Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/602

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Us C. ii, i2. -Anno quinto Reginas Elizabeths. A. D. 1562. A Reviver of the Statute of < and there made, intituled, ' An Aft Repealing certain Treasons, Felonies and Pramunire, was from thenceforth utterly repealed and made void. ' III. And forafmuch as fithence the Repeal of the fame, the faid Act is thoup-ht neceffary for the Com- monwealth of this Realm;' (2) Be it therefore enafted by our Sovereign Lady the Queen's Majefty with the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled The Clipping, ' &c. of Coins for c Gain's Sake 4 ftalj be High' Treafon, 3H.5. c. 6. ' I Mar. Serf. I. CAP. XI. An Act againft the Clipping, Wafhing, Rounding and Filing of Coins. HEREAS the Offences, of Clipping, Rounding, Wafhing and Filing of Monies or Coins of this Realm, was declared by an Act of Parliament in the Time of King Henry the Fifth to be Treafon to the King and the Realm, and according to the faid Act, the fame Offences were and did continue Treafon until the firft Year of the Reign of Qiieen Mary, at which Time tftfe Pains and Penalties due for the faid Of- fences were abrogated and taken away by the general Act of Repeal then made; (2J by Reafon whereof The Prejudices redounding to the Queen and the Realm, by Clipping, Wafh- ijig, &c. of Money. 3 Inft. 17. ' Realm, and the Dominions of the fame, by fuch Clipping, Warning, Rounding and Filing thereof not ' only to the great Difhonour of the Queen's Majefty our Sovereign Lady that now is,, by whole great Good ' nefs the new Monies or Coins of the fame are now reduced to as much Finenefs as ever hath been in an' any The Clipping, Wafhing, Rounding or 6 & 7 W. 3. c. i7-§-9- Dyer 230. They who have • Forfeitures of Lands or Goods by Grant, (hall in this Cafe en- joy them. Thefe Offences make no Cor. Trialof a Peer •by I 1 Time of her noble Progenitors, but alfo to the great Lofs and Damage of the. good Subjects of this Realm and more is like to be •hereafter, if the fame be not fpeedily met withal :' II. For Remedy whereof, Be it enafted, declared and eftablifhed by the Authority of this prefent Par- liament, That from and after the firft Day of May next coming, Clipping, Wafhing, Rounding or Filing for wicked Lucre or Gain's Sake, of any the proper Monies or Coins of this Realm or the Dominions there- of, or of the Monies or Coins of any other Realm allowed and fuffered to be current within this Realm or M6nfy° (haiiTe the Dominions thereof, - at this prefent, or that hereafter atany Time mall be the lawful Monies or Coins of adjudge'dTrea- this Realm, or of the Dominions thereof, or of any other'Realm and by Proclamation, allowed and fuffered ion. Inforced to be current here by the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs andSucceffors, mall be taken, deemed and adjudged by t% El. c.i. by Virtue of this Act to be Treafon; (2J/and the Offenders therein, their Counfel'lers, Confenters and Aiders, fhall be, from and after the fame firft Day of May, taken, deemed and adjudged as Offenders in Treafon, and being thereof lawfully convicted or attainted according to the Order and Courfe of the Laws of this Realm, mall fuffer Pains of Death, and lofe and forfeit all his and their Goods and Chattels; (3) and alfo (hall lofe and forfeit all his and their Lands and Tenements, during his and their natural Life or Lives only. ■ III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon and Perfons which have any lawful Grant to have and enjoy the Forfeiture of Lands, Tenements^ Goods or Chattels of Of- fenders and Men attainted in High Treafon, within any Manor, Lordfhip, Town, Parifh, Hundred or other Precinct within this Realm of England or Wales, fhall and may at all Times hereafter have like Li- berty to take, feize and enjoy all fuch Forfeitures of Lands, Tenements, Goods and Chattels, as fhall come or grow within their Liberties, by Force of the Attainder of any Perfon or Perfons, for and upon any Offence or Offences made Treafon by this Ait, as they or any of them mould, ought or might have, by Virtue of any. good and lawful Grant to them or any of them heretofore had or made. IV. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act, nor any Thing therein* contained, nor any Attainder or'Attainders of any Perfon or Perfons for any Offence or Offences made ruption of Blood >p rea f on by this Act, fhall in any wife extend or be judged, interpreted or expounded, to make any Cor- Dowe/ " ruption of Blood, to any the Heir or Heirs of any fuch Offender or Offenders, or to make the Wife of any fuch Offender to lofe or forfeit her Dower of or in any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, or her Title," Action or Intereft in the fame; any Thing in this Act contained, or any Attainder or Attainders hereafter to be had for any Offence or Offences made Treafon by this Act, to the contrary notwithstanding. V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any of the Lords of the Parliament, or Peer of this Realm for the Time being, fhall fortune at any Time hereafter to be indicted of any Offence jtfa/s'sP.C.376. made Treafon by this Act; that then they and every of them mall have his or their Trial by their Peers, as Tor farther Pro- j^ b een ufed heretofore in Cafes of High Treafon. iiifi&m relating ° to the Coin, fee 8 &gff. 3- c. 26. g&ioff . 3. c. 21. 1 Ann. fiat. I. c. 9. and 15 Geo. 2. c. 28. CAP. XII. An Act touching Badgers of Corn, and Drovers of Cattle to be licenced. Who fhall be ac- c ■ counted an In- grofler by the Statute of 5 & 6 Ed. 6. C'14. c IT THERE in the Seffion of Parliament holden upon Prorogation at JFeJfmin/ler the three and twentieth ' W D a y of January in the fifth Year of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord King Edward the Sixth,. ' amongft other Things it was enacted, That whatfoever Perfon or Perfons after the firft Day of May then nfex enfunfg