Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/626

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576 C. 9. of what Height the Horfes feed- in; there ftull be. Anno odtavo Reginee Elizabeths. A. D. 1565, The Inconveni- ences which enfued to divers Perfons by the Statute of 3a H. S. c. i 3 . A Repeal of fo much of the Statute of 3 zH.8. c. 13. as doth concern certain Counties and Places. Of what Height Horfes ftall be that feed upon the Commons in the Me of Ely, Sec. Farther From. Horfe: fee- 31 EI. So much of the Statute of a 3 H. 3. c. 4. as concemeth. the Prices of VellVts for Ale and Beer, re- pealed, &c. next following the Seffion of the fame, fhould have or put to pafture into or upon anyfuch Ground, Foreft Chafe, Moor, Marifh, Heath, Common or wafte Ground, any ftoned Horfe or Horfes being above the Age of two Years, and not being of the Altitude and Height of fifteen Handful, to be meafured from the loweft Part of the Hoof unto the higher Part of the Wither, and every Handful to contain four Inches of the Standard, to pafture, feed or to be nourifhed in or upon any of the faid Forefts, Chafes, Commons, Moors, Marifhes, Heaths or wafte, Grounds, within any of the Shires and Territories of Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Buckingham, Huntington, EJfex, Kent, Southampton, Northiviljhire, Oxford, Bark, Worce/ler Gloucefler, Somerfet, 'North-Wales, South-Wales, Bedford, Warwick, Northampton, YorkJInre, Che/hire, Staf- ford, the County of the City of York, the Town and Liberties of Gloucefler, the County of the To a n of King/Ion upon Hull, the County Palatine of Lancafler, the County of Salop, Leicefler, Hereford and Lincoln or within any of them ; (2) nor fhall put to feed or pafture any ftoned Horfe or Horfes, being above the faid Age of two Years, and not being in Height of fourteen Handful to be meafured as is abovefaid, within or upon any like Ground or Grounds as hath been above-written, lying or being within any other Shire of this Realm, neither yet any of them, (3) upon Pain of Forfeiture andLofs of the faid Horfe or Horfes which fhould be found in or upon any fuch Ground, Foreft, Chafe, Moor, Marifh, Heath, Common or wafte Grounds, at any Time after the faid laftDay of March, which was in the Year of ourLord God one thou- fand five hundred and forty-three, contrary to the Form of the faid late Eftatute, and further as by the faid Eftatute more fully and at large may appear : (4.) By reafon whereof, and fince which Time, divers and fundry great and manifold Hurts, Hindrances and LolTes have happened and chanced as well to the Inha- bitants of the Moors, Marifhes and Fenn-Grounds within the Ifle of Ely, fituate, lying and being in the ' faid County of Cambridge, as alfo to the Inhabitants of other the Moors, Marifhes and Fenn-Grounds within ' the faid Shire, together with the Counties of Huntington, Northampton^ Lincoln, Norfolk and Suffolk, next ' adjoining and bordering upon the fame Ifle : For that the faid Moors, Marifhes and Fenn-Grounds, becaufe ' of the Rottennefs, Unfirmnefs, Moifture and Wateriihnefs, were never ab'e ne yet are to breed, bear or ' bring forth fuch great Breed of ftoned Horfes, of fuch Bignefs and high Stature as within the aforefaid ' Statute are exprefled, without Danger and Peril of the Mireing, Drowning and Perifhing of the fame : (5) ' Whereupon many Promoters taking Occafion by Reafon-of the aforefaid Eftatute, have as well entred into ' the faid Ifle, as alfo other the Moors, Marifhes and Fen-Grounds, in ail the Country next bordering and ' adjoining unto the fame, and taken away by Virtue and Purvey of the faid Eftatute from divers pojr Men, ' not being able otherwife to remedy the fame, their Horfe, not being comparable of like Stature to the faid c Eftatute, as well to the great Lofs and Hindrance of all the Breed of Horfes there, no Man daring to put ' any fuch forth on the faid Grounds, for Fear of fuch Perfons ; as alfo to the utter Subverfion and Decay ' of all the Tillage and Carriage within the faid Ifle and others the Countries round about the fame, in ' Time to come:' II. For Reformation and Redrefs whereof, be it enacted by the Queen our Sovereign Lady, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, of this prefent Parliament afTembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That as much of the aforefaid Evcatute made in the faid two and thirtieth Year of King Henry the Eighth, or yet any Part, Branch or Article or any Parcel thereof, touching or concerning any the Marifhes and feggy Fen-Grounds within the faid Ifle, fituate, lying and being in the faid County of Cambridge, to- gether with all other the Marifhes and feggy Fen-Grounds within the faid Shires of Cambridge, Huntington, Northampton, Lincoln, Norfolk and Suffolk, fhall be from henceforth utterly repealed, fruftrate, void and of none Effect in the Law ; any Thing in the faid former Aft exprelled to the contrary notwithftanding. III. Neverthslefs be it ordained and enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That no Perfon or Perfons, whatfoever he or they be, at any Time after the 1 aft Day of March next coming, fhall have or put to pafture into or upon any Marifh or feggy Fen-Ground within the faid Ifle of Ely, or into or upon any Marifh or feggy Fen-Grounds within the faid Counties of Cambridge, Huntington, Northampton, Lincoln, Norfolk and Suffolk or any of them, any ftoned Horfe or Horfes, being above the Age of two Years, and not being of the Altitude and Height of thirteen Handful, to be meafured from the loweft Part of the Hoof of the Forefoot, unto. the higher Part of the Wither, and every Handful to contain four Inches of the Standard, to pafture, feed or to be nourifhed in or upon any the faid or feggy Fen-Grounds within the faid Ifle, and within the faid Counties of Cambridge, Huntington, Northampton, Lincoln, Norfolk and Suffolk or any of them, upon fuch and the like Pain as by the faid former Aft is limited and exprefled. c. iz. 13 Geo. z. c. 19. and 18 Ceo. z. e. 34. CAP. IX. An A<51 to repeal a Branch of the Statute made in the twenty-third Year of King Henry the Eighth, touching the Prices of Barrels and Kilderkins. IN their moft humble wife fhewen unto the Queen's moft excellent Majefty, and unto the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and unto the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, the Coopers of the City of London and of all other Cities and Towns within this Realm of England, That where in the Parliament holden by Prorogation at Wejhninfter the fifteenth Day of 'January in the three and twentieth Year of the Reign of the late King of famous Memory, King Henry the Eighth, Father to our faid Sovereign Lady the Queen's Highnefs that now is, there was one Statute made and enafted, intituled, An A 61 that no Brewers of Beer or Ale Jhall make their Barrels, Kilderkins nor Firkins tvithin them; and hoiu much the fame Barrels, Kilderkins and Firkins fl?all contain : (2) In which Statute, amongft other Things therein contained, it is en- acted, That no Artificer of the Coopers fhall inhaunce the Prices of any fuch Barrels, Kilderkins, Firkins