Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/618

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568 C. 28. Anno quinto Reginae Elizabeths. A. D. 1562. of them for the Time being, at the fame SefTions that the fame Fine (hall fortune to be ingrofTed ; (2) and ■ alfo that fhall be openly read and proclaimed in the Prefence of the Juftices of Affize at Durham, or one of them for the Time being, at the two next General SefTions that (hall be holden in the County Palatine of Durham before the Juftices of the fame County, commonly called Juftices of Aflizes at Durham, or one of them, next after the levying or ingroffing of fuch faid Fine; (3) (hall be of like and of the fame Force, Su farther con- Strength and Effect in the Law, to all Intents, Contractions and Purpofes, as Fines being duly levied with eeiHingDuriam, Proclamations before the Queen's Juftices of her Common Pleas at IVeJlminfttr be or oughc to be. 3i£/, c. 9. CAP. XXVIII. An Ad for the Tranflating of the Bible and the Divine Service into the Weljh Tongue. HEREAS the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, like a moft godly and virtuous Prinefs, having chief Refpect and Regard to the Honour and Glory of God, and the Souls Health of her bubjects, - did in the firft Year of her Reign, by the Authority of her High Court of Parliament, chiefly for that Pur- ' pofe called, fet forth a Book of Common Prayer and Order of the Adminiftration of Sacraments in the ' vulgar Englijh Tongue, to be ufed through all her Realm of England, Wales and the Marches of the fame, ' that thereby herHighnefs moft loving Subjects u'nderftanding in their own Language the terrible ;md fear- ' ful Threatnings rehearfed in the Book of God againft the Wicked and Malefactors, the pleafant and infalli- ' ble Promifes made to the elect and chofen Plock, with a juft Order to rule and guide their Lives accordin» c to the Commandments of God, might much better learn to love and fear God, to ferve and obey their ' Prince, and to know their Duties towards their Neighbours ; which Book being received as a moft precious ' Jewel with an infpeakable Joy of all fuch her Subjects as did and do underftand the Englijh Tongue, the ' which Tongue is not underfunded of the moft: and greateft Number of all her Ma'efty's molt loving ' andobedient Subjects inhabiting within her Highnefs Dominion snd Country of Wales, being no fmall Part ' of this P^ealm, who therefore are utterly deftituted of God's Holy Word, and do remain in the like or ra- ' ther more Darknefs and Ignorance than they were in the Time of Papiftry :' Be it therefore enacted by the Queen our Sovereign Lady, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Par- BookofCom- nament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Bifhops of Hereford, Saint Davies, Afaph, mon Prayer to" be Bangor and Landaff, and their Succeflbrs, fhall take fuch Order amongft themfelves for the Souls Health of traafljted into the Flocks committed to their Charge within Wales, That the whole Bible containing the New Teftament the Welfli anc l the Old, with the Book of Common Prayer and Adminiftration of the Sacraments, as is now ufed Tongue. within this Realm in Eitgiijlo, to be truly and exactly tranflated into the Britifl) or Weljh Tongue ; (2) and that the fame fo tranflated, being by them viewed, perufed and allowed, be imprinted to fuch Number at the leaft, that one of either Sort maybe had for every Cathedral, Collegiate and Parifh Church, and Chapel ofEafe, in fuch Places and Countries of every the faid Diocefes where that Tongue is commonly fpoken or ufed, before the firft Day of March, Anno Dj/ji. one thoufand five hundred fixty-fix. (3) And that from that Day forth, the whole Divine Service fhall be ufed and faid by the Curates and Minifters throughout all the faid Diocefes where the Weljh Tongue is commonly ufed, in the faid Britijh or Weljh Tongue, in fiich Manner and Form as is now ufed in the Englijh Tongue, and differing nothing in any Order or Form from the Englijh Book : (4) For the which Books fo imprinted, the Parilhioners of every of the faid Pariihes fhall pay the one Half or Moiety, and the Parfon and Vicar of every of the faid Pariihes (where both be) or elfe the one of them where there is but one, fhall pay the other Half or Moiety : (5) The Prices of which Books fhall be appointed and rated by the faid Bifhops and their SuccefTors, or by three of them at the leaft ; (6) The which Things if the faid Bifhops or their SuccefTors neglect to do, Then every one of them fhall forfeit to the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and SuccefTors, the Sum of forty Pounds, to be levied of their Goods and Chattels. II. Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Minifter and Curate within the DiocefTes before faid, where the Weljh Tongue is commonly uf -d, fhall from the Feaft of Whitfuntide next enfuing until the forefaid Day of March, which fhall be in the Year one thoufand five hundred fixty and fix, at all Times of Communion declare or read the Epiftle and Gofpel of the Day in the Weljh Tongue, to his or their Parifhioners in every of the faid Churches and Chapels ; and alfo once every Week at the leaft, fhall read or declare to their faid Parifhioners in the faid Churches the Lord's Prayer, the Articles of the Chriftian Faith, the ten Commandments, and the Litany, as they are fet forth in the Englijh Tongue, in the faid Weljh Tongue, with fuch other Part of the Common Prayer and Divine Service as fhall bj appointed by the Bifhop of the Diocefs for the Time being. A B r ble ;nd III. And one Book containing the Bible, and one other Bock of Co r-mom Prayer, in the Englijh Tongue, Book of Com- {] la H De bought and had in every Church throughout Wales in which the Bible and Book of Common En"li(h(h!lVbe P ra Y cr in Weljh is to be had by Force of this Act (if there be none already) before the firft Day of March, in cvrvCh-jiih which fhall be in the Year of our Lord God one thoufand five hundred fixty-fix ; (2) and the fame Books in Wales. to remain in fuch convenient Places within the faid Churches, that fuch as underftand them may refort at all convenient Times to read and perufe the fame : And alfo fuch as do not underftand the faid Language, Sec the Rfcmiais'mv-y by conferring both Tongues together, the fooner attain to the Knowledge of the Englijh Tongue ; any ia Chapter 25. Thing' in this Act to the contrary notwithftanding. CAP. XXIX. Taxes. j,,^ fjortfirmation of a Subfidy of fix Shillings in the Pound, granted to the Queen by the Clergy, to be paid in three Years. EXP. CAP.