Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/589

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A. D. 1562. Anno qwinto Reginae.EL jzabbth . C. 4. 539 Will. And be it fin thi r cna led I , Hi. ill be f > lent " ■ Purport > f 1 1 I ition; that 1 1 Conn il , Hi; .1 fuf, fn pi ill mm nt by I XIX. And thai i Branch n, or before of one ami i vein .!'■■, I nnril'c. 'ment of Wages or other Thine true Mi mum- < i ,!; , and every Writing and Bond d Utterly void and of n XXI. And be it cnacl d by h / aforefaid, That if any Servant, Workman or Labourer, fti wilfully or malicioufly make any Aflaull ty upon his Mafter, Mifti I". i that (hall at the Time of fuch AflKuIt or Affray, ■ orOverfightof any fuch Servant, Work- man or Labourer, orol the IVw: vh;rein the f.iid Servant, Workman or Labourer is appoint d or hired .: to work, and being thereof com id Id before any Two of the | [ayororothi I. .id, where the faid ( Wtcnce is coimnil <!, or before either of the faid Lords Presidents and Coiuk il b remembred, by Confcffion of the faid Servant, W&rkrnan or Labourer, or by the Teftimony, Witnefs and Oath of :wo honeft Men; that then every fitch Offender fhall fufter Imprifonn-.ent by the Space of one '<m 01 lefs, by the Difcretion of two Jufticesof Peace if it be without aTown Cforporate j (z) and if it be within a i'own Corporate, then by the Difcretion of the Mayor or Head Officer of the fame Town rate', with two others of the difcreeteft Perfons of the fame Corporation at the leaft : (3) And if the Offence fhall require further Punifhment, then to receive fuch other open Punifhnient, fo as it extend not to f>ite nor Limb, as the Jufticcs of Peace in open Scilions, or as the more Part of them, or the faid Mayor •or Head Officer, and Six or Four at the leaft of the difcreeteft Perfons of the fame Corporation, before whom 'the Offence fliall be examined, fhall think convenient for theQuality of the faid Offence fo done or committed. XXII. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That in the Time of Hay or Corn Artificers «m- eft, the Jufticcs of Peace and every of them, and alio the Conftable or other Head Officer of every [.fj; M tn n "Yn4 rownfhip upon Requcft, and for the Avoiding oftheLofsof any Corn, Grain or Hay, fhall and may caute[, all inch Artificers and Perfons as be meet to labour, by the Difcretions of the faid Juftices or Conftablcs, or other Head Officers, or by any of them, to ferve by the Day for the Mowing, Reaping, Shearing, Getting or Inning of Corn, Grain and Hay, according to the Skill and Quality of the Pcrfon; (2) and that none of the laid Perfons fhall r< i'A'c fo to io, upon Pain to fuffer Imprifonnient in the Stocks by the Space of two Days and one Night: (3) And the Conftable of the Town or oth r Head Officer of the fame, where the (aid Refufal fliall be made, upon Complaint to him made, fliall have Authority by Virtue hereof to fet the laid Offender in the Stocks for the Time aforefaid, and fhall puriifh him accordingly, upon Pain to lolc and forfeit for not doing thereof the Sum of forty Shillings. XXIIL Provided alfo, That all Peifons of the Counties where they have accuftomed to go into other '1 I' Shires for Harveft-work, and having at that Time no Harveft-work fufficient in the fame Town or County where he or they dwelt in the Winter then l:ift paft, bringing with him or them a Teftimonial under Hand and Seal of one Jufticc of the Peace of the Shire, or other Head Officer of the Town or Place thai •Hr.they come from, tellifying the fame, for the which he fhall pay hot above one Peny (other than fuch Perfons as fhall be- retained in Service, according to the- Form of this Eftatute) may repair and rcfort in Kar- of Hay or Corn, from the Counties wherein their Dwelling-place:' are, into any other Place orCoui for the only Mowing, Reaping and 'getting' of Hay, Corn or G rain, and for the only worl works, as they might have done before the Making of this Eftatute; any Thir.g herein contained to the .contrary riotwithftanding. XXIV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That two Jufticcs of Peace, the Mayor Whroer or other Head Officer of any City, Borough or Town Corporate, and two Aldermen, or two other dif-f. erect BurgetTes of the fame City, Borough or Town Corporate, if there be no Aldermen, fhall and may,- hv Virtue hereof, appoint any fuch Woman as is of the Age of twelve , i cars, and under the Age of forty,, - Years and unmarried, and forth of Sen-ice, as they fhall think meet to ferve, to be retained or ferve by tl Year, or by the Week or Day, for fuch Wages, and in fuch reafonahle Sort and Manner "as they fliall fi ■think meet'; (2) and if any fuch Woman fhall refufe fo to ferve, then it fhall be lawful for the faid Juftices •of Peace, Mayor or Head Officers, to commit fuch Woman to 'Ward, until the fhall be bou.-den to fe as is aforefaid. XXV. And for the better Advancement of Hufbandry and Tillage, and .to the Intent that fuch as are fitHud - to be made Apprentices to Hufbandry, mav be bounden thereunto, (2) enacted by the Authority lfceAj- this prefent Parliament, That every Perfon being an Houfholder, and having and tiling Halt a Plough-land pK at the leaft in Tillage, may have and receive as an Apprentice any Perfon above the Age of ten ears, and under the Age of eighteen Years, to ferve in Hufbandry, until his Age of one and. twenty ^ ears at the leaft, or until the Age of twenty-four Years, as the Parties can agree, and the faid Retainer and Taking of an Apprentice, to be made and done by Indenture. XXVI. And be it further e .« enacted, That even- Perfon being an Houfholder, and twenty-four Years cdd r ^;^™{^ At the leaft, dwelling or inhabiting, or which fhall dwell and inhabit in any City or Town Corpoi . I Zzz 2, uiing " •