Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/628

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578 C. 12. Anno odavo Reginee Elizabeths. A. D. 1565. Cap^ of Felt, or III. And be it ena&ed by the Authority aforefaid,- That from the firft Day of April next comi'ig no Perfon «f Woollen whatfoever {hall make, fell or caufe to be made or fold, any Cap or other Thing of Felt, but only Hats, Cloth not Knit. I% ) nor gj a ji mak^ fej] or C aufe to-be made or fold, any Cap of any Woollen Cloth not knit. (3) And Dying of Caps. t ^ at no p er f on a f te ,- t he laid firft Day of April fliall dye or caufe to be dyed black, any Cap, with Bark or Swarf, but only with Copperas and Gall, or with Woad and Madder. Thiclcmg or jy. And (for the fetting of many poor and impotent Perfons to work, and for the better making of Caps) lulling, or cans. ^ at nQ p erfon after thc faid faft&Jg of April fliall thick or full in any Mill, or caufe to be thicked or fulled in any Mill, any Cap, until fuch Time as the fame Cap be firlt well fcoured and clofed upon the Bank, and half thicked at leaft in the Footftock. Who only may V. And that no Man under the Degree of a Knight, or of a Lord's Son, fhall after the faid firft Dav of u C « Ca of ' •dp'"'! wear an y Hat or upper Cap of Velvet, or covered with Velvet, (2) on Pain to forfeit for every Hat, Velvet. Cap or Thing. to be made, dyed, thicked, fulled, fold or worn, contrary to the Meaning of this A<5t, ten Who (hall have Shillings, whereof tie one Moiety fhall be to the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, the other the Forfeiture. Moiety to fu-ch Perfon then ufing the Feat of Cap-making as will fue for the fame in any Court of Record wherekl no ElToin, Protection or Wager of Law for the Defendant fhall be admitted or allowed. Who may fearch VI. And for the better and truer making of Caps or Hats within this Realm, be it enacted by the Au- ^rt and Hatter's th . orit y afore f aid 5 Tnat »t fhall be lawful to the Mafter and Wardens of the Company of Haberdafhers ers ' within the City of London, and to their Succeflors for the Time being, calling to them one of the Company of the Cappers, and another of the Makers of Hats, as often as Need fhall require, within the faid City, or within three Miles of the fame, to fearch all and all manner of Cappers and Makers of Hats, and the Offenders and Defaults by them found to correct and punifh by Fines, and otherivife, as in like Cafes they do other Offenders and Defaults within the faid Company : (2) And that it fliall be lawful for all Mayors, Bailiff's and other Head Officers, in all other Cities and Towns Corporate, to do the like. Who, may be VII. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Hat-maker that now is tw^hehath a Maker or Worker of Hats, and being a Houfholder, Apprentice, Covenant-Servant or Journeyman, fhall not been an ap- or ma y? during fuchPerfon's natural Life, continue making of Hats and Felts, albeit fuch Perfon were not prentice. bounden Apprentice to the fame Art for the Space of feven Years. How many Ap- VIII. And be it enacted, That no Maker or Worker of Hats fhall take or receive any Apprentices con- prentices Hat^ trary to the true Meaning of this Aft; that is to fay, above two Apprentices at one Time, nor thole for makers may an y ] e f s Time than feven Years at the leaft, on Pain to fuffer for every Apprentice to be taken or received, againft the Form of this Aft one Month's Imprifonment in the Common Gaol, without Bail or Mainprife : (2) And that every taking or receiving of an Apprentice contrary to this A£t, fhall be void ; (3) and alfo fuch Perfon fo taking or receiving fhall be from thenceforth difabled to have any more Apprentices than one at one Time. A Hat-maker jx Provided alway, That nothing in this Act fhall extend to charge any Perfon allowed to be a Felt* Child" 115 >S ° Wn ma ker or- Hat-maker with any Pain or Forfeiture, for fetting or ufing his or their own Children to the ma- king or working of Felts or Hats in his or their own Houfes. Provided that this Act fhall not extend to any. making of Hats with Worfted.Yarn in the City of Norivicb.. C A P. XII. An Act for the Aulnegers Fees in Lancafter, and for Length, Breadth and Weight of Cottons Prizes and Rugs. ^Orafm-uch as divers Clothiers inhabiting within the County Palatine of Lancajter, feeking inordinately their- own fingular Gains, have of late practifed privily to convey and carry away out of the faid 1 County divers Cottons, Frizes and Rugs, there made to be fold, before fuch Time as the Queen's Aul- 4 neger of the faid County hath fixed unto every fuch Cloth the Queen's Seal in that Behalf appointed, and 1 fometime counterfeiting. and fetting to fuch their Clothes Seals of their own, (2) minding thereby not only 4 to defraud the faid Aulneger of.his accuftomable Fees due to be paid to the Queen's Highnefs Ufe, for the ' fealing of every fuch Cloth, Cotton, Frize or Rug; but alfo to cover and hide the untrue and deceitful ' making of many of the faid Clothes, contrary to the true Meaning of fundry good and wholefome Efta- ' tutes and Laws heretofore made, as well for the true Making of the Clothes beforefaid, as alfo for the ' Searching, Trying and Sealing of the fame, (3) to the no little Prejudice and Damage of the faid ' Aulneger,. who flandeth charged with the Payment of a great annual Farm to the Queen's Majefty for ' the faid Aulnege, in Deceit of her Highnefs Subjects, and Difcredit of the Commodity of the faid

  • Clothes:'

II. For Reformation whereof, be it enacted by our faid Sovereign Lady the Queen, the Lords Spiritual Wp Cloth (hall and Temporal, and the Commons, of this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, be fold before That no Perfon -or Perfons from and after the firft Day of April next coming fliall fell or put to Sale within the Party and the faid County, or convey or- carry, or caufe to be conveyed and carried, out of the faid County of Lan<- . fet to Their" 6 cafter, any Kind of Clothes, Cottons, Frizes or Rugs, hereafter to be made within the faid County Pala