Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/619

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A. D. 1565. Anno oflavo Reginru El I / 1 B r C. 1 . C A P. '. A Subfidy and two Fifteens granted to the Qu sen b C A : 'I lie Queen's general and free Pardon confirmed by Parliament, • Anno odlavo Rcginoe Elizabeth e. AT the Parliament by Prorogation holden at Wejtminjltr the lafl Day of Sett mbir in the eighth Vearc« T it .,, of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth, by the Grace of G met and Ire- land, Queen, Defender of the Faith, ts'c. And iliere continued until the Diflblution of the fame: To the high Pleafure of Almighty God, and Wcal-pubJick of this Realm, amongft other, were enacted as •followed). CAP. I. An Ad declaring the making and confecrating of the Archbifhops and Bifhops of this Realm to be good, lawful and perfect. FOr.ifmuch as divers Qucftions, by overmuch Boldnefs of Speech and Talk amongft many of the com- ' mon Sort of People being unlearned, hath lately grown upon the making and confecrating of Arch- bifhops and Bifhops within this Realm, whether the fame were and be duly and orderly done accordin" 1 / ' the Law or not, which is much tending to the Slander of all the State of the Clergy, bci ;j; one of the great States of this Realm: (2) Therefore for the Avoiding of fuch flandcrous Speech, ana to the Intent thai every Man that is willing to know the Truth, may plainly undcrftand that the fame evil Speech and Talk i 1 not grounded upon any juft Matter or Caufe, It is thought convenient hereby partly to tourh fuch Au- thorities as do allow and approve the making and confecrating of the fame Archbifhops and Bifhop. to be.1 ' duly and orderly done, according to the Laws of this Realm, and thereupon further to provide for the of Biflii more Surety thereof, as hereafter (hall be exprefled. duly a ' II. Firft, it is very well known to all Degrees of this Realm, that the late King of moft famous Memo- io * c ' ry, King Henry the Eighth, as well by all the Clergy then of this Realm in their feveral Convocations, as 16 H. S. c. 1. alio by all the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, afTcinbled in divers of his Parliaments was juftly and rightfully recognized and knovvledged to have the fupreme Power, JuiifdidTion, Order, Rule and Authority overall theEftate Ecclefiaftical of the fame, and the fame Power, Jurildiclionand Authority did ufe accordingly : {2) And that alfo the faid late King, in the five and twentieth Year of his Reign, did by Au- , ■ ri ■? thority of Parliament, amongft other Things, let forth a certain Order of the Manner and Form how Arch- ~* bifhops and Bifhops, within this Realm and other his Dominions, ihould be elected and made, as by the tame more plainly appeareth : (3) And thatalfo the late King of worthy Memory, King Edward the Sixth, did lawfully fuccce.t the faid late King Henry his Father, in the Imperial Crown of this Realm, and did juftly poffefs and enjoy all the fame Powcr,JurifdiiEiion and Authority before-mentioned, as a Thing to him defcend- ed with the fame Imperial Crown, and fo ufed the fame during his Life : (4) And that alfo the faid late King c 4 czi 6 Edward the Sixth, in his Time by Authority of Parliament caufed a godly and virtuous Boo!:, intituled c. 1. The Book of Common Prayer, and Aaminiflration of Sacraments, and other Kites and Ceremonies in the Church of 'England, to be made and fet forth, not only for one uniform Order of Service, Common Prayer, and »■■ miniftration of Sacraments, to be ufed within all this Realm and other his Dominions, but alio did add and put to the fame Book a very good and godly Order of the Manner and Form how Archhifhops, Bifhops, Priefts, Deacons and Minifters, fhould from Time to Time beCcnfecrated, Made and Ordered within this Realm and other his Dominions, as by the fame more plainly will and may appear : [5 ) And although in the , & . p; • u Time of the late Queen Mary, as well the faid AS and Statute made in the five and twentieth Year of tlv. Reign of the faid late King Henry the Eighth, as alio the feveral A<£ts and Statutes made in the fecond, third, fourth, fifth and fixth Years of the Reign of the faid late King Edward, for theauthoriling and allowing of the faid Book of Common Prayer, and other the Premifles, amongft divers other A£b and Statutes touching the faid fupream Authority, were repealed : Yet neverthelefs, at the Parliament holden at We/hninfter in the ' E! - °- '• firft Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady the Queen's Majefty that now is, by one other Ael and St .- tute there made, all fuch Jurifdiftions, Privileges, Superiorities and Preeminences Spiritual and EcclefiafU- cal, as by any Spiritual or Ecclefiaftical Power or Authority hath heretofore been, or may lawfully be uled over the Ecclefiaftical Eftate of this Realm, and the Order, Reformation and Correction of the fame, is fully and abfolutely by the Authority of the fame Parliament, united and annexed to the Imperial Cr. this Realm : (6) And by the fame AiSt and Statute there is alfo given to the Queen's Highnefs, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, Kings and Queens of this Realm, full Power and Authority, by Letters Parents under th* Great Seal of England, from Time to Time t» affign, name and authoi ife fi h Perfon or Pcrfons as (he Vol. II. 4 D ' or