Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/608

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558 C. 1-5. Anno quinto Reginse Elizabeths. A. 0,1562. Forging of Deeds XIII. Provided always, and be it further ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or before this Sta- Perfons whatfoever, that hath of his or their own Head, or by falfe Confpiracy and Fraud with any other, tute, or pre- wittingly, fubtilly and falfely forged or made, (2) or mall before the faid firft Day of June forge and make' lent y after. any f a if e Deed, Charter or Writing fealed, or the Will of any Perfon in Writing, or any 'Court-RolL, to the Intent that the Eftate of Freehold or Inheritance, or the Right, Title or Intereft of Inheritance or Freehold of any Perfon or Perfons, of, in or to any Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, being Freehold or Copyhold, (3) or that by any fuch forged Deed, Charter, Court-Roll or Writing, be- fore the faid firft Day of June fhall or may be molefted, troubled or defeated of any the faid Eftates of any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, being Freehold or Copyhold : (4) Or if any Perfon or Perfons have heretofore publifhed or fhewed forth in Evidence, or before the faid firft Day fhall pubiifh or fhew in Evi- dence for the Proof of any Title, any falfe or forged Deed, Charter^ Writing, Will, or Court-Roll, as true, knowing the fame to be falfe and forged as is aforefaid, to the Intent above remembred, (5) and fhall be thereof attainted or convicted, according to the- Order of the Laws of this Realm, either in an Aciion of Forger of falfe Fails, or in an Action upon the Cafe at the Suit of the Party grieved, his Heirs, Executors or Afligns, that then the Party fo convicted fhall pay and yield Damages and Cofts of Suit to the Plaintiff, as fhall be aiTeffed according to the Order of the Laws of this Realm in any fuch like Action or Suit, (6) and fhall fuffer Imprifonment and pay Fine and Ranfom at the Pleafure of the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and SuccefTors. IiLto"^^-. XIV - And if an V ? erfon or Perfons fta11 aftei : the faid firft Da Y of J une P le ad, pubiifh or fhew forth Ulhin'^a forged " in Evidence or otherwife, for the Proof of any Title, any falfe and forged Deed, Charter, Writing, Will Deed made be- or Court-Roll, heretofore falfly made and forged, or to be fairly made and forged before the faid firft Day of fore this statute, June, as true, knowing the fame to be falfe and forged, (2) to the Intent to have or claim thereby any or /hortty after. Eftate of Inheritance, Freehold, or Leafe of Years, in or to any Manors, Lands, Tenements or Heredi- taments, or any Annuity, Rent or Profit, forth of any Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments ; (3) or to the Intent to alter, defeat, moleft, trouble, charge or recover the Eftate of Inheritance, Freehold, or for Years, of any Perfon in any Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents or Hereditaments ; (4) That then every Perfon and Perfons that fhall fo offend, and fhall be thereof convicted in Form firft above-remembred, fhall pay unto the Party grieved, double Cofts and Damages; (5) and fhall have Imprifonment, Lofs of Ears, flitting and fearing of Nofe, and Forfeiture of Lands, in the fame Manner and Form as above is limited for any Perfon that fhall offend by forging or publiihing of any falfe Deed or Writing as is aforefaid, after the aforefaid firft Day of June. A Lawyer or XV. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act, nor any Pain, For- Anomey plead- f e iture or Thing therein contained, fliall not extend to any Attorney, Lawyer or Counfe'Ior that fhall for cfed IOrge k' s Client plead, fhew forth or give in Evidence any falfe and forged Deed, Charter, Will, Court-Roll or other Writing, for true or good, being not party or privy to the Forging of the fame, for the pleading, fhewing forth or giving in Evidence of the fame ; any Thing in this A£t to the contrary notwithftanding. Pie din a Wri*- XVI. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act, or any Thing ting exemplified, therein contained, fhall not extend to any Perfon or Perfons that fhall plead or fhew forth any Deed or or fetting a Seal Writing exemplified under the Great Seal of England, or under the Seal of any other authentick Court of to the fame. this Realm ; (2) nor fhall extend to any Judge or Juftice, or other Perfon, that fhall caufe any Seal of any Fo, ■ farther Pn- Q 0VLX ^ t0 fo e f et to ari y r acri Deed, Charter or Writing inrolled, not knowing the fame to be falfe or forged; "ttoWenafof^ zn Y Thing in this Act to the contrary notwithftanding. Forgery fee % Geo. ?• c. "'• 12 Geo. I. c. 32. fee. 9. 2 Geo. z. c. 25. (ivkich is made ferp.tual by 9 Geo. 2. c. iS.J 4 Geo, 2. c. 18. 7 Geo, 2. c. 22, and 31 Geo. 2. c. 22. iS« antepenult and penult, -which Statutes take aivay Clergy from theje Offences. CAP. XV. An Act againft fond and fantaftical: Proprieties. Penalty for < -g-> Orafmuch as fithence the Expiration and Ending of the- Statute made in the Time of King Edward faKe and 8 fan- y ' -T the Sixth, intituled, An Ati againft [fond and fantajYical Prophecies, divers evil difpofed Perfons, inch- taftical Prophecy ' iied to the ftirring and moving of Factions, Seditions and Rebellions within this -Realmj have been the upon Arms, ' more bold to attempt the like Practices in feigning, imagining, inventing and publishing of fuch fond and Fields, Badges, .4 fantaftical Prophecies, as well concerning the Queen's Majefty, as divers honourable Perfonages, Gentle-

  • & Ed 6 ' men and otr i ers o.f this Realm, as. was ufed and practifed before the making of the faid Statute, to the
  • "j f" ' ' l great Difquiet, Trouble and Peril of the Queen's Majefty, and ofSyis her Realm :'

33 H. 8. c. 14. II. For Remedy whereof, be it ordained and enacted by the Authority of this.prefent Parliament, That The Penalty for if any Perfon and Perfons after the firft Day of May next coming do advifedly and directly advance, pubiifh publiihing of any and let forth by Writing, Printing, Signing or any other open Speech or Deed, to any. Perfon or Perfons, fantaftical Pro- any f onc i 5 fantaftical or falfe Prophecy, upon or by the Occafion of any Arms, Fields, Beafts, Badges or phecy upon f uch other jj^ fe Things acojftomed in Arms, Cognizances or Signets, or upon or by reafon of any Timei make^lnfurrec- Year or Day, Name, Bloodfhed or War, (2) to the Intent thereby to make any Rebellion, Infurrection, tion, &c. " Diffenfion, Lofs of Life, or other Difturbance within this Realm and other the -Queen's Dominions : (3) That then every fuch Perfon being thereof lawfully convicted according to the due Cburfe of th,° Laws of this. Realm, fcr every fuch Offence fhall fuffer Imprifonment of his Body by the Space of one Year, without, Bail or Mai-nprife, and fhall forfeit for every fuch Offence the Sum of ten Pounds. The Penalty. for jjj An( j jf an y f uc h Offender do after fuch Conviction eftfoons offend- in any of the Premiffes, and the fecund Of- bg t h ereo f lawfully convicted, as is aforefaid; that then every fuch Offender fhall for his fecond Offence e " t and