Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/627

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A. D. 1565. Anno odavo Rqui-c r.i.i;-. Acr.Tii.r.. C. 1 ., n. 577 ' or other Vcflels, in the Sale of them to any Ali ?n Pen (the Vic-kilderkin, nine Pence, and • ' Act, amongft divers other Things therein contained, mon ich Time ihc Cloveboard and Stuff whereof the faid Veflel rifei tnd grown to fuch exceffiye Pria /.thai fuch is o mal ■ fell any fuch Barrels, Kilderkin , ' hut to their great Lofs and Hinderance, whereby ch< ' utterly overthrown, to the Impoverifhment ami utter Undoing o. them, theii • mi lies, as is moft evident:' ' H. Forafmuch as at the Time of the- Mi king of the f.e tl I ' Thoufand of Barrel-boards fortwelvc Shilli hirtcen Shillings and four ' Kilderkin-boards for nine Shillings) rt i illi igs; andal • lings; and now a Thoufand of Barrel-boards cannot b ' Pence, and forty Shilling.'; ; and a Thoufand of Kilderkin-bo rd r fix and twenty Lillings ' Pence; and a Load of Hoops under three and thirty Shilling-, ami four Pence, ! well and notorioufly known :' III. Be it therefore enacted hy the Queen's moft excellent Majefty, ;'..: '. and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aftembled, and by the Authori , , of every Article, Claufe and Sentence comprized in the faid Lftatutc male in the faid Year of the Reign of the faid late King, as doth touch and concern the Prices of Ban Firkins and other Vcflels, and all and every Pain and Forfeiture exprefled and felling of any of the faid Kind of VeHels above the Prices before fpecified, from the Time of new Prices to '• ' A ' c ■"■•<* be fet in Form hereafter expreffed, for fuch Places only as the fame new Prices (hall be fet, (hall be clearly 3ee^ • repealed, fruftrate and made void. IV. And that from henceforth the Prices of all Barrels, Kilderkins, Firkins and or] ball rate for Ale, Beer or Soap to be uttered therein, ihall be rated and taxed by Mayors, ' of Officer or Officers of every City and Town Corporate, where any fuch vcffels be made or offered to ',' u ,^" AJc be fold. V. And where fuch VefTels fhall be made or fold out of any City, Borough or Town Corpora's, the- ' Prices thereof fhall be rated and taxed by the Tuftices of the Peace, or the more Part i ■•■ prefent in the general Qu rter-Seffions yearly next after Ealfer, at fuch reafonable Prices as they fhall think reafon- able by their Difcretions ; the faid Eftatute made in the faid three and twentieth Year of the Reign of the faid late King Henry the Eighth, or any other Law, Cuikimor Ufage to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. VI. And be it further enacted. That if the faid Coopers or any of them fhall not make Sale according to The Forfeiture fuch Prices as fhall be rated, as is aforefaid, after Proclamation thereof made, that then ever, Perfon and -:n< * Perfons fo offending fhall for the fame incur the Pains and Forfeitures mentioned in the faid Eftatute made£ !T! the faid three and twentieth Year of the Reign of the faid late King; that is, to wit, for every Barrel*, .', Kilderkin and Firkin which fhall be fold at greater Price than fhall be rated and taxed as is aforefaid, the Sum of three Shillings and four Pence of lawful Money of Enriand, whereof the one Moiety to be to the Queen's Highnefs, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, and the other Moiety to fuch Perfon or Perfons as v the fame by Action of Debt in any Court of Record, wherein no Protection, Efiibfa or imager i if Law Ihall be allowed or admitted. CAP. X. An Act for Bowyers. See Appendix. C A P. XI. An Act for uttering of Caps, and for true making of Hats and Caps. • XXrHERE great Multitudes of the Queen's Majefty's true Subjects, uiing the Art of making Wo- 11 ■ ' V Caps, are impoverilhed and decayed by the exceffive Ufe of Hats and Felts, and thereby di ei ' good Cities and Towns brought to Deflation, Plenty ot ftrsage Commodities without Neceffil ' confumed, and great Number of People enforced to depend upon the having of foreign Wools, toi ' Difcommodiiy of this Realm, the Disfurniture of Service to be done to the Queen's Majefty, and grc? ' evident Dangers, if Remedy be not provided :' II. It may therefore pleafe the Queen's moil excellent Majefty, at the lamentable Suit and Cot plaint oflfeae •" ; : *oik her (aid poor Subjects, that it be enacted by the Auth >rity of this prefent Parliament, That no Perfon, by H - : him or her fclf, or by any other, fhall, after the Fcaft 'of the Nativity of St. John Baptijt next cominj wake or work any Felt or Hat of or with any foreign Wool or Stuff, unlefs uxh'Perfon ihall iuft hae I. . Apprentice or Covenant-Servant to fuch Myftcry of Felt or Hat-making by the Space of (even Years at the : leaft, upon Pain to forfeit all fuch Hats or Felts as he fhall make, or caufe to be made, while he wo; L :..h H> •contrary to the Form of this Act, and five Pounds in Money for every that he fhall fo continue. r , tons relating hocio, i ]ic. i. c- j-, (, , Vol. II. iE ' III.