Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/607

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A. D. 1562. Anno quinto Rcginac E li z abethje. C. 14. 5^7 IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Party u of any the Offences aforefaid, (hall and may, at hit oi fidle 'uto, again ft any tie Offend a in Highnefs Court of CHa 'I refpafs art the C the Premiffc • , by Bill i the King's G n h, or in the Court of the Exchequer; in winch S fhall be allowed lor the Party I I V. Andbe it further' fcnacted by the Authority , for any the Offeni irding to the ' nd fhall ha thereupon Punilhment Corporal according to this Act ; thai th n h< Q the fame ( mence. VI. And bfr it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, Thatalthou any inch Action or Bill to be lu I, refard, (hall aftei Vet i I pafl I Defendants, happen to rcleafe or difcharge the Judgm ution upon the lame to be difcontiincd : That yet neverth I . Difcharge or pifcontinu; extend only to difcharge fnch Gofts . ne Phirttiff fbould have had ugainft tl ant ; (•.>.) and that the > whom the faid Action or Suit Hull be | ken, fli ill and may proceed to Judgment of and upon the Rcfidue of the faid Penalti iture's, and to i the fame; the faid 'e, Difcontinuancc, or other Difcharge had, made, done or fuffcred by the Party PlaintifF, in any wife not»vithftanding ; this Act or any Thing therein contained to the contrary in Wife notwithftanding. VII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon of Perfons, being! after convicted or condemned of any the Offences aforefaid, by any th " .. after any fuch his or their Conviction or Condemnation eftfoons commit or perpetrate any of the Offences in Form aforefaid ; that then every fuch fecorid Offence or Offences fli. 11 be adjudged Felony j (2) and the Parties being thereof convicted or attainted according to the Laws of this Realm, fhall fij fuch Pains of Death, Lofs and Forfeiture of their Goods, Chattels, Lands and Tenements, as in Cafes of Felony by the Common Laws of this Realm ought to be loft or forfeited, (3) without having any Advan- tage or Benefit of Clergy or Sanctuary: (4) Saving to every Perfon and Perfons, Bodies Politick and Cor- porate, their Heirs and SuccelTors, other than the faid Offenders, and fuch as claim to their Ufes, all fuch Rights, Titles, Interests, I'ofTeffions, Liberties of Diftreffcs, Lcafes, Rents, Rcverfions, Offices and othr Profits and Advantages, which they or any of them fhall have at the Time of fuch Conviction or Attain-' der, of, in or to any the Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments of any fuch Perfon fo as is aforefaid convicted or attainted, or at any Time before, in as large and as ample Manner, to all Intents and Purpofcs, as if this Act had never been had ne made. VIII. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That any fuch Conviction or At- There /hall Ke tainder of Felony, as is aforefaid, or any Forfeiture by reafoh of the fame, fhall not in any wife extend to " 3 Forfeiture of take away the Dower of the Wife of any fuch Perfon attainted, nor to the Corruption of Blood, or Dif- f°*" "/p',!* herifon of any the Heir or Heirs of any fuch Perfon or Perfons fo attainted ; this Act, or any Thing fij^ Felony, therein contained, or any other Statute, Law, Ufage, Cuftom or Thing heretofore ufed to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. IX. Provided alfo, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act, or any Thing Officials or Re. therein contained, fhall not extend to charge any Ordinary, or any their CommiiTaries, Officials, Regifters E '^ or any other their Officers or Minifters, with any the Offences aforefaid, for putting their Seal of Office a to any Will to be exhibited unto them, not knowing the fame to be falfe or forged, or for writing of the faid Will or Probate of the fame; this Act or any Thing therein contained to the contrary not- withftanding. X. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and eery Juftices of Oyer and De- which Juftice* terminer, and Juftices of Afiife in their Circuits and every of them, fhall have full Power and Authority j™)' h " r ' n * in every of their Open and General Seffions, to enquire, hear and determine of all and every the Offence- offina aforefaid committed or done within the Limits of their Commilfiom, and to make Procefs for the Exe- 9 Co. 1 i'g. cution of the fame, as they may do againft any Perfon being indicted before them of Trefpafs, or law- Qo. El. 87, fully convicted thereof. 6o1 - XL And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all other Statutes heretofore made and A of ill provided for Forgery of falfe Deeds, Charters, Muniments or Writings, and all and every Penalty ap- oxh " S ". u !, cs pointed by the fame, fhall from and after the faid firlt: Day of jfune be void and of none Effect in the Law ; j '". any fuch Statute or Thin.: therein contained to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. 1 h. 5. c. 3. Xll. Provided always, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained, fhall not extend or be hurtful 7 H - 5- ii any wife to any Proctor, Advocate or Regifter of any Ecclefiaftical Court within this Realm, for the To v. h^t Perfon, writing, fetting forth or pleading of any Proxy made according to the Ecclefiaftical Laws or Cuftoms ,his swute fluli heretofore ufed and allowed by the Ecclefiaftical Courts of this Realm, for the Appearance of any Perfon nut cxten • or Perfons, being cited to appear in any of the faid Courts Ecclefiaftical, nor to any Archdeacon or Official, for putting their authentick Seal to the faid Proxy or Proxies, neither yet to any Judge Ecclefiaftical for admitting of the fame: (2) But that they and every of them may hereafter do in all Points concern- ing the fame, as they and every of them might lawfully have done before the making of this Act ; any Thing in this Act to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. 2