Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/612

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562 C. 22. Anno quinto 'Regirue Eliz abethjE. A. D. 1562. A Park indofea IV. Provided always, That this Aft, or any Thing therein contained, extend not to any Park or in- by the Licence elofed Ground hereafter to be made and ufed for Deer, without theGrant or Licence of our Sovereign -Lady qf the Quqejr, the Queen, her Heirs, Succefibrs or Progenitors. The Re d ^ ' P rov ^* f ' always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall be lawful for the Party of the Party grieved to fue and take his further Remedy againft all and every fuch Offender and Offenders, for his Loft ijne./ed, and and" Damages, and to recover the treble Value of the fame in this Behalf, as v/ell before Juftices of Oyer before whom, and Deter;niner, Juftices of Afftfes in their Circuits, and Juftices of the Peace, as elfewhere in any other the Queen's Courts of Record; (z) and that upon the true Satisfaction of the faid treble Damages to the Party grieved, or upon the Confefiion and Knowledge thereof by the fame Party, before the faid Juftices in Seve& mav re °P en Seflions to be holden within the County where the Offence was committed, it fhall be at the Liberty leafe the Sureti- of the fame Party grieved to whom the faid Offence was committed, to releafe at his Pleafure the faid Sure- ihip of gcod tifhip of good Abearing, at any Time within the faid feven Years or before; any Thing in this prefent Act Abearing. before fpecified or expreffed to the contrary notwithftanding. What juftioes VI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Juftices of Oyer and Determiner, may hem and -Juftices of AfTize in their Circuits, and Juftices of the Peace and Gaol-delivery in their Seffions, fhall by L ffenct"aforc;. Virtue hereof have Power and Authority to enquire, hear and determine all and Angular the Offences faid, v ' aforefaid, and to make and award 'rrocefs thereupon, as well upon Indictment's taken before them, as by Bill of Complaint, Information or any other Action; in which Suit or Action no Effoin, Wager of Law , nor Protection fhall be allowed. AeKfi frf ^^' ^ n< * k c ll ^ mt ^ er enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons at any Peace may re- Time hereafter fhall fortune to be bound before any of the Juftices before mentioned, to the Queen, her leafe the Of- Heirs or Succefibrs, for his or their good Abearing for feven Years, according to the TenOr of this Act, Fender of the and the fame Party or Parties fo bound fhall afterwards within the faid feven Years come before the Juftices good a bearing. f t^g p eaC e of the faid County where the faid Offence was committed, or fome of them, in open Seffiori: - , vildmlJathz' anc ^ there in the faid open Seilions conrefs and acknowledge his or their laid Offence or Offences, and be hereto fee x Jac. forry_ therefore, and fatisfy the Party or Parties grieved, according to the Tenor of this Act, That then the 1. c. 27. 7 JU. faid Juftices before whom the Confeffion fhall be fo made fhall and may have Power and Authority by Virtue 1. e. 13. 22 £s' f xMs Act, in the fame open Seifion, or in any other open Seffion afterwards to be holden before the faid 2 ' 3 ^" r 'Tp w^' Juftices in the faid County, within the faid Term of feven Years, if it fhall feem good to their Difcretions, r . 23T k'Am. ' t0 difcharge the faid Recognizance and Bond fo taken, and alio the faid Party and Parties fo bound; this c. 14. 9 Ar.n. c. Act or any Thing therein contained to the contraty thereof notwithftanding. 25. 3 Geo. I. c. 11. S Geo. I. c. 19. loGeo.z. c. 32. and a'j Gio. 2. c. 12. CAP. XXII. An Act againft carrying over Seas, Sheep-fkins and Pelts, not being Staple-ware. 27H.S. c.14. « T^OR Reformation of many Griefs, lamentably declared this prefent Parliament, by divers Artificers ftmwtoftall ' * °^ t ^ s R- ea l m working Leather,' It may pleafa your Royal Majefty, that it may be enacted and tranfport any eftablifhed with the Affent of this High Court of Parliament, That it fhall not be lawful to or for any Skins of Stag, Manner of Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, from and after the firft Day of May next coming, to make any Hind, Buck, Pelts, that is to fay, to pull, {hear, clip or take away the Wool of any Sheep-fkin or Lamb-fkin, or to buy Dee, &c. or the an y skin f an y Stag, Hind, Buck, Doe, Goat, Fawn or Kid, or the Pelts or Skins of any of them, un- of them Tna^ ^ s ^ uc ^ P erlon or Perfons fo making any Pelts, or buying fuch Skins as is aforefaid, do make or caufe for what Pur- to be made thereof, tawed or lawfully tanned Leather or Parchment, or otherwife convert the fame into pofes they be Semits, Pannels or other their own neceffary Ufes; (2) upon Pain that every Perfon fo making Pelts, or made and bought |, U yi n g an y f the Skins or Pelts aforefaid, contrary to the Meaning of this Act, fhall forfeit and lofe the Realm. Value of all fuch Pelts or Skins fo made and bought, and two Shillings Six-pence for every Skin or Pelt fo BunV. 3 no. bought, or Pelt fo made as is aforefaid. The Penalty fcr "• ^nd be it further enacted, That it fhall not be lawful to or for any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, tranfporting of from and after the Feaft aforefaid, to fhip or convey, or caufe or procure to be fhipped or conveyed, in or Sheep-ikins, to any Ship, Boat or Veffel in or upon the Sea, or in or upon any Haven, River, Creek or Place within if mb i"d' t' &C ' *^* 8 ■^■ ea ^ m °f England and Wales or either of them, any Manner of Sheep-fkins, Woolfels, Shorlings, g £ P " c e y as Morelings or the Skins of any Stag, Hind, Buck, Doe, Goat, Fawn or Kid, or the Pelts or Skins of any to tranfporting of them, or the Leather made of them or any of them, to the Intent to tranfport or carry the fame into any •of tawed Lea- of the Parts beyond the Seas, there to be uttered, bartered or fold by way of Merchandize or other- s'!" m l d - e ° f wife; (2) upon Pain of Forfeiture of all fuch Skins or Pelts, bought, laden, fhipped or tranfported con- &<Tc ~v £S &C ' trary t0 t ^ c * enor anc * true Meaning °f this Aft, or the Value of them; (3) and alfo two Shillings fix- """ '"' 5 ' pence of lawful Money of England, for every Fell, Shorling, Morcling, Pek or Skin aforefaid, bought, laden, fhipped or tranfported contrary to the Tenor and true Meaning of this prefent Act : (4) The Moiety v of all which Forfeitures fhall be to our Sovereign Lady the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succefibrs;. and the other Moiety to him or them that will fue for the fame by Action, Bill, Plaint, Information or otherwife, in any of the Queen's Majefty 's Courts : In which Action no Effoin,. Protection or Injunction ihall be admitted or allowed. III.. Provided always. That it fhall and may be lawful to the Merchants of the Staple, the Merchants of Wares that may NewcajHe upon Tine, Hartlepool and Berwick, their Servants, Factors and Attornies, and every of them,, be lawfully to carr y anc j tranfport all fuch lawful Wares as heretofore they have been accuftomed and lav/fully might; !.""Xi erchant. an Y Thing, in this Aft to. the contrary notwithftanding. Further Prvvifions relating hereto, 8' El. c. 14. 18 El. c. 9. 3 Jae. 1. c. 9. 4 J» 1, (. 6, 13 & 14. Car, 2. c, 7. 9 Am. c, 6 £f 11, 10 Am. c. 26. 12 Aim. z Gm. i.e. 4.- 5.G»-l. c. 2. and izG«. z.-c, 35. CAP