Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/593

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A. D. 1562. Anno quinto Rcgina T. 1.1 . 543 ■

any < ithcr

■ . ■ 1 is, (a 1 the Places whither I'u returnable !. : pill in Prifon till th< fhall litul ful from wli /III. Provided 'I, keep ami . ontinue Pctty-Seflions, Authorities, in ajl Shires wherein fui 1 have been u I oforc hath been tiled and accultomcd, lb as nothing be by them done ther - to this- prefent Adt. c a r. v. An Act touching Politick Cor.flitutions for the Maintenance of the Navy. FOR the better Maintenance and Eni r aft of the Navy of this Realm ', be it cnafl the Queen'! mod excellent M .1 the Yflenl ol the Lords ! piri ; 1 ■■•■'., and the (| '■' Commons, in this prefent Parliament alVembled, and by the Authority . I hat from th of Apn I, Juno Dom. one thoufand. five hundred fix ty- tour, and fo from thenceforth it fhall be lawful to^ 5 ,j' b ' 3 all and every of the Subjects of our Sovereign Lady the Queen, her Heir? am' SuccefTors, at his and their P i. 16.' Will and Plcafure, to carry and tran id other Veflels of any of the AnySubjea may Subjects aforefaid, all ol Herrings and other Sea-rilh, to be taken upon the S . foxefaid, all ol Herrings and other Sea-hlh, to be taken upon the S . the Subjects afon it or Law to the contrary notwithstanding) ; (2) and that allg^'* .1 every Pi which fhall by Virtue of this Act tranfport or carry any Herrings or other „r irfcQu^r, Realm, to let Price, make any Reftraint, or take or demand Toll or Tax of any Sea-fifh to be brought Reftrjin-. into this Realm, or any Part thereof, being taken by any of the Subjects aforefaid in the Ships or other m,ml To " of , Veflels of the fame Subjects, upon Pain to every Perfon offending contrary to the Meaning hereof, to for- f n "o^ s b R,!a'i feit the Value of the Fifh fo retrained, prized, tolled or taxed ; any Liberty, Cuftom, Grant, Privilege or xhe Sum other Matter whatfoever to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding. III. Prov ded always, That this prefent Act, nor any Thing therein contained, (hall be prejudicial orfc-tedty 'oft hurtful to the Mayor and BurgclTes of the King's Town upon Hull, or their SuccefTors, Mayors and Bur- " v/ - 3- <=■ *4- gefies of the fame Town, or to any other Officer or Minifter of the fame Town at any Tune hereaftei ; but that they and every of them may receive, have and take all and every fuch Toll, Cultoms and Sums of Mayor, & Money, of all and every fuch Perfon and Perfons, as is limited, appointed and let forth by them to beKingfton taken in an Act of Parliament made in the three and thirtieth Year of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord Hu "- King Henry the Eighth : And that nt ithcr the laid A layor and Burgefles of Kh/gflon upon Hull, nor any In- >5 H - s - r ' J3- habitant there, or any of them, fhall rake any Advantage of that Article of this Eftatute for the Carnage of any Herrings or faked Fifh to any the Parts be ond the. Sea ; any Thing in this prefent Act mentioned, contained, fpecificd or declared in any wife to the contrary notwithstanding. IV. Be it alio enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Purveyor or other Perfon whatfoever fh; 11 N r frbm the laid firft Day of May, by Virtue of any Commiflion or otherwife, take any Herring or Sea-fifh ; ! from any of t'.e Subjects afore mentioned, that fhall take the fame in the Ships or other Veflels of the laid,)'.." Subjects as is abovefaid, otherwife than by Agreement of the Owners or Sellers of the fame Fifh, upon th Pain for every Purveyor, and other Perfon whatfoever, offending contrary to the Tenour of this Act, to Subjefis Shij>. forfeit the double Value of the Herrings or Fifh fo to be taken: (2) And it fhall be lawful for any Perfon, being Owner or Seller of any fuch Sea-nih fo taken as is aforefaid, to withfland any Perfon that will (by any Colour of Purveying or otherwife) demand any fuch Fifh, or the Toll of any fuch Fifh, without the Good-will of the Owner or Seller as aforef; V. Provided, That the Fifh called Compofition-fifh, heretofore granted to the Queen's Majeftj by the A Pnwifo f.-r Subjects of this Realm tra elling int ) tfeland, ihall be taken by her Majefty's Officers and Purv< ... fuch Sort as the fame hath bsen law fully ufed to be taken before the Malting of this Act ; (2) and " the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeilbrs, and to all other Perfons, fuch Fifhcs as be known • ? " Us -