Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/591

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A- D. 1562. Anno quinto Rcginsc Elizabeths. C. 4. 54.1 Clothier, (ball take and have any Apprentice, or fh ill teach or in any wife inflrucl any Pi In the Science, Art or Occupation ol Weaving aforefaid, in any Village, TownorPlai • ' itii , I Corporate and Market- Towns only exceptj unlefs fui h Perfoo pe hi Son, 01 elfe that the Father or ' ' - thcr of fuch Apprentice or Servant fhall at the Time oi il»- taking of fui b Pi prentice or Servant, or to be fo lull: u h -I, hive Lands or Tenements or Othei its. to the clear Valueof three I'ounds at the Icaft, of. in Eftate of Inheritance or Freehold, to be certified under the Hands and Seals of three Juftices of the P ice of the Shire or Shires where the fad Land , Other Hereditaments do or (hall lie; (2) The Effect of the Indenture to be regiftred within thro in the Parifh where fuch Mailer fhall dwell, and to pay for fuel) Rcgiltring four Pence; (3) upon Pain of Forfeiture of twenty Shillings for every Month that any Perfon fhall otherwife take any Apprentice, or fct any fuch Perfon on work contrary to the Meaning of this Article. XXXIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and everv Perfon and Pcrfons Ri • that fhall have three Apprentices in any of the faid Crafts, Myftcrics or Occupations ofa Cloth-maker, 1 I r, Sheerman, Weaver, Taylor or Shoemaker, fhall retain and keep one Journeyman, and for every 1 I Apprentice above the Number of the faid three Apprentices, one other Journeyman, upon Pain for every J" Default therein ten Pounds. XXXIV. Provided always, That this Act, nor any Thing therein contained, fhall not extend to pre- a f y any Act of "* rs with the County of Norfolk, which Liberties be in Force judice or hinder any Liberties heretofore granted by any A Occupation of W01 fted-makers and Vorfted-wcavers — Thing herein contained to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding. n *•• 15 B. 8. XXXV. And be it further enacted, That if any Perfon fhall be required by any Houfholder, having and j y any Act of Parliament, to or for the Company and

rs within the City of Norwich, and elfewhere within

t *l.i_r>. •■' r.i' r r»i- -.-hind

until the beginning of this prefent Par. lament; any Norfolk,

notwithstanding. 14&15H.S, t J erfon fhall be required by any Houfholder, having and l - J- ufing Haifa Plough-land at the leaft in Tillage, to be an Apprentice, and to ferve in Hufbandry, or in any The I'unidim'nt Other Kind of Art, Myftery or Science before exprefled, and fhall refufe fo to do, That then upon the f^,'™,',, be "a Complaint of fuch Houl'ckecper made to one Jufticc of the Peace of the County wherein the faid Refufal Apprentice. is or fhall be made, or of fuch Houfholder inhabiting in any City, Town Corporate or Market-Town, to the Mayor, Bailiffs or Head Officer of the faid City, Town Corporate or Market-Town, if any fuch Re- fufal fhall there be, they fhall have full Power and Authority by Virtue hereof, to fend for the fame Perfon fo refufing : (2) And if the faid Jufticc, or the faid Mayor or Head Officer fhall think the faid Perfon meet and convenient to ferve as an Apprentice in that Art, Labour, Science or Myftery, wherein he fhall be fo then required to ferve : That then the faid |uftice, or the faid Mayor or Head Officer, fhall have Power and Authority by Virtue hereof, if the faid Perfon refufe to be bound as an Apprentice, to commit him unto Ward, there to remain until he be contented, and will be bounden to ferve as an Apprentice , lhould ferve, according to the true Intent and Meaning of this prefent Act. (3) And if any fuch Mafter The P>merf» for fhall mifufe or evil intreat his Apprentice, or that the faid Apprentice fhall have any juft Caufe to complain, ibe_ Apprentice or the Apprentice do not his Duty to his Mafter, then the faid Mafter or Apprentice being grieved, and ™ h ! c . h w^' lu,ed having Caufe to complain, fhall repair unto one Juftice of Peace within the faid Coumy, or to the Mayor / ni " ot tBe m»- or other Head Officer of the City, Town Corporate, Market-Town or other Place where the faid Mafter Her when ihe dwelleth, who fhall by his Wifdom and Difcretion take fuch Order and Direction between the faid Mafter Apprentice c<:h and his Apprentice, as the Equity of the Caufe fhall require; (4) and if for want of good Conformity in nothisDutv the faid Mafter, the faid Juftice of Peace or the faid Mayor or other Head Officer cannot compound and [ V, * 6- *?»' agree the Matter between him and his Apprentice, then the faid Juftice, or the faid Mayor or other Head 2 s^x 49c, Officer, fhall take Bond of the faid Mafter to appear at the next Seffions then to be holden in the faid 491. County, or within the faid City, Town Corporate or Market-Town, to be before the Juftices of the faid County, or the Mayor or Head Officer of the faid Town Corporate or Market-Town, if the faid Mafter dwell within any fuch ; (5) and upon his Appearance and hearing of the Matter before the faid Juftices, or Where sn Ap. the faid Mayor or other Head Officer, if it be thought meet unto them to difcharge the faid Apprentice o! ^^".^oii h't his Apprenticehood, that then the faid Juftices, or four of them at the leaft, whereof one to be of the Arprciu.cebosd. Shtonwi ; or the faid Mayor or other Head Officer, with the AfTent of three other of his Brethren, or Men of beft Reputation within the faid City, Town Corporate or Market-Town, fhall have Power by Autho- rity hereof, in Writing under their Hands and Seals, to pronounce and declare, That they have discharged the faid Apprentice of his Apprenticehood, and the Caufe thereof; (6) and the faid Writing fo being made and enrolled by the Clerk of the Peace or Town-Clerk, amongft the Records that he kceperh, fhall be a fufficient Difcharge for the faid Apprentice againft his Mafter, his Executors and Administrators ; the Indenture of the laid Apprenticehood, or any Law or Cuftom to the contrary notwithstanding. (7) And if the Default fhall be found to be in the Apprentice, then the faid Juftices, or the faid Mayor or other Head Officer, with the Affiftance aforefaid, fhall caufe fuch due Correction and Punifhment to be miniftred unto him, as by their Wifdom and Difcretions fhall be thought meet. XXXVI. Provided always, and be it enacted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That no Perfon N'one ih^ll I* fhall by Force or Colour of this Eftatute be bcanden to enter into any Apprenticcfhip, other than fuch as bou " d I0 ^ ^P- ,y,.. -*r ' rr r7 premie, but be under the Age of twenty-one Years. . - t „ K .^ ^ XXXVII. And to the End that this Eftatute may from Time to Time be carefully and diligently uader x^i! Vea™ put in gpod Execution, according to the Tenor and true Meaning thereof, be it enacted by Authority ot Age. of this prefent Parliament, That the Juftices of Peace of every County, dividing themfclvcs into fevcral ■y] c ~ i ^ of Limits, and likewife every Mayor and Head Officer of any City or Town Corporate, fliall yearly between "Ti "^ ^ the Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel, and the Nativity of our Lord, and between the Fcaft of the An- Ycar tBT [hc iat nunciation of our Lady and the Feaft of the Nativity of St. John B fptift, by all fuch Ways and Means as Execution 01" to their Wifdoms fhall be thought molt meet,, make a fpecial and diligent Enquiry of the Branches and Ar- th« sucuie. ticks