Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/624

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4 1 il :'. 4. e. I S. 3. c, s. N Kentifli n fi'olk Cloth s fl ail be tvsijf- fr, ivervjiine ' CI ithes u'h- I onght, r'ted by Li - ice, one Ck til ft il be wrou; In 574 C. 6, 7. Anno cclavo Regin^ Elizabeths. A. D. 1565. CAP. VI. An Aft touching Cloth workers, and Clothes ready wrought to be Ihipped over Sea. I70R. the better Employment and Relief of great Multitudes of the Queen's Subje&s, ufing the Art and ^ Labour of Cloth-working, It may pieafe the Queen's moft excellent JVlajefty, at the mod humble Suits of her faid Subjects, that u be enafted; II. And be it enacted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That from henceforth for every nine Clothes umvrought, hereafter to be Trapped or carried into any the Parts beyond tfie Seas, contrary to the Form of any Statute heretpipre made and new remaining in Strength, by Force of any Licence hereafter to be granted, the Party that shall fhip and carry over the fame, fliall fhip and carry over alfo one like Woollen Cloth of like Sort, Length, Breadth and Goodnefs, ready wrought and dreffed; that is to fay, rowed, barbed, firfr courfed and iiiorn from the one End to the other, fo that every tenth Cloth pafilng over the Seas in Form aforefaid, may and mail be dreffed within this Realm, before the fame (hall be fhipped or tranfported over, (2) upon Pain to forfeit for every fuch nine Clothes fo to be fhipped or tranfported L~nth"'l5re3dih cont:n - u 'y t0 the Meaning of this Aft, ten Pounds. and'Gpodnefs. 7 EJ - 4- >=i 3- 3 H.?• <?■ II. VJ H. 8. c. 13. 33 H. 8. c. 19. 10 Aim. c. 16. The tenth Clcth III. Provided always, That every fuch tenth Cloth fo to be tranfported ready wrought, fhall not be ac- fhall not be in- counted any of the Clothes permitted to be tranfported by Force of fuch Licence, but that fuch Perfon as eluded in the fhall have fuch Licence may tranfport according to fuch Licence the full Nu.iiber of Clothes umvrought Licence. mentioned in the fame Licence, over and above the Number of fuch tenth Cloths which they fhall be com- pelled to fhip and carry over by Force of this Statute. Kentifli or Suf- IV. And be it further enacted by Authority aforefaid, That from the laft Day of February now next folk Cloth fliall coning, no Perfon fhall fhip or carry into the Parts beyond the Seas, contrary to the Form of any Statute nortec? un" " heretofore made, now remaining in Force, any Cloth commonly called KentiJJi Cloth or Suffolk Cloth, made wrought by any or to be made in the Counties of Kent or Suffolk^ umvrought and undreffed within this Realm; that is to Licence. fay, not rowed, barbed, firft courfed and (horn; (2) upon Pain to forfeit for every fuch Cloth, commonly called Kcntijh or Suffolk Cloth, made or. to be made in either of the laid Counties fo to be fhipped or tranf- ported contrary to the Form of this Statute, forty Shillings. V. And that no Licence for transporting of any Cloth or Clothes fhall be conffrued or expounded to ex- tend to any fuch Kentifl) or Suffolk Cloth, made or to be made in either of the faid Counties to be from henceforth tranfported. who flwll have V). And that all the Forfeitures appointed by this Statute for tranfporting of Clothes fhall be the one the Forfeiture, Moiety to the Queen's Majelty, her Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to the Mailer and Wardens and by what f the r a jj Company of Cloth-workers, to the Relief of the Poor of the faid Company, to be recovered in any ^ fet " s ' p . m -_ Court of Record, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no Effoin, Protection or Wager fcris're'ei'mberctoof Law for the Defendant fhall be admitted or allowed. 16 Annas, c. 16. 1 Geo. 1. c. 15 c^-ji. Hi Geo. 1. c. 3;. 7 Geo. 2. c. 25. il Geo. 2. c, zS. and 14 Geo. 2'. c. 35. CAP. VII. An Aft touching Drapers, Cottoners and Frizers of Shrev^Jbury. Who miv ufe the Trade or cupation of tfS) rafrmic'h as in the Town of Shrew/bury in the County of Salop there hath been Time out of Mind Drapers in ' JP of Man, and yet is, a Company, Fraternity or Guild of the Art and Myibery of Drapers, which raid shiewfbury, or ' Company, Fraternity or Guild, hath been by a great Time lawfully incorporated and m ,de a Body Politick : the Liberties i ^ v facki faid Corporation and Fraternity hatii by reafon of a certain Trade and Occupation of buying and What 1 Benefit ' felling of JViljh Cloth and Lining, commonly called Cottons, Frizes and Plains, which they have had and e Com- ' ufed amongft them, been able not only to live thereby, but alfo have at their common Colts provided ve re- ' Houfes and other NecefTaries for poor People within the faid Town of Shrnv/lury, whom alfo with further nd done c Relief they do weekly help and maintain : (3) And by the fame their Trade aforefaid have ufed moft commonly to let on Work above fix hundred Perfons of the Art or Science of Sheermen or Frizers, within the faid Town 01'SbrewJhny, whereby as well they, as their poor Wives and Families, tire wholly main- tained and kept : (4) To the Impeachment andHindranee of which faid Trade div ts Artificers, and other Perfons within the faid Town c&SbrewJbury, not being of the faid Company or Myfteny, nor brought up [neonyc- ' in the Ufe of the faid Trade, have of late with great Diforder, upon a meer covetous Deftre and Mind, Ti'v'. v! ' intromitted with and occupied the faid Trade of buying V/elJh Cloth or Lining, having no Knowledge, " * i„ ' Experience or Skill in the fame; by reafon whereof the faid ignorant and unfkiliu! Ferfor.s have and do ' btry ■ maion'ly and daily fitch Ucfjh Cloth and Linings as is defective, and not truly made according to tfd Statutes of this Realm in that Behalf provided : (5) By Means v.lietxc. the faid Trade 1 and difcredited, to the great Lofs and Hindrance of fuch poor Sheermen and 1 be fe't on Work' thereby, and of all others that were wont to be maintained and relieved - s well i/i m kin™ as working of the faid Frizes, Cottons and Plains, and to the gseaji ■ I ■ .: '.-i . ■ if aii th ..Uteen's Majefty's Subjects that buy and prevr'e the fame, and ill Difcre lit of the find Commodities in Foreign Parts, where by the Occalion aforefaid )ut of EUimatioH and Credit. II. tlr; l.i ib buying, anrl'fd ling of Welfh Colh and Li- fiing. anti