Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/586

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536 C. 4. Anno quinto Reginse Elizabeths. A.D. 1562. aforefaid Arts and Sciences, according to this Statute ; (10) nor lawfully retained in any other Art or Sci- ence ; (11) nor being lawfully retained in Houfhold, or in any Office, with any Nobleman, Gentleman or others, according to the Laws of this Realm ; (12) nor have a convenient Farm, or other Holding in Til- lage, whereupon he may employ his Labour: (13) Shall, during the Time that he or they fhall be fo un- married, or under the faid Age of thirty Years, upon Requeft made by any Perfon ufing the Art or Myftery wherein the laid Perfon fo required hath been exercifed (as is aforefaid) be retained; (14) and fhall not refufe to ferve according to the Tenor of this Statute, upon the Pain and Penalty hereafter mentioned. No Perfon (ha!] V. And be it further enacted, That no Perfon which fhall retain any Servant, fhall put away his or her put away h Is Ser- faid Servant, (2) and that no Perfon retained according to this Statute, fhall depart from his Mafter, Mif- vant, nor (hall tre f g or £) am e, before the End of his or her Term ; (3) upon the Pain hereafter mentioned; (4) unlefs it part from his*" be f° r f orne reafonable and fufficient Caufe or Matter to be allowed before two Juftices of Peace, or one at Mafter befoie the the leaft, within the faid County, or before the Mayor or other Chief Officer of the City, Borough or Ind of his Time. Town Corporate wherein the (aid Mafter, Miftrefs or Dame inhabiteth, to whom any of the Parties The Caufe of grieved fhall complain; (5) which faid Juftices or Juftice, Mayor or Chief Officer, fhall have and take lerVsnts*™!}/ u P on them or him the Hearing and Ordering of the Matter betwixt the faid Mafter or Miftrefs, or Dame their departing, a nd Servant, according to the Equity of the Caufe. to be determined by a juftice of Peace, Mayor, Bailiff, &c. No Servant (hall VI. And that no fuch Mafter, Miftrefs or Dame, fhall put away any fuch Servant at the End of his Term, de P art > crbe P ut orthatany fuch Servant fhall depart from his faid Mafter, Miftrefs or Dame at the End of his Term, with- r<?uarter's Up0n out one Qil arter ' s Warning given before the End of his faid Term, either by the faid Mafter, Miftrefs or Warning. Dame, or Servant, the one [0 the other, upon the Pain hereafter enfuing. What Sort of VII. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Perfon between the Age of twelve Perfons are com- Years and the Age of fixty Years, not being lawfully retained, nor Apprentice with any Fifherman or Ma- by theVear ™ C r _' ner haunting the Seas ; (2) nor being in Service with any Kidder or Carrier of any Corn, Grain or Meal, Huftandry. * or Provifion of the City of London; (3) nor with any Hufbandman in Hufbandry; (4) nor in any City, Town Corporate or Market-Town, in any of the Arts or Sciences limited or appointed by this Eftatute to . have or take Apprentices ; (5) nor being retained hy the Year, or Half the Year at the leaft, for the Dig- ging, Seeking, Finding, Getting, Melting, Fining, Working, Trying, Making of any Silver, Tin, . Lead, Iron, Copper, Stone, Sea-coal, Stone-coal, Moor-coal or Cherk-coal ; (6) nor being occupied in or about the making of any Glafs ; (7) nor being aGentleman born, nor being a Student or Scholar in any of the Univerfities, or in any School ; (8) nor having Lands, Tenements, Rents or Hereditaments, for Term of Life, or of one Eftate of Inheritance, of the clear yearly Value of forty Shillings ; (9) nor being v/orth in Goods and Chattels to the Value of ten Pound ; ( 10) nor having a Father or Mother then living, ox. other Anceftor whofe Heir apparent he is, then having Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, of the yearly Value of ten Pound or above, or Goods or Chattels of the Value of forty Pound ; (11) nor being a neceffary or convenient Officer or Servant lawfully retained, as is aforefaid ; (12) nor having a convenient Farm or Holding, whereupon he may or fhall imploy his Labour-; (13) nor being otherwife lawfully re- tained, according to the true Meaning of this Eftatute ; (14) fhall after the aforefaid laft Day of September now next enfuing, by Virtue of this Eftatute, be compelled to be retained to ferve in Hufbandry by the Year, with any Perfon that keepeth Hufbandry, and will require any fuch Perfon fo to ferve, within the fame Shire where he fhall be fo required. The Forfeiture VIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That if any Perfon after he for] ■•' his: atth ci _„ UU i —j .- , ^ -■ OD -.„- his Term with- fore the faid End, as is above remembred ; (3) that then every fuch Mafter, Miftrefs or Dame fo offending, -oucWarcir.g. unlefs he or they be able to prove by two fuch fufficient Witnefies fuch reafonable and fufficient Caufe of putting away of their Servant or Servants, during their Term, or a Quarter's Warning given afore the End of the laid Term, as is aforefaid, before the Juftices of Oyer and Terminer, Juftices of Affife, Juftices of Peace in the Quarter-Seffions, or before the Mayor or other Head Officer of any City, Borough or Town Corporate, and tv/o Aldermen, or two other difcreet Burgeffes of the fame City, Borough or Town Corpo- rate, if there be no Aldermen, or before the Lord'Prefident and Council eftablifhed in the Marches of Wales, or before the Lord PreGdent and Council for the Time being eftablifhed in the North Parts, fhall forfeit the Sum of forty Shillings. The Punifhment IX. And if any Servant retained according to the Form of this Eftatute, depart from his Mafter, Miftrefs cf a Servant or Dame's Service, before the End of his Term, unlefs it be for fome reafonable and fufficient Caufe to be e»hncth"' f D m " a ^ owe< ^' as ' s aforefaid ; (2} or if any Servant at the End of his Term depart from his faid Mafter, Miftrefs in Service or "^ or Dame's Service without one Quarter's Warning given before the End of his faid Term, in Form afore-- Cruanuje. faid, and before two lawful Witnefies ; (3) or if any Perfon or Perfons compellable and bounden to be re- tained, and to. ferve in Hufbandry, or in any other the Arts, Sciences or Myfteries above remeiTibred, by the Year or otherwife, do (upon Requeft made) refufe to ferve for the Wages that fhail be limited, rated and appointed, according to the Form of this Statute ; (4) or promife or covenant to ferve, and do not ferve according to the 1 enor of the fame : (5) That then every Servant fo departing away, and every Perfon fo refilling to ferve for fuch Wages, upon Complaint thereof made by the Mafter, Miftrefs or Dame of the faid Servant, or by the Party to or with whom the faid Refufal is made, orPromife not kept, to two Juftices of Peace of the County, or to the Mayor or other Head Officer of the City, Borough or Town Corporate, and two Aldermen, or two other difcreet Burgeffes of the fame City, Borough or Town Cor- porate, if there be no Aldermen, where the faid Mafter, Miftrefs or Dame, or the faid Party to or with whom