Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/595

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A. D. 1562. Anno quinto Rcp;mne Eli / a bi I C. ^. J v),i, Ri aim -, That from and after the Feaft of Pint • next coming il I or Pi 1 this Realm to cat any Flefh upon a .■. uiu.dlv ■.': I .•.in // newly limited to us obfen , (a) upon Pain 1 in 11, .ill forfeit three Pound for every Time he or they I I oft'end, or clfe fuftlr < prifjnm nt witliout Bail or Mainprifc. XVI. And, every. Perfon or Perfons within whofc Hi or, knowing thereof, and noi cfFectuall) punifhing, or difclofii Authority to puniili the fame, forever) luch Ofl 111 to forfeit forty S . fi npl abstaining froi 1 Meats, {hall he divided into three equal P Qitc i' > , the other Part to tl rj the Third 1 • P irilh where the Odlncc is or {hall be committed, and to be lev i id by the Church/, ton in that l a V il. Pi n dedal lys, and bi it enacted, ['hat thi , nor any Thing herein contained concernii ol I! Ih, ihall in any wife extend to any Perfon or Perfons that fliall hereafter have any I. on Caufes to be contained in the lame Licence, and to be granted according to the Law in fiich Cafes pro ided : XVIII. All and every which faid Licence niul Licences fhall be void to all Intents, unlefs the fame con- 1 tain the Conditions hereafter mentioned ; that is to fay, every Licence made to any Perfon or IV. li oJ the Degree of a Lord of Parliament, or of their Wives, fliall be upon Condition, that every fo fo to be licenced (hall pay to the pooi within the Parifh where they lhall dwell or remain, in the '.' ; Fe,aft of the Purification of the blefied Virgin Mary, ; or within fix Days after thi fame] Shillings Fo c . and or Perfons being under the Degree abovefaid, ihall be upon Condition, that every fuch Perfon lo licenced fhall pay yearly fix Shillings and eight Pence to the faid L'l'e, and in Form afore mentioned. XIX. Provided always. That no Licence (hall extend to the Eating of any Beef at any Ti;ne of the Year, nor to the Eating of any Veal in any Year from the Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel unto the firft Day of 'May. XX. Provided a! lb, That all Perfons which by reafon of notorious Sicknefs fliall be enforced for Re- Li.--- of Health to eat Flefh for the Time of their Sicknefs, fhall be fufficiently licenced by the Bifltop' 1 of the Diocefc; (a) or by the Parfon, Vicar or Curate of live Parifh where fuch Perfon lhall be fick, or : / Of one of the next Pariln adjoining, if the faid Parfon, Vicar or Curate of his or their own Parifh be wilfnl, or if there be no Curate within the fame Parifh ; (3) which Licence ihall be made in Writing figned with the Hand of the Bifliop of the Dioccfe, or of the Parfon, Vicar or Curate, and not to en- dure longer than the Time of the Sicknefs : (4) And that if the Sicknefs lhall continue above the Space of ci_ght Days after fuch Licence granted, then the Licence fliall be regittred in the Church Book, with the Knowledge of one of the Churchwardens; (5) and the Party licenced fliall give to the Curate four Pence for the Entry thereof, and that Licence to endure no longer, bu: only for the Time of his, her or their Sicknefs. XXI. And if any Licence by any Parfon, Vicar or Curate, be granted to any Perfon or Perfons, other than fuch as evidently appear to have Need thereof by reafon of their Sicknefs ; not only every fuch Licence fliall be void, but alio every fuch Parfon, Vicar or Curate, fliall forfeit for every fuch Licence otherwifc granted, five Marks. XXII. Provided alfo, and be it enacted, That all Licences heretofore granted to any Subject of this The ISca Realm by any of the late Kings, or by the late Queen Mary, or by the Queen's .M.ijefty now being, or by ^*'l tti ';° ' n)r any Archbiftiop of this Realm, having Authority fo to do,' fliall be of as good Force in Law for the Jf'td- .f! !... : mfrlay <iov limited, and other accuftomed Fifh-days, as they were before the Making of this Aft for the faid ihh Act other accuftomed Fifh-days, fo as die Parties licenced do hereafter obferve all fuch Conditions as be limited ex; in this Eftatute to fuch as fliall hereafter obtain any Licences. Jvedne XXIII. And fuch Perfons alfo as heretofore were or ought to be licenced by reafon of Age or other In- Licences by the pediment or Caufe, by Order of the Ecclcfiaftical Laws, fhall enjoy the fame Privilege and accuftomed L , 3 .' A p cclefi - Liccnces ; any Thing in this Aft to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithftanding. XXIV. And be it enacted by the Atithority of this prefent Parliament, That no Forfeiture of Ship, f & 2 ph. & M. Crayer or other VefTel, or of any Apparel of the fame, nor any other Penalty or Forfeiture, fliall be ex- c. .-. tended or grow againft any Owner or Owners of any Ship, Crayer or other Veflel, for the Transporting or J, n v - .■'■■ Carrying of any Wheat or other Corn, or Things prohibited by the Eftatute made in the Parliament holden L the firft and fecond Years of King Philip and Queen Mary, unlefs the fame Owner or Owner- fhall be ,. '.." witting, knowing, aiding or confirming to the Prohibiting, Tranfporting or Carrying ; the faid Statute orating of Corn. any Thing therein mentioned to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithftanding. E X P. XXV. And be it further e'nafted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That all and eveuyW>nes flull be Perfon and Perfons, which be or fliall be by the Laws and Eftatutes ol~ this Realm, or otherwife au< . - ;' ril'ed to fell Winis by Retail in the feveral Counties and Places where they be or fhall be fo au -honied, lha!l s" and may from henceforth fell the faid Wines by Pint, Quart, Pottle, Gallon ov otherwife, at fuch Price qJ or Prices, and in fuch Form, as fhall be limited by the Queen's Majefty-'s Proclamation in that County or mar* Place, made with the Aflent of fttch Lords and other Perfons, as by the Statute made in the tw< i eighth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth were authorifed to let Price upon Wines in ;■ Vol. II. 4 A v itlv ' ' '*