Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/592

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542 C. 4. Anno quinto Regime Elizabeths. A. D. 1562. !>,«■ 16-. pa 3 . tides of this Eftatute, and of the good Execution of the fame; and where they {hall find any Defaults, to ' fee the fame feverely corrected and punifhed, without Favour, Affection, Malice or Difpleafure. The Juftkes XXXVIII. And in Confideration of the Pains and Travel that the faid Juftices of Peace, and the Allowance for jr a ij Mayor and Head Officer fhall take and fuftain in and about the Execution of this Eftatute, it is !1S ' further ordained and enacted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That every Juftice of Peace, Mayor or Head Officer, for every Day that he fhall fit in and about the Execution of this Eftatute, fhall have allowed unto him five Shillings, to be allowed and paid unto him, or unto the faid Mayor or Head Officer, of the Fines and Forfeitures of the Pains and Penalties that fhall be forfeited and due unto the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, by Force of this Eftatute, in fuch Manner and Form as the faid Juftices have been heretofore commonly paid for their Coming and Charges at the Quarter- Seffions ; lb that the Sitting of the faid Juftices or Mayor, or Head Officer, be not at any one Time above three Days, and for the Matters contained in this Eftatute. who (hall have XXXIX. And be it enacted by Authority aforefaid, That the one Half of all Forfeitures and Penalties the ^nedT" expreffed and mentioned in this Eftatute, other than fuch as are exprefly otherwife appointed, fhall be to tth Statute! 1 Gur Sovereign Lady the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, and the other Moiety to him or them Moor 8.86. ' that fhall fue for the fame in any of the Queen's Majefty's Courts of Record, or before any of the i do. 499. Juftices of Oyer and Terminer, or before any other Juftices, or Prefident and Council before remembred, by Action of Debt, Information, Bill of Complaint or otherwife ; in which Actions or Suits, no Protec- Jufticcs of Peace, £j ons? Wager of Law or Effoin fhall be allowed; (2) and that the faid Juftices, or two of them, whereof Mayor, &c. may Qne to ,^ e qI[ - ^ ^ gnmh) anc l the faid Preftdents and Council, as is aforefaid, and the faid Mayors or other nrinVai. Offences Head Officers of Cities or Towns Corporate, fhall have full Power and Authority to hear and determine all .committed and every Offence and Offences that fhall be committed or done againft this Eftatute, or againft any againft this Sta- Branch thereof, as well upon Indictment to be taken before them in the Seffions of the Peace, as upon "vii 1 !f 1- C-5 ' Information, Action of Debt, or Bill of Complaint to be fued or exhibited by any Perfon ; (3) and fhall » Ld Ra 7 °wrd an( ^ ma Y W Virtue hereof make Procefs againft the Defendant, and' award Execution, as in any other Cafe 767.' they lawfully may by any the Laws and Statutes of this Realm ; (4) and fhall yearly in Michaelmas Term 6 Med. 220. certify by Eftreat, the Fines and Forfeitures of every the Offences contained in this Eftatute, that fhall be found before them, into the Court of Exchequer, in like Sort and Form as they be bound to certify the Eftreats for other Offences and Forfeitures to be loft before them; any Thing in this Statute contained to the contrary notwithftanding. A Provifo for XL. Provided always, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained or mentioned, fhall not be pre- the Cities ct judicial or hurtful to the Cities of London and Norwich, or to the lawful Liberties, Ufages, Cuftoms or Norwich! 1 Privileges of the fame Cities, for or concerning the having or taking of any Apprentice or Apprentices ; hut that the Citizens and Freemen of the fame Cities fhall and may take, have and retain Apprentices there, in fuch Manner and Form as they m ; ght lawfully have done before the making of this Statute; this Act, or any Thing therein contained, to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. The Forfeiture XLI. And be it alfo further enacted, That all Indentures, Covenants, Prpmiles and Bargains of or for ef him that ^g nav ; n g 5 taking or keeping of any Apprentice, otherwife hereafter to be made or taken, than is by tice otherwife" this Statute limited, ordained and appointed, fhall be clearly void in the Law, to all Intents and Purpofes; than is limited (2) and that every Perfon that fhall from henceforth take or newly retain any Apprentice contrary to the by this Statute. Tenor and true Meaning of this Act, fhall forfeit and lofe for every Apprentice fo by him taken, the Sum of ten Pounds. He that is bound c XLII. And becaufe there hath been, and is fome Queftion and Scruple moved, whether any Perfon, w'fthTn the Am ' being within the Age of one and twenty Years, and b'punden to ferve as an Apprentice, in any other of xxi. Years is * Place than in the laid City of London, fhould be bound'en,- accepted and taken as an Apprentice ;' compellable to XLIII. For the Refolution of the faid Scruple and Doubt, be it enacted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That all and every fuch Perfon or Perfons that at any Time or Times from, henceforth ihall be trs. Car. 179. bounden by Indenture to ferve as an Apprentice in any Art, Science, Occupation or Labour, according to the Tenor of this Eftatute, and in Manner and Form aforefaid, albeit the fame Apprentice, or any of them, fhall be within the Age' of one and twenty Years, at the Time of the making of their feveral Indentures, fhall be bounden to ferve for the Years in their feveral Indentures contained, as amply and largely to every Intent, as if the fame Apprentice were of full Age at the Time of the making of fuch Indentures; any Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. A Provifo for XLlV. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Inhabitants now dwel- f G d 1 rre in n S or inhabiting, or that hereafter fhall dwell or inhabit within the Town of Godalming within the County Surrey. of Surrey, within the Limits of the Watch of the faid Town, may ufe and exercife fuch Arts, Myfteries and Occupations, and take and ufe Apprentices and Servants, in fuch Manner and Form as the Inhabitants within Market-Towns by this Statute may lawfully do. Who (hall have . XLV. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all manner Amerciaments, the Forfeiture mp"j neSj Iflues and Forfeitures which fhall arife, grow, or come by reafon of any Offences or Defaults men- Corporaf CV>nS tioned in this Act, or any Branch thereof, within any City or Town Corporate, lhrll be levied, gathered and received by fuch Perfon or Perfons of the fame City or Town Corporate, as fnall be appointed by the Mayor or other Head Officers mentioned in this laid Act, to the Ufe and Maintenance of the fame C Town Corporate, in fuch Cafe and Condition as any manner other Amerciaments, Fines, Iffues or For- feitures have been ufed to be levied and employed within the fame City or Town Corporate, by reafon 0/ any Grant or Charter from the Queen's Majefty that now is, or of any her Grace's Noble Progenitors, made and granted to the fame City, Borough or Town Corporate ; ,any Thing or Claufe before-mentiuncd .and expreiTcd in this Ait .to the contrary notwithstanding. 2 XLYI.