Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/597

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A. D. 1562. Anno quinto Reginae Eliza beth>e. C. 5. 547 XXXII. And all fuch Forfeitures, as according to the- Tcnourofthi i ACt (hall be d( •• rmiiubk before the Mayors, SherifTs, Bailiffs or other Head Officers of Citiet or Town-. Corporate, (ha)J bt union life of the Corporation Of the faid City or Town Corporate where fuch Offence! (lull be prefented, of whereto th: Juiildiclion of the Caufe lli.ill appertain. XXX11I. And that all fuch Forfeitures, as according to tho Tenour of this ASt {hall be determinable be- fore the Justices of the Peace, fhall be to the Ufe of the Queen's Majefty, herHeiij.ii .'And if any Person fhall be convict by Confeflion or otherwife, upon any Information made by any Perfon or Per- fons againft any Offender or Offenders of this Acf, in any Caufe (lave for the eating of Hcfh firft before fpc- < ially limited) that then every fuch Perfon fo convidl up>'n any Information fhall lofe fuch Forfeiture I is before limited ; the one Half thereof to be to fuch as lo fhall make the Information, and the other Hall to thofe, which upon Piefcntment, witiioat fpcciul Information, are before limited to have the whole For- feiture. XXX Admiral of Enp/and, Lord Warden of the Cinque-Ports, their Lieutenants and Judges, as the faid fuftices, fl ' J " hc ■•"*«< Ms h.i cretions. XXXV. Provided always, That no Information at the Suit of any Perfon concerning this A<£t fhaH be Wi;hin «hat of any Effect to put any Perfon to Anfwcr or Lofs of Forfeiture, except the faid Information be commenced r,me « n lnfer - within Half a Year next after the Offence done contrary to this Act ; (2) nor that any Information or Pre- m " ,on * j|! ~- ny V;,i ma*lc Jltcr the ■ i. DOOamil fkntment for the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs or Succcffors, or for the Admiral, Warden of the Cinque- oft ; Ports. Mayors or other Officers aforcfai.l, be of any Effect, to put any Perfon to Anfwer or Lofs of any ted. Forfeiture by Virtue of this Act, except the faid Information or Presentment be within one Year next after the Offence done and committed contrary to this Act. XXXVI. Provided, and be it lilccwifc enacted, That it fhall be lawful to any Perfon or Perfons to have What D 1 at his or their Table upon every JVedw-Jday, being ordered by this Fftatutc to be obferved as a Fifh-day, one Pedbn n only ufual competent Dim of Flefh of one Kind and no more, fo that he, fhc or they have alfo ferved to u f u ' h ' ' lJ ". the fame Table and Meafe at the fame Meal, three full competent ufual Dilhes of Sea-fifh of fundry Kinds. 3°,, SutflJa either frefh or fait, and that without Fraud or Covin, and fo fhall alfo order that the fame Fifh be meet and biTC Licence a fcafonable, and that it fhall be eaten or fpent in like Manner as upon Fridays or Saturdays in like Cafe arc cat ricA. EXP. ufed. XXXVII. And alfo fuch Perfons as have, or hereafter fhall have, upon good and juft Confideration, any lawful Licence to eat Flefh upon any Fifh-day (except fuch Perfons as for Sickncls fhall for the Time be, licenced by the Bifhop of the Diocefe or by their Curates, or fhall be licenced by Rcafon of Age or other Im- pediment allowed heretofore by the Eccleiiaftical Laws of this Realm) fhall be bound by Force of this Sta- tute to have for every one Difh of Flefh ferved to be eaten at their Table, one ufual Dilh of Sea-fifh, fr Ih or fait, to be likewife ferved at the fame Table, arid to be eaten or fpent without Fraud or Covin, as the like Kind is or fhall be ufually eaten or fpent on Saturdays. XXXVIII. And that thefe two Articles and Claufes next above fhall be taken and interpreted from Time to Time in the Favour of Expence of Sea-fifh, arid that the Offender or Offenders herein fhall be punifhed in like Manner as is ordered by the Eftatute for Punifhment of fuch as fhall eat Flefh upon Fridays, Satur- days or other Fifh-days. 'XXXIX. And becaufe no Manner of Perfon fhall mif-judge of the Intent of this Eftatute, limiting 1 "' 1 ' f:,t ;-v <*

  • Orders to eat Fiih, and to forbear eating of Flefh, but that the fame is purpofely intended and meant po- J^'" r"^ „ ;

' litickly for the Incrcafc of Fifhermcn and Mariners, and Repairing of Port-Towns and Navigation, and f pj^ fnd for- ' not for any Superftition to be maintained in the Choice of Meats :' bearing of FlcA. XL. Be it enacted, That whofocver fhall by Preaching, Teaching, Writing or open Speech notify, that any eating of Fifh, or forbearing of Flefh, mentioned in this Statute, is of any Neceffity for the .Saving of SImm'" °* the Soul of Man, or that it is the Service of God, otherwife than as other Politick Laws arc and be ; that then fuch Perfons fhall be punifhed as Spreaders of falfe News are and ought to be. XLI. Be it enacted in the Favour of Fifhermcn and Mariners haunting the Sea as Fifhermcn or Mariners, Fifhermc.i and TJiat none of them fhall hereafter, at any Time, be compelled againft his or their Will to ferve as any Sol- M J > | n"' ft'" diers upon the Land or upon the Sea, otherwife than as a Mariner, except it fhall be to ferve under any Cap- " ot „.^ , mi £ : . tain. of fome Ship or Veiled, for landing to do fome fpecial Exploit which Mariners have ufed to do, or under a; ers> bu: in any other Perfon having Authority to withftand any lnvafion of Enemies, or to fubdue any Rebellion with- iomc Cafe*. in the Realm, and alio except all fuch Perfons as by Tenure, lawful Cuftom or Covenant, be or fhall be otherwife bound to ferve. XLII. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Aft, or any Thing A Siring of tire therein contained, fhall not extend to take away or diminifh any Liberty, Privilege, Franchife, Forfeiture ^"i ■ >' or Amerciament, Fines, Iffucs, Wrecks of the Sea, or any other lawful Inheritance or Freehold, from any, -Perrons. Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, their Heirs or Succclibrs, for or touching any lawful Li- berty, Authority or Jurifdiction Admiral, or for Conservation of any Water that they or any of them now have lawfully, or hereafter fhall have ; any Thing in the fame to ths contrary not. 1 , ithftanding. XLIII. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Fi'hcrmen ufing in what Cafa or haunting the Sea fhall be taken by the Queen's Majefty 's Commiffioii to ferve her Highnefs as a Mariner ;~ ' ' ' '■ on the Sea ; but that the faid Commiffioii be firft brought by her Highnefs Taker or Takers to two Jv: / ig of Peace next adjoining and inhabiting to the faid Sea-Coafts, Towns or other Places, where the faid Ma- ,;_., ,. riners are fo to be taken, to the Intent the faid Juftices may choofe out and oaufe to be returned fuch fiiffi- s ■ , ; , Mari- 4 A 2 cient ..-.