Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/596

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546 C. 5. Anno quinto Rcginae Elizabeth^. A. D. 1562.

  • . ■>.<. 18 Cur. without any Pain or Forfeiture for the fame ; any Law, Ufage or Eftatute heretofore made or had to the

»'. e.'c. v f. 1 contrary hereof in any wife notwithstanding. j'ac.i. c. 5. i Ann. fiat. I. c. 12. 5 Ann. c. 27. 6 Geo. I. e. 12. 8 Geo. I. c. 18. (j. 19. 12 Geo. I. c, 28. §. 20. I Geo. z, fiat. 2. c. 17. 10 Cm. 2, t. 19. 17 G'es, 2. c. 4C 18 G«>. 2. c. 9. 26 G«>. 2. c. 12. 30 Geo, 2. c. 19. ami 32 Geo. 2. r. 19. When and upon XXVI. And be it further enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That from and after »hat Prices and the Feaft of Saint Michael the Archangel next coming, it fhall be lawful to all and every Perfon and Conditions each Perfons, being Subjects to the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and SucceiTors, only out of fuch Ports and Perfon may Creeks as by the Queen's: Majefty 's Proclamation hereafter fhall be publifhed and appointed, and not elfe- Farther p C °v^' where, to l° a d, carry or transport any Wheat, Rye, Barley, Malt, Peafe or Beans, into any Parts beyond fions relating" the Seas, to fell as a Merchandife, in Ships, Crayers or other Velfels, whereof any Englijh born Subjects hereto, then fhall be the only Owners ; (z) fo that the Price of the faid Corn or Grain fo carried or tranfported, 13 El. c. 13. exceed not the Prices hereafter following, at the Times, Havens and Places, where and when the fame

^t I- C- 2S ' Com or Grain fhall be fhipped and laden ; viz. The Quarter of Wheat at ten Shillings ; (3) the Quarter 

!, j a ^ c< 2S of Rye, Peafe or Beans, at eight Shillings ; (4) the Quarter of Barley or Malt at fix Shillings eightPence § 3. of current Money of England; any Law, Ufage or Eftatute heretofore made to the contrary hereof in any 3 Car. 1. c. 4. wife notwithilanding. §■ *4- « XXVII. And where Doubt hath heretofore been, whether the Statute in the eighteenth Year of the Seff.'i c 12 ' R e ig n or " King Henry the Sixth, heretofore made againft Soldiers retained which depart from their Cap- , ' ' ' ' tains without Licence, did or ought to extend unto Mariners and Gunners ferving on the Seas, taking jS h. 6."c! 19. ' Wages of the King or Queen of this Realm ;' (2) Be it exprefled, ordained, enacted and declared by Au- ordained 'againft thority of this prefent Parliament, That the faid Eftatute made in the faid eighteenth Year of the Reign of Soldiers, (hall King Henry the? Sixth, in all Pains, Forfeitures and other Things, did, doth and hereafter fhall extend, as extend to Marl- we ]j to a [j an( j ever -y Mariner and Gunner having taken or fhall hereafter take Preft or Wages to ferve the Hcr S S a " a Queen's Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, to all Intents and Purpofes, as the fame did or doth unto any Soldier ; any Diverfities of Opinion, Doubt, Matter or Thing to the contrary hereof in any wife notwith- ftanding. In what Cafes ' XXVIII. And where an Eftatute concerning fowing of Flax and Hemp, was made and provided in «nd Places the ' t fc s Parliament holden in the four and twentieth Year of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord King Henry a' at H 8 c 4 ' the Eighth, to be univerfal through every County of this Realm, for the better Provifion of Nets, for provided for the ' Help and Furtherance of Fifhing, and for efchewing of Idlenefs :' Sowing of Hemp XXIX. Be it ordained and enacted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That in every fuch County and Flax fhall be f t hi s Realm or Part of fuch County, where by the Queen's Majefty's Proclamation it fhall hereafter be jT"^ d

