Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/620

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57"^ C. r. Anno odtavo Reginae Elizabeths. A. D. 1565. ' or they fhall think meet r nd convenient, to exercife, ufe, occupy and execute under her Highnefs, ail Man- ' nc-r of juriidic'iion, Privileges, Preheminences and Authorities, in any wife touching or cone rning-any ' Spiritual or Ecclefiaftical Power or Jurisdiction within this Realm, or any other her Highnefs Dominions ' or Countries : (7) And alio by the fame Act and Statute, the faid Act made in the five and twentieth Year ' of the Reign of the faid late king Henry the Eighth, for the Order and Form of the electing and making of ' the faid Archbilhops and Bifhops, together with divers other Statutes touching the Jurifdidtion over the State " ]!cclefiaftical, is revived and made in full Force and Effect, as by the fame Act and Statute more plainly ap- El c ' peareth : (8) And that alio by another Act and Statute made in the faid Parliament in the firft Year of the ' Reign of our faid Sovereign Lady, intituled, An Ali for the Uniformity of Common Prcyer, and Service in the ' Church, and the Adminijlration of Sacraments^ the faid Book of Common Prayer, and the Admimftration of ' Sacraments, and other the faid Orders, Rites and Ceremonies before-mentioned, and all Things therein con- ' tamed, with certain Additions therein newlyadded and appointed by the faid Eftatute, is fully eftablifhcd and ' authorifed to be ufed in all Places within this Realm, and all other the Queen's Majefty's Dominions and Court* ' tries; as by the faid Act, amongft other Things, more plainly appeareth : (9) Whereupon our faid Sovereign ' Lady, the Queen's moll: excellent Majefty_, being moft juftly and lawfully inverted in the Imperial Crown of ' this Realm, with all Authorities, Preheminences and Dignities thereunto appertaining, and thereby having ' in her Majefty's Order and Difpofition all the faid Jurifdictions, Power and Authorities over the State Ec- c clefiaftical and Temporal, as well in Caufes Ecclefiaftical as Temporal, within this Realm and other her ' Majefty's Dominions and Countries, hath by her fupream Authority, at divers Times fr.hence the Begin- ' ning of her Majefty's Reign, caufed divers and fundry grave and' well learned Men to be duly elected, 4 made and confecrated Archbilhops and Bifhops of divers Archbifhopricks and Bifhopricks within this ' Realm, and other her Majefty's Dominions and Countries, according to fuch Order and Form, and with ' fuch Ceremonies in and about their Confecrations, as were allowed and fet forth by the faid Acts, Sta- TheQncen by ' tutes and Orders annexed to the faid Bock of Common Prayer before-mentioned : (ic) And further, for the her fupream Au- 1 avoiding of all Ambiguities and Queftions that might be objected ag.inft the lawful Confirmations, In- oiversVtrfoL ' veiling and Confecrations of the faid Archbifhops and Bifhops, her Highnefs in her Letter;. Patents under to be elefted ' the Great Se and conl'ecrsted ' and ConfeCH chbifhops Bifhops, seal of England, directed to any Archbifhop, Bifhop or others, for the Confirming, Invcfting rrating of any Perfon elected to the Office or Dignity of any Archbifhop or Bifhop, hath not ' only ufed fuch W ords and Sentences as were accuftomed to be ufed by the faid late King H< nry and King ' Echuard, her Majefty's Father and Brother, in their like Letters Patents made for fuch Caufes, but ..lib ejavimg Bifhops. ' of the Effect and true Intent of the faid Laws and Statutes, and of the fupream and abfolute Authority of ' the Queen's Highnefs, and which fhe by her Majefty's faid Letters Patents hath ufed and put in ure in c and about the Making and Confecrating of the faid Archbifhops and Bifhops, it is and may be very evi- ' dent and apparent, that no Caufe of Scruple, Ambigiity or Doubt, can or may juftly be objected againft ' the faid Election?, Confirmations or Confecrations, or any other material Thing meet to be ufed or had ia ' or about the fame; "but that every Thing requifvte. and material for that Purpofe hath been made and done ' as preciiely, and with as great a Care and Diligence, or rather more, as ever the like was done before hec ' Majefty's Time, as the Records of her Majefty's faid Father and Brother's Time, and alfo of her own. ' Time, will more plainly teftify and declare :' A f Con j? rnna cn III. Wherefore for the plain Declaration of all the PremifTes, and to the Intent that the fame may the j E] C c "'touch- better b e known to every of the Queen's Majefty's Subjects, whereby fuch evil Speech as heretofore hath ing the Cook of been ufed againft the high State of Prelacy may hereafter ceafe, (2) be it now declared and enacted by the Common Prjyer Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the faid Act and Statute made in the firft Year of the Reign of and Adminifh-a- our r a i(j Sovereign Lady the Queen's Majefty, whereby the faid Book of Common Prayer and the Admi- uon o^t e a- n;fj- ra tj on f Sacraments, with other Rites and Ceremonies, is authorifed and allowed to be ufed, fhall ftand a Confirmation ana " remain good and perfect, to all Refpects and Purpofes : (3) And that fuch Order and Form for the of the Statute of Confecrating of Archbifhops and Bifhops, and for the making of Priefts, Deacons and Minifters, as was 5 & 6 £d. 6. fet forth in the Time of the faid late King Edward the Sixth, and added to the faid Book of Common Prayer, e..i. touching anc ] authorifed by Parliament in the fifth and fixth Years of the faid late King, ihall iland and be in full rnnfivratinv Force and Effect, and fhall from henceforth be ufed and obferved in all Places within this Realm, and other Archbifhops, &c the Queen's Majelty s Dominions and Countries : Aits dan- IV. And that all Acts and Things heretofore had, made or done by any Perfon or Perfons in or about any Confecration, Confirmation or Inverting of any Perfon or Perfons elected to the Office or Dignity o L i any Archbifhop or Bifhop within this Realm, or within any other the Queen's Majefty's Dominions or Coun- _.fon""" 5 tries, by Virtue of the Queen's Majefty's Letters Patents or Comrniilion fkhence the Beginning of her Ma- ele'&ed to be Bi- jefty's Reign, be and fhall be by Authority of this prefent Parliament declared, judged and deemed at and flio? by virtue f r om every of the feveral Times of the doing thereof, good and perfect to all Refpects and Purpofes j ° f the ^™ ( s any Matter or Thing that can or may be objected to the contrary thereof in any wife notwith-> fithe'r'ce Ine'lk- Sanding. ginning of her- Reign, fhaJl be good. All Perfons V. And that all Perfons that have been or fhall be made, ordered or confecrated Archbifhops, Bifhops, '"^BWn™ be P rle? cs i Minifters of God's holy Word and Sacraments, or Deacons, after the Form and Order prefcribed Priefts Mini- m the ^" a '^ Crier and Form how Archbifhops, Bifhops, Priefts, Deacons and Minifters fhould be confer fters, &c. ac- crated, made and ordered, be in very Deed, and alfo by Authority heiroof declared and enacted to be, and wording to the fhall. ' Perfon

