Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/625

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A. D. i 5 6 5 . Anno o&avo Rcginne F.i.i 7. avvt r, -. ( . . 575 ' if. a- r in ih ■ Parii m . n late Sovereign Lord and :

  • Advice, nmongft other Tnil

Retail orothcrvvi: '1: within his or t!

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in the fame A< l doth appear : i ; ; Sithi n o ire caufed otlv ' unto the fame Perfons of whom they receive Work, to tie good Ii i -Mite :' Hi. and for theBtncfil (2) he it enacted by the Authority of thi | enuring n ns whatfoevcr. inhabiting and dwelling within th< I/my, or the Liberties and Franchifes of the raid rown, otl i an fuch as have or (hall ha< brentices in the faid Occupation and 8clence ofDrapei , or I c or (hall be fih e of the (aid S«  (hall occupy, ufe, excrcne or frequent the (aid Trade, Art, eofbuying Glbth or Lining, Cottons, Frizes and Plains, nor h.- , .u, y Colour, Engine or Fraud; be any Occupier oj izes, Cottons and Plains, fa) u Pain that every Perfon and Perfons inhabiting as i occupying. Trade, Occupation or Science of buying ( I i fhall lofe and forfeit for ever)' Piece of I IV. And over that, be it further enacted, That no Perfon dwelling and inhabiting ufing and occupying the faid Trade of buying of Frizes, Cottons or Plains, fhalJ ufe or exercifc h izing or Cottoning, upon Pain to incur fuch like J ry Offence, .. (.'. rhe Moiety ofall which Pains arid be to our Sovereign! her Heirs and Succeflbrs, and the other Moiety to fueli Perfon and Pert Court of Record, by Action, Bill or Plaint of Debt ; wpeYeifi no Rroteflion, Eflbin, Injunction or Wagei of Law fhall be allowed and admitted. V. Provided always, and be it further enacted by th'e Authority aforefaid, That this prefent Act, or any a Provifb for Thing, Sentence or Matter therein contained, fhall not extend or be in any wife prejudicial or hurtful tiithm ih»t d i any fir. h Perfon or Perfons as have heretofore ufed, occupied or. frequented ... cir Science of buying or felling of Welft) Cloth; s or Linings aforefaid, but that every fuch Perfon < : which hath or have ufed the (aid Trade or Science as is aforefaid, fhall and may have and enjoy the like B nefit, Commodity and Advantage, as well in b lying and felling. the t lothes and Linings as Otherwife, in as large, free and ample Manner and rorni, as if this Act had never been made. VI. And further, to the Intent the faid poor Sheermen, Frizers and Cottoners, may b : the better rclii • and maintained, (2) Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and ev ry Perfon and Perfons oc- Tr ; cupying and ufing, or which hereafter at any Time fhall occupy or 1 Trade, Science or Art 1 Buying and Selling of IVcljh Cloth and Linings aforefaid, and fhall from the Feaft olEafler next enfuing- 1 deliver any Weljh C'lo.h or Linings aforefaid to be cottoned, frized, drcfled or wrought, to any Sh i^<iy Cottoner or Frizer, fhall deliver, content and pay to the laid Shcerman, Cottoner or I- 1 prefent Money for all his faid Work, without any Colour, Fraud or Engine whatfoevcr, and fhall not de- liver any Ware or other Thing whatfoevcr in Contentarion or Satisfaction of his faid Y- Part ■f ; (3) upon Pain that every Perfon offending in this Behalf ihali forthwith Ipfe all filch Freedoms and Privileges, which he hath or fhall have as one of the faid Comp Id of the laid Art and Myftery of Drapers, and alio Hull for ever after be utterly difabled occupy or enjoy, by himfelf or by any other for hi'n, or to his Ufe, the 1 Sci- l nee of Buying or Selling of JVclfn Cloths or Linings ; this Act , or any other Matter or Thing whatfc t to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. C A P. VIII. An Act for the Repeal of a Branch of a Statute made Anno 32 II. S. touching the Stature of Horles. ' moil excel. ... ' and enacted by the faid late King, with the Affent of the Lords Spirit , and the Cob 3 of the fame Parliament afi'embled, for the Increafe and Breed of greater and ffi ' after to be had within this Realm of England, ,That no Commoner or C01 ' Moor, Marifh, Heath, Common or walk Ground, nor any Officer or O. ' Forefts or Chafes, nor any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoevcr he or the- be, at ai S of March, which fhould be in the Year of our Lord God one dice as I