Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/603

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A. D. 1562. Anno qninto Regitue Elizabeth . C. 12. t enfuing fliallcngrofs or get into hi9 or their Hands, by Buyii , < c byDemiCc, Grant, orl.eafc ofLandor Fithes) any Corn growing in th , Butter, Cheek, Fifh or other dead Victuals u ithin the Realm ol i, fame a i , fh II I epied, reputed and taken an unlawful I ' vifo and Ordinance contained in the fame Aft, thatitlhould be lawful to in Badger, Lader, KiJder or Carrier, which (hall be lie© • Juftices of the Peace of the County whc:e the faid Badger, L ii ■■!• iii open l.i 01 Market, or to any other Victual! Pons I the Provilion of his or their Houfe 01 Houfea, all fuch Corn, Fifh - it caufc to I).- bo ight, and that within iicy fo buy any inc. 1 Corn, Grain, Butter or Cheefe, fo that the lain'.- (hall be ' falling, id 'II not be in any wife deemed, adjudged or taken any Often e contrary to • II, And where alio it is provided and enacted by the fame Aft of Parliament, Thai il (hall be lawful I ' ,. : l 1. 1 ver Pc: fon and Pcrfons known for a common Drover orDrovei , being li 1 allowed in Writing by three Jultices ol Peace, whereof one to be of the Quorum, of thi C ,.;■■•'•' 1 n where the fame Drover or Drovers (hall be mod abiding and dwelling, to buy Cattle 1 1 fui h • Counties where Drov rs have been wont in Time-, pall accuftomari y to buy Cattle, at ,: . Pleafure, and to fell the fame again ; (2) And that it (hall be lawful to every Perl ' (hall I and allowed by three Jultices of the Peace of the County where be (hall dwell, t^. ' (otherwife rhan by Foreftalling) Corn, Grain or Cattle, to be transported or carried b) Water from any] ' or Place within this Realm or IVales, unto any other Port or I lace within the faid Realm or Dominion ' in the faid Adt, amongft other Thing;, doth appear : Mil. Since the making of which Act, fuch a great Number of Perfons feeking only to live eafily, and to ' ;

  • leave their honeft Labour, have and do daily feek to be allowed and licenced to the 1

' being molt unfit and unmeet forthofc Purpofes, and alfo very hurtful to the Commonwealth ' as well by the inhauncing of the Prices of Corn and Grain, and other the laid Victuals, as alfo by th< dimi- ' nifhing of the Number of good and ncccilary Hufbandmen ; which faid Number of Drovers of Cattl . ' Badgers, Lader-, Kidder, and Carriers o Corn and Grain, are many Times without good Orders, and due ' Confideration, affigncd and allowed thereunto, to the great Prejudice of the Commonwealth :' IV. In Confideration whereof, Be it enacted by the Queen our Sovereign Lady, with the Aflent of thc To » h ■ , ■■ ' Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflemblcd, 1 thority of the fame, That no Drover of Cattle, Badger, Lader, Kidder, Carrier, Buyer CornorGrain, Butter and Cheefe, be from and after the Fcaft of Eqfler next after the firft Day of this ] - , lent Parliament, licenced, admitted, affigncd or allowed to thofc Offices or Doings or to any of them, bul only in the general and open Quarter-Seffi ns of the Peace, to be holden in the Shire where fuch Perfori • Perfons fo to be admitted, afligned or allowed, doth or fhall dwell, and hath or {hall have dwelled there . the Space of three Years next before the Tcjlc of his faid Licence. (2) And that no Perfon or Perfons the firft Day of Aim next coming be admitted to the faid Offices or Doings, or to any of them, but fuch only as be or have beur married A [en, and ih 11 be, at the Time of fuch Licence to be granted, Houthol I r-, and not Houfhold Servants, nor Retainers to any Perfon or Perfons, and of the Age of thirty Years at the leatt : (3) And that all Licences being ma 'c and granted as is ahovefaid, fhall have Continuance and be good only for one Year next after the Date thereof, and for no more nor longer Time, V. Which faid Licenc.s, and every of them, fhall bear Date of the i ay and Place where the faid Sef- ; fions fhall be holden, and fhall be figned and fealed with the proper Hands and Seals of three of the faid Ji - rices of the Peace, being prefent at the fame Seffions, at the lcalt ; whereof one to be of the Quorum ; upon Pain that every Perfon or Perfons that fhall take any Licence contrary to thi ! Ordinance, to lofe and forfeit to our Sovereign Lady the Queen, her Heirs and Succellbrs, Five Pounds Sterling : (3) And that all Licences made and granted, or hereafter to be made and granted, otherwife t 11 (led, (hall from and after the laid firlr. Day of May next coining be void and of none Eff ft. VI. And further, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Juftices of the Peace, in the (aid r - general and open Seffions, fhall or may by their Discretions take Bond and Surety from 'I i ■ by.'",! Recognizance, of fuch as fhall be admitted or allowed hereafter a common Drover of Cattle, Bad Kidder, Carrier or Buyer of Corn, Grain, Butter or Cheefe, that they nor any of them (hall by Colo . . his or their Licence foreftal or ingrofs, or otherwife practife or do any Aft or Thing contrary to the T< n . and true Meaning or in defrauding the faid former Eftatute, or of any Matter or Thing therein contnii (2) All which Licences, and every of them, and the faid Recognizances, ihall be made and written 1 j Clerk of the Peace of every County where fuch Licence fhall be granted, or by his lawful I none other Perfon or Perfons : (3) And every Perfon that fhall have any fuch Licenc of the Peace, or his Deputy, for making thereof, twelve Pence at the moll ; and for evei - .nee in Form ahovefaid to be made and acknowledged, eight Pence at the molt ; and for Regiftring ol the fame Licence and Recognizance, tour Pence at the molt : (4) For which faid Fee, the f id Clerk, or hi 1 my, fhall have and keep one Regiftcr-Book, and therein (hall regifter and write all ti • and Dwelling-places of fuch as fhall be licenced as aforefaid, with a brief Declaration or I Licence, and of the Day, Time and Place where fuch Licence or Licences fhall be granti Book or Regilrer the faid Clerk of the Peace, or his Deputy, (hall have and bring to e cry -Seffions, to th.- intent that it may appear what Number of Licences be and fhall be from Time to Time granted, whereby the better Confideraiion may be had thereof. Vol. II. 4B VII. P.-o-