Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/587

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A. D. 1562. Anno quinto Regincc ] 1. 1 7. abeth jl. v . whom the faid Rcfufal is made, and Promife not kept, dwelled), or to either of the (aid I i and Council, of IVala, and the North, the faid Tuftices, Lords PreGdents and ! Mayors or other Head Officers, and other Perfons of Cities, Boroughs 01 I own v of them, as is aforcfaid, (hall have Power by Force of this Statute, to h u and ex ami n finding the faid Servant, or the faid Party fo refilling faulty in the Premilk ,, upon , 'nid Matter as to their Discretions (hall be thought fufficient, to conimi without Bail or Mainprifc, until the faid Servant or Party fopfrendine (hall be bound ti> the the Offence dial! be made, to fervc and continue with him for the Wages that then (ball be limiti i in ! ap- pointed, according to the Tenor and Form of this Eftatute, and to be difcharged upon his Delivery, ■■• ithout paying any Fee to the Gaoler where ho or they (hall be fo impriloncd. A. And be it likewife enacted by the Authority aforcfaid, ' n neofthe faid retained Perfon in H bandry, or in any the Arts or Sciences above remembred. after the Tune of his Retainer expired, I part forth of one City, Town or Pari(h to another : (2) nor out of the Lath, Rape, 'A'apcnuk dred ; (3) nor out of the County or Shire where he lair ferved, to fervc in any other City, Town Cqrpo- ratc, Lath, Rape, Wapentake, Hundred, Shire or County ; (4) unlefs he have a Teftimonial under the n •• Seal of the faid City or Town Corporate, or of the Conftable or Conftablcs, or other Head ( Jtfker or Offi- cers, and of two other honcft Houlholders of the City, Town or Parifh, where he laft ferved, declaring his lawful Departure, and the Name of the Shire and Place where he dwelled laft before his Departure, ac- cording to the Form hereafter exprciled in this Aft : (5) Which Certificate or (hall be written and delivered unto the faid Servant, and alio rcgiftred by the Parfon, Vicar or Curate of the Parifh where ftich Mailer, Miilrefs or Dame doth or (hall dwell, taking for the doing thereof Two-pence, aad not above : And the Form thereof (hall be as followeth : Memorandum, That A. B. late Servant toC D. of E. Hufbandman, or Taylor, Is'c. in the County, i?c. TkeFona of is licenced to depart from his faid Mailer, and is at his Liberty to fervc elfewh.rc, according to the tlic i ' Statute in that Cafe made and provided. In Witncfs whereof, csV. Dated the Day, Month, Year and Place, &c. of the Making thereof. XI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons that (hall depart No Servant (hill out of a Service, (hall be retained or accepted into any other Service, without (hewing before his Retainer, be retained - »ith» fuch Teftimonial as is above-remembred, to the Chief Officer of the Town Corporate, and in every other ^{v "J Town and Place, to the Conftable, Curate, Churchwarden, or other Head Officer of the fame, where he Hciley 164. (hall be retained to ferve; (2) upon the Pain that every fuch Servant fo departing without fuch Certificate or Teftimonial, (hall be imprifoned until he procure a Teftimonial or Certificate; (3) the which if he The Miflcr fl-,a!i cannot do within the Space of one and twenty Days next after the firft Day of his Imprifonment, then the pay v. li. :hjt faid Perfon to be whipped and ufed as a Vagabond according to the Laws in fuch Cafes provided ; (4) and reuine'h a Ser- that every Perfon retaining any fuch Servant, without (hewing fuch Teftimonial or Certificate, as is afore-: xlftimo iaf' ' faid, (hall forfeit for every fuch Offence five Pounds : (5) And if any fuch Perfon (hall be taken with any Counterfeit ' counterfeit or forged Teftimonial, then to be whipped as a Vagabond. Tirtimonuli. XII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Artificers and Labourers, being How long La- hired for Wages by the Day or Week, (hall betwixt the Midft of the Months of March and September be and *>ourm 6»'> continue at their Work at or before five of the Clock in the Morning, and continue at work and not de- " m: , nucit U>«» part until betwixt kven and eight of the Clock at Night (except it be in the Time of Breakfaft, Dinner or Drinking, the which Times at the moft (hall not exceed above two Hours and a Half in a Day, that is to fay, at every Drinking one half Hour, for his Dinner one Hour, and for his Sleep when he is allowed to deep, the which is from the Midft of May to the Midft of Auguji, Half an Hour at the moft, and at every Breakfaft one Half Hour:) (2) And all the faid Artificers and' Labourers, between the Midft of September and the Midft of March, (hall be and continue at their Work from the Spring of the Day in the Morning until the Night of the fame Day, except it be inTime afore appointed for Breakfaft and Dinner ; (3) upon Pain to lofe and forfeit one Penny for every Hour's Abfence, to be deduced and defaulked out of his Wages that (hall fo offend. XIII. And be it alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Artificer and Labourer that fliall be g° A " " lawfully retained in and for the Building or Repairing of any Church, Home, Ship, Mill or every other d """ ' Piece of Work taken in great, in talk or in grots, or that fliall hereafter take upon him to make or finifh Woricbe any fuch Thing or Work, (hall continue and not depart from the fame, unlefs it be for not paying of his ed. W ages or Hire agreed on, or otherwife lawfully taken or appointed to ferve the Queen's >. lajefty, her Heirs or SucceiTors, or for other lawful Caufe, or without Licence of the Mailer or Owner of the Work, or of him that hath the Charge thereof, before the finiihing of the faid Work ; (2) upon Pain of Imprifonment by one Month, without Bail or Mainprize ; (3) and the Forfeiture of the Sum of five Pounds to the Party from whom he (hall fo depart ; for the which the laid Party may have his Action of Debt againft him that (h depart, in any of the Queen's Majefty's Courts of Record, over and befides fuch ordinary Cofts and Dam ges as may or ought to be recovered by the Common Laws, for or concerning any fuch Offence : In which Action no Protection, Wager of Law or Eilbin (hall be admitted. XiV. And that no other Artificer or Labourer retained in any Service, to work with the Queen's Mn- jefty or any other Perfon, depart from her faid Majefty or from the faid other Perfon, until inch Time as the Work be finifhed, if the Perfon fo retaining the Artificer or Labourer fo long will have him, and pay him hisWages or other Duties ; upon Pain of Imprifonment of every Perfon fp departing, by the Space of one Month. XV. And for the Declaration and Limitation what Wages Servants, Labourers and Artificers, either the Year or Day or otherwife, (hall have and receive, Be it enacted by the Authority o; this pj Vol II. Z z z ient.