Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/590

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54-o C. 4« Anno quinto Reginse Elizabeths. A. D. 1562. Corporate may ufing and exercifing any Art, Myftery or Manual Occupation there, fhall and may, after the Feaft of St.. Job* take an Appren- Baptijl next coming, during the Time that he (hall fo dwell or inhabit in any fuch City or Town Corporate, Y Ce r fm feven "k anc * exe .rcife any fuch Myftery, Art or Manual Occupation, have and retain the Son of any Freeman, Pfcfr: 3. 19. not occu Py' n g Hufbandry, nor being a Labourer, and inhabiting in the fame, or in any other City or Town Bum, v. 1. 44. that now is or hereafter ihall be and continue incorporate, to ferve and be bound as an Apprentice after the Cuflom and Order of the City of London, for feven Years at the kaft, fo as the Term and Years of fuch Apprentice do not expire or determine afore fuch Apprentice fhall be of the Age of twenty-four Years at the leaft. Merchants, &c. XXVII. Provided always, and be it enacted, That it fhall nat be lawful to any Perfon dwelling in any a ^renticeTbut ^'^ or Town Corporate, ufing or exercifing any of the Myftcries or Crafts of a Merchant trafficking by fuih whofe Pa- Traffick or Trade into any the Parts beyond the Sea, Mercer, Draper, Goldfmith, Ironmonger, Imbroi- rentsmaydifpendderer or Clothier, that doth or fhall put Cloth to making and Sale, to take any Apprentice or Servant to be sis. of Freehold, inftrufted or taught in any of the Arts, Occupations, Crafts or Myfteries which they or any of them do ufe or exercife; except fuch Servant or Apprentice be his Son; (2) or elfe that the Father and Mother of fuch Apprentice or Servant fhall have, at the Time of Taking fuch Apprentice or Servant, Lands, Tenements or other Hereditaments, of the clear yearly Valueof forty Shillings of one Eftate of Inheritance or Freehold at the leaft, to be certified under the Hands and Seals of three Juftices of the Peace of the Shire or Shires where the faid Lands, Tenements or other Hereditaments, do or fhall lie, to the Mayor, Bailiff or other Head Officers of fuch City or Town Corporate, and to be inrolled among the Records there. Whom they XXVIII. And be it further enacfted, That from and after the faid Feaft of St. John the Bapti/l next, it may have for^ fhall be lawful to every Perfon being an Houfholder, and four and twenty Years old at the leaft, and not tiaswhodwil occupying Hufbandry, nor being a Labourer, dwelling of inhabiting, or that fhall hereafter dwell or inha- in Market- bit in any Town not being incorporate, that now is or hereafter fhall be a Market-Town, fo long as the Towns not fame fhall be weekly ufed and kept as a Market-Town, and ufinj or exercifing any Art, Myftery or Ma- Csrporate. nua j Occupation, during the Time of his Abode there, and fo ufing and exercifing fuch Art, Myftery or . 129. Manual Occupation as aforefaid, to have in like Manner to Apprentice or Apprentices, the Child or Chil- dren of any other Artificer or Artificers, not occupying Hufbandry, nor being a Labourer, which now do or hereafter fhall inhabit or dwell in the fame, or in any other fuch Market-Town within the fame Shire, to ferve as Apprentice or Apprentices as is aforefaid, to any fuch Art, Myftery or Manual Occupation, as hath been ufually exercifed in any fuch Market-Town, where fuch Apprentice fhall be bound in Manner and Form abovefaid. t WIl!> Me Pr h en t XXIX. Provided always, and be it enacted, That it fhall not be lawful to any Perfon, dwelling or in- fec^dweinns"^' habiting m an Y ^ ucn Market-Town, ufing or exercifing the Feat, Myftery or Art of a Merchant, traf- a Market. Town ficking or trading into the Parts beyond the Seas, Mercer, Draper, Goldfmith, Ironmonger, In.broiderer not Corporate or Clothier, that doth or fhall put Cloth to Making and Sale, to take any Apprentice, or in any wife to may take. teach or inftrucl any Perfon in the Arts, Sciences or Myfteries laft before recited, after the Feaft of St. John Cro. El. 723. .Baptijl aforefaid; except fuch Servant or Apprentice mail be his Son; or elfe that the Father or Mother of fuch Apprentice fhall have Lands, Tenements or other Hereditaments, at the Time of taking fuch Appren- tice, of the clear yearly Value of three Pounds, of one Eftate of Inheritance or Freehold at the leaft, to be certified under the Hands and Seals of three Juftices of the Peace, of the Shire or Shires where the faid Lands, Tenements or other Hereditaments do or fhall lie, to the Head Officers or Head Officer of fuch Market-Town where fuch Apprentice or Servant fhall be taken, there to be inrolled by fuch Head Officers always to remain of Record.