publifhed the faid Eftatute to be commodious or profitable for the Commonwealth, the faid Eftatute, and 

i^'eT.'c. 7. every Claufe, Article and Provifion therein contained, be and fhall be revived, and ftand in full Force and k. 21! ' ' Strength to be executed and performed, from the Feaft of Saint Michael the Archangel next coming, in all Things, other than in the Proportion of a Rood or fourth Part of an Acre, and in the Pain of three Shil- lings and four Pence, by the faid Eftatute limited : (2) In Place whereof, Be it ordained and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in every Cafe and Degree where by the faid former Eftatute one Rood or fourth Part of an Acre is limited to be fown with Linfeed otherwife Flaxfeed or Hempfeed ; from the faid Feaft of Saint Michael the Archangel next coming, in Stead and Lieu of the faid Rood or fourth Part of an Acre, one whole Acre or lefs, as by Proclamation in Form aforefaid fhall be limited, fhall be fown with Linfeed otherwife Flaxfeed or Hempfeed, upon Pain of Forfeiture of five Pounds for every fuch Default or Offence. What Magi. XXX. And further, Be it ordained and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every ftjch grates (hall en- f the Offences before-mentioned, as hereafter fhall be done on the main Sea or Coafts of the Sea, being no

  • , bddae'm' e 'e ^ art °^ Body of any County of this Realm, and without the Precinct, Jurifdiction and Liberties of the

the ounces' Cinque-Ports, and out of any Haven or Pier, fhall be tried and determined before the Lord Admiral of aforefaid. England or his Lieutenant, Deputy or Deputies, and other Juftices of Oyer and Terminer^ according to the a_8 H. 8. c, 15. Form of the faid Eftatute of Anno 28 Henrici 8. for Caufes of Piracy : (2) And if the fame fhall be done on the main Sea or Coafts of the Sea, within the Jurifdiction or Liberty of the Cinque-Ports, and out of any Haven or Port, then the fame to be tried and determined before the faid Lord Warden of the faid Cinque-Ports or his Lieutenant or Judge, or before Juftices of Oyer and Terminer, according to the true Form of the faid Eftatute of Anno 28 Henrici 8. for Caufes of Piracy : (3) And for all and lingular fuch other of the Offences before-mentioned, as fhall be done in the Land or within any Haven or Pier, all Juftices of Peace in their Seffions, and Mayors, Sheriff's and Bailiffs, and other Head Officers in Cities and Towns Corporate, in their Seffions or other Courts within the Limits of their Commiffions or Authorities, fhall have full Power and Authority to enquire of the Offenders of this Act, as well by the Oaths of twelve Men, as otherwife by Information, and thereupon to hear and determine the fame. XXXI. And if any Perfon or Perfons fhall be prefented before the faid Judges, Juftices or Officers, within the Limits of their Authorities, or any Information given to them of any Offender of this Act, that then they fhall have full Power and Authority upon any fuch Prefentment or Information, to make Procefs againft the Offenders of this Act, like as is commonly ufed upon Indictments of Trefpafs: (2) And if any be prefented, and afterward be convicted, by Confeflion or otherwife, that then every fuch Perfon fhall fuffer no lefs Forfeiture or Punifhment than herein is before limited : (3) AH which Forfeitures to Who fhaW have be levied in Manner and Form following ; That is to fry, fiich Forfeitures concerning eating of Flefh, »he Benefit of as are b^fc-re limited to certain Ufes, to be to the fame Ufes in that Behalf before exprefled ; (4) and all all the Eorto- ^^ Forfeitures, as according to the Tenour of this Act fhall be determinable before the faid Judges, Vires a ore a, . jL^j c ^ or ther Officers of the Admiralties aforefaid, or before Commiflioners of Oyer and Terminer in that Behaw fhall be to the Ufe of the Lord Admiral of England or Lord Warden of the Cinque-Ports, where (ucfc Offence fhall be prefented, or where the JurifdicStion of the Caufe fhall appertain : XXXIL