Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/611

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A. D. 1562. Anno quinto Region Elizabeths. I ?t. pation, and utt rly forfalia the faid idle and falfo 1 , < khaviou of the (aid and dilguifed ■>?. bonds, commonly called or calling thi tptiani, V . Froi ided .iii >, and he 1: enai ted by the Authority aforefaid,' I bat tl (beand Yean of the faid late King and Queen! lhall noi e any the Queen's Maj city's Dominions, to depart out ol this Realm <>t E-. ■'...■ .' ." drain and Poind them and every ol them to leave their (aid naughty, idle and ungodl) Lil and to plaa thcmfelv' in fome honefl Service, "i 1 1 cxercile themfelves a* home with • re, honcftly in fome lawful Work, l itpationj any Thing mentioned in the (kid Act to the contrary hereof in any wife noiwithllanding. C A 1'. XXI. An Add; for punifliing of unlawful taking of Fifh, Deer or Hawks. 4 TT7TfERE as well the Queen's Majefty, and her mod noble Progenitors, as alio the N ' ' VV Gentlemen, and divers other Perforu of great Dominion*, Lorafllips, Manor-, and P • :.; ' within this Realm, have of ancient and long Time had, and many of them now ol late, to th ir ;•

  • Colts and Charges, for the neccflary and better Proviiion and Maintenance ol" their Houfholds, li..

1 ami made in and upon their feveral Demeans, Grounds and Pollcilions, as well Pi ol ' for the Caufes afore declared ; (3) and alio have Breeding within their Woods and Grounds, div< r i • of Hawks of fundry Kinds, to tiieir great l'leafurc and Commodity: (4) Yet ncverthelci. , the fid I ' Waters, Grounds, 1'arks and Inclofures, fo being had, erected and made, and alfo being fo ftorc . ' replenifhed, have been from Time to Time by evil difpofed Perfons, of a very evil, wilful and infolent ' Difpofition, and of Malice and Difpleafure, not only by Night-time broken and entered into, b' I 1 the Heads or Dams of the laid Ponds, Pools, Stagnes, Motes, Stews or feveral Waters, have been ma- ' li.ioufly, wilfully and unlawfully cut out, and the Pales, Fences and Inclofures of the faid Parks and c Grounds broken, cafl down and let open, and the Fifh, Deer and Hawks within the fame, taken, de- ' droved, carri I m ry and ftolen, (5) not only to the great Lofs and Damage of the Owners thereof, and

  • to the fmall Incouragement of other good Subjects, minding the careful Provilion of fuch nee

' Victuals, but alfo to the manifeft Emboldning of many like wilful Malefactors and malicious Offenders, ' whereby many Riots, Manilaughters, Mifchicf^ and other Ineonveniencies have been daily perpetrated, and like to be committed and done, if circumfpect Remedy be not hereunto provided:' II. Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Majefty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and theiVH Commons, of this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That if any <•'*-'■-■ Perfon' or Perfons after the Feaft of Pentecoft next coming, fliall at any Time by Day or by Night, un- law fully without Authority, break, cut down, cut out or deftroy, any Head or Heads, Dam or Darns of any Ponds, Pcols, Motes, Stagnes, Stews or feveral Pits wherein Fifh are or fhu.ll happen to be put in or ftored w'uhal, by the Owners or PollciTioncrs thereof; (2) or do or fliall wrongfully fifh in any of the faid feveral Ponds, Pools, Motes, Stagnes, Stews or Pits, (3) to the Intent to deftroy, kill, rake or Ileal away any of the fame Fifh, againft the Will, Mind or Pleafure of the Owners or Pofleffioners of the fame; (4) not having any lawful Title or Authority fo to do, and thereof be lawfully convicted at the ouu of ou - bovereign Lady the Queen, her Heirs or Succeffo s, or the Party grieved ; (hall fuffcr In p ifonment of his or their Bodies by the Space of three Months, (5) and fhall yield and pay to the Party grieved his treble Damages; (6) and after the faid three Months expired fliall find fuf&cient Sureties for his or their good Abeanng againft the Queen our Sovereign Lady, her Heirs and Succeflors, and all her Liege People, for the Space of feven Years after; or clfc (hall remain and continue ftill in Prifon without Bail or Main- prife, until fuch Time as he or they fo offending can and fhall find fuch futBcient Sureties, during the faid Time and Space of i'^vvn Years ; s is afbrefaid. III. And be it alfo enacted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That if any Perfon or Perfons, aft,' ; the faid Feaft of Pentccoji next coming, at any Time by Night or by Day, in Manner aforefaid, wr< 1 fully or unlawfully break or enter into any Park impaled, or any other feveral Ground cl lid with W Pale or Hedge, and ufed for the Keeping, Breeding and Cherifhmg of I cer, and fo wrongfully hunt, drive or chafe out, or take, kill or flay any Deer within any fuch impaled Park or doled Ground with V .., Pale or other Inclofure, and ufed for Deer as is aforefaid ; (2) or do or lhall t;.ke away any Hawk or 1 .c or the Eggs of any of them, by any Ways or Means unlawfully out of any the W oods or Ground of any Perfon or Perfons, ( not having lawful Authority or Licence fo to do) ; (3) and thereof be lawfully con. ic at the Suit of our Sovereign Lady the Queen, or the Party grieved as is aforeiaid ; fhall likewife fuffer l;n- brifonment of his or their Bodies by the Space of three Months; (4) and (hall yield and pay to grieved his treble Damages ; (5) and after the faid three Months expired, (lull find fi in. ient 1 or their good Abearing for the Space of feven Years after, againft the Queen's Majefty, her H irs and Suet ceflbrs, and all her Liege People as is aforefaid; or elfe fhall remain and continue ftill in Prifon, wit. Bail or Mainprife, until fuch Time as he or they fo offending, can and fhall find iWh fufficicnt Si+.- during the faid Time of feven Years as K afore rehearfed. Vol. II. 4C