, Labourers, Servants of Husbandry and Apprentices. ' A Lthough there remain and ftand in Force prefently a great Number of Acts and Statutes concerning A Repeal »ffe ' 2. the Retaining, Departing, Wages and Orders of Apprentices, Servants and Labourers, as well in macho{fmm *

  • Hufbandry as in divers other Arts, Myfteries and Occupations ; (2) yet partly for the Imperfection and s " tuT " „. con *

' Contrariety that is found, and doth appear in fundry of the faid Laws, and for the Variety and NumberK^; n Jw,JJJ* ' of them, (3) and chiefly for that the Wages and Allowances limited and rated in many of the (aid Sta-ing, Working or ' tutcs, are in divers Places too fmall and not anfwcrable to this Time, rcfpecling the Advancement of Prices Order • of Scr- ofall Things belonging to the laid Servants and Labourers ; (4) the faid Laws cannot conveniently, without vjn ', r "'i> -«•",

  • the great Grief and Burden of the poor Labourer and hired Man, be put in good and due Execution : ajj.ivekii

' (5) And as the faid fcveral Acts and Statutes were, at the Time of the making of them, thought to betionwbotiuUbe

  • very good and beneficial for the Commonwealth of this Realm (as divers of them are :) So if the Sub- compilable to
  • fiance of as many of the faid Laws as are meet to be continued, fhall be digefted and reduced into one fcrve in Huidi-

' fole Law and Statute, and in the fame an uniform Order prefcribed and limited concerning the Wages and I 1 ™/.' 5 V'J

  • other Orders for Apprentices, Servants and Labourers, there is good Hope that it will come to pais, ih-t
  • the fame Law (being duly executed) fhould banifh Idlenefs, advance Hufbandry, and yield unto the Duties, &c,
  • hired Pcrfon, both in the Time of Scarcity and in the Time of Plenty, a convenient Proportion of

' Wages.' II. Be it therefore enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That as much of all the Efta- tutes heretofore made, and every Branch of them, as touch or concern the Hiring, Keeping, Departing, Working, Wages, or Order of Servants, Workmen, Artificers, Apprentices and Labourers, or any of them, and the Penalties and Forfeitures concerning the fame, fhall be from and after the laft Day of Sep- tember next enfuing, repealed and utterly void and of none Effect ; (2) and that all the faid Statutes, and every Branch thereof, or any Matter contained in them, and not repealed by this Statute, fhall remain and be in full Force and Effect ; any Thing in this Statute to the contrary notwithstanding. III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Manner of Pcrfon or Perfons, after-; p the aforefaid laft Day of September now next enfuing, fhall retain, hire or take into Service, or caufc to be retain a S retained, hired or taken into Service, nor any Perfon (hall be retained, hired or taken into Service, by any ,nthcfe! Means or Colour, to work for any lefs Time or Term than for one whole Year, in any of the Sciences, y " " rn Crafts, Myfteries or Arts of Clothiers, Woollen Cloth Weavers, Tuckers, Fullers, Clottrworkers, Shore - men, Dyers, Hofiers, Taylors, Shoemakers, Tanners, Pewtercrs, Bakers, Brewers, Glovers, Cutlers, Smiths, Farriers, Curriers, Sadlers, Spurriers, Turners, Cappers, Hatmakers or Feltmakers, Bowyers, Fletchers, Arrow-head-makers, Butchers, Cooks or Millers. IV. And be it further enacted, That every Perfon being unmarried ; (2) and every other Pcrfon being What Sort of under the Age of thirty Years, that after the Feaft of Eq/ier next fhall marry, (3) and having been brought r* •■' up in any of the faid Arts, Crafts or Sciences ; (4) or that hath ufed or excrcifed any of them by the Space Hkble to ' in of three Years or more; (5) and not having Lands, Tenements, Rents or Hereditament;, Copyhold or J^ Freehold, of an Eftate of Inheritance, or for Term of any Life or Lives, of the clear yearly Value of forty Shillings ; (6) nor being worth of his own Goods the clear Value often Pound ; (7) and fo allowed by two Juftices of the Peace of the County where he hath molt commonlv inhabited by the Space of one whole Year, and under their Hands and Seals, (8) or by the Mayor or other Head Officer of the City, Borough or Town Corporate where fuch Perfon hath moft commonly dwelt by the Space of one whole Year, and two Alder- men, or two other difcreet Burgefies of the fame City, Borough or Town Corporate, if there be no Alder- men, under their Hands and Seals ; (9) nor being retained with any Perfon in Hufbandry, or in any af the afore-