Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/610

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ii H. 7. c. 13. In the Statute 0/ I Ed. 6. c. 5. touching carry- ing of Horfes out of this Realm, this Branch Jhall be repealed, viz. (for their only Occupation in their Journeys, and not to the Intent to fell.) Tor farther Pro- vifiom concerning 560 C. 1$, 20. Anno quinto Reginse Elizabeths. A. D. 15^2. CAP. XIX. An Act to repeal a Branch of a Statute made Anno primo Edw 6. c. 5. touching the Conveying of Horfes out of the Realm. WHERE in the Parliament holden at Wejlminjhr in the firft Year of the Reign of the late King Edward the Sixth, Brother to our Sovereign Lady the '^jueen's Majefty that now is, amonglt divers other Statutes, there was one Act and Statute made againit the Carrying and Conveying of any Horfes, Geldings or Mares out of this Realm : In which Aft, amongft other Things, there is one Provifo or Branch contained in thefe Words hereafter following; That is o fay, Provided always, That it fhall be lawful to every of the King's Subjects that fhall pafs over beyond the Sea, to fhip and carry with them Horfes or Geldings for their only Occupation in their Journeys, and not to the Intent to fell the fame beyond the Sea; (2) and that Intent to be judged by Oath of him or them that fo will carry oyer any Horfe or Gelding ; which Oath fhall be taken before the Cuftomers or their Deputies, or Searcher of every fuch Port where the fame Horfe or Gelding fhall be fhipped, before the Shipping thereof; as by the fame Aft and Provifo it doth and may appear : (3) And although the fame Aft and Statute, in all Parts thereof (except the laid Provifo) is very beneficial and profitable for this Realm : Yet neverthelefs, by Colour of the faid Provifo and Branch contained in the faid Statute, manyevil-difpofed Perfons of a co- vetous and greedy Defire do daily tranfport out of this Realm very great IN umbers of Horfes and Geld- ings, and do exchange and fell the fame in the Parts beyond the Seas, for their own private Lucre and Gain : (4) And becaufe the Trial of fuch Offences is by Force of the faid Provifo and Branch mentioned in the faid Statute, no otherwife to be tried or judged but only by the Oath of the Offender himfelf ; there- fore the Offenders therein do efcape unpunifned, and thereby many Perfons are greatly incouraged daily to

  • commit the like Offences contrary to the true Meaning and Intent of the faid Statute:'

II. For Redrefs whereof, be it enafted by the Queen's Majelfy, with the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aficmbled, and by Authority of the fame, That all the faid Provifo and Branch before rehearfed, mentioned and contained within the faid Aft and Statute, and every Article and Sentence contained within the faid Provifo, fhall from henceforth be re- pealed, made void and of none Effect : And that all the Refidue of the faid Aft and Statute fhall ftand, remain and be in full Force and Strength ; any Thing herein fpecified to the contrary notwithftanding. Horjafee 8 El. c. 8. 31 El. c. 12. 21 Jac. 1. c. 28. §. 12. 13 Geo. 2. c. 19. and 18 Geo. 2. c. 34. §. 11. C A P. XX. An Act for further Punifhment of Vagabonds, calling themfelves Egyptians. WHEREAS fithence the Aft made in the firft and fecond Years of the late King and Queen, King Philip and Queen Mary, for the Punifhment of that falfe and fubtil Company of Vagabonds calling themfelves Egyptians, there is a Scruple and Doubt rifen, whether fuch Perfons as being born within this Realm of England, or other the Queen's Highnefs Dominions, and are or fhall become of the Fellowfhip or Company of the faid Vagabonds,' by transforming or difguifing themfelves in their Ap- parel, or in a certain counterfeit Speech or Behaviour, are punifhable by the faid Aft in like Manner as others of that Sort are, being Strangers born and tranfported into this Realm of England :' The Statute of II. Therefore for the avoiding of all Doubts and Ambiguities in that Behalf, and to the Intent that all 1 &2 Ph.&M. f U ch fturdy and falfe Vagabonds of that Sort, living only upon the Spoil of the fimple People, may be con- yj' concerning dignly met withal and punifhed, (2) Be it enafted by the Queen our Sovereign Lady, the Lords Spiritual cOTtmucL a an< ^ Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament afiembled, and by the Authority of the fame, Force. "That the faid Statute made in the firft and fecond Years of the faid late King and Queen concerning thofe Vaga onus calling themfelves Egyptians, fhall continue, remain and be in full Force, Strength and Effeft. It fhall be Felony III. And yet moreover, be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon and Perfons, for Egyptians, or which from and after the firft Day of May now next enfuing fhall be feen or found within this Realm of Eng- Tlti™ t t ' h unter " land or Wales, in any Company or Fellowfhip of Vagabonds, commonly called or calling themfejves Egyp- felveTlike'to" tians, or counterfeiting, transforming or difguifing themfelves by their Apparel, Speech or other Beh.i- them, to remain viour, like unto fuch Vagabonds, commonly called, or calling themfelves Egyptians, and fo fhall or do a Month in this continue and remain in the fame, either at one Time or at feveral Times, by the Space of one Month : Realm. That then the faid Perfon or Perfons fhall by Virtue of this Aft be deemed and judged a Felon and Felons ; (2) and fhall therefore fuffer Pains of Death, Lois of Lands and Goods, as in Cafes of Felony by the Order of the Common Laws of this Realm; (3) and mall upon the Trial of them, or of any ef them therein, be tried in the County and by the Inhabitants of the County or Place where they or he ftnil be apprehended or taken, and not per medietatem lingua: ; (4) and fhall iofe the Privilege and Benefit of Sanftuary and Clergy. To what Perfons ' IV. Provided always, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Aft fhall not in any wife this Aft fhall extend to any Child or Children being within the Age of fourteen Years, nor to any of the faid Perfons net extend. being in Prifon the laft Day of this prefent Parliament ; fo that he or they fo being in Prifon, do within fourteen Days next after his or their Delivery out of Prifon, either depart out of this Realm of England and IVaki, or yut him or themfelves to fome honeft Service, or exercife tome lawful Work, Trade or Occu- pation,