  • rhe * a £f '{ icers XXX. And be it further enacted, that from and after the faid Feaft it fhall be lawful to any Perfon ufing

p 1 rentices'who(e or exercifing the Art or Occupation of a Smith, Wheel-wright, Plough-wright, Mill-wright, Carpenter, Parents may dif- Rough Mafon, Plaifterer, Sawyer, Lime-burner, Brick-maker, Bricklayer, Tyler, Slater, Helier, Tyle- pend no Land, maker, Linnen-weaver, Turner, Cowper, Millers, Earthen Potters, Woollen Weaver weaving Hufwive& or Houfhold Cloth only and none other Cloth, Fuller, otherwife called Tucker or Walker, Burner of Oare t Lev. 249. and Wood-Afhes, Thatcher or Shingler, wherefoever he or they fhall dwell or inhabit, to have or receive 2 Saik. 6u. the Son of any Perfon as Apprentice in Manner and Form aforefaid, to be taught and inftrudted in thefe Cafthewifo. Occupations only, and in none other, albeit the Father or Mother of any fuch Apprentice have not any 3 "»o • Ji— Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments. None may ufe , XXXI. And he it further ena&ed by the Authority aforefaid, That after the firft Day of May next com- ?.ny Manual Oc- ing, it fhall not be lawful to any Perfon or Perfons, other than fuch as now do lawfully ufe or exercife any cupation, except Art, Myftery or Manual Occupation, (2) to fet up, occupy, ufe or exercife any Craft, Myftery or Oc- a' hatl d let" cupation, now ufed or occupied within the Realm of England or Wales; except he fhall have been brought ' tUekaic^iQ. U P the rein feven Years at the leaft as an Apprentice, in Manner and Form abovefaid; (4) nor to fet any. 31 El. c'5. Perfon on work in fuch Myftery, Art or Occupation, being not a Workman at this Day; (5) except he 22 Geo. 2. c.44. fhall have been Apprentice as is aforefaid; (6) or elfe having ferved as an Apprentice as is aforefaid, fhall 3 Ruiftr. 279. or will become a Journeyman, or be hired by the Year; (7) upon Pain that every Perfon willingly offend- 1 Roil 3°' ' n * or ^°* n S the contrary, fnall forfeit and Iofe for every Default forty Shillings for every Month. Stile 22^3, 383- Diftillers exempted by 11 Anna:, Stat. 2. c. 3. §. 1. iLutw. 164. 1 Leo. S7. 2 Lev. 206. S Co 129. 11 Co. 54. Cro. El. 737. Cro.Jac.8r, i-^.53 s - Cro. Car. 316, 347, 499, 516. Heh. 211, 1S3. Noy 5. 1 Vent. 8,. 51, 142, 174, 326, 346, 364. 3 Kcb. 816, 843. X Mod. 26. zMod. 246. -Mod. -1-. 2 Ld' Raymond 1188, 1248. What Sort of XXXII. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Per- Jerfons Woollen fons ufmg.or exercifing the Art or Myftery of a Woollen Cloth- weaver, other than fuch as be inhabiting ■Weavers may w ithin the Counties of Cumberland, Weftmorland, Lancqjier and Wales, weaving Frizes, Cottons or Huf- take Appren- w , BKi Cloth only, making and weaving Woollen Cloth commonly fold ox to be. ibid by anyClothman or 4ices * Clothier,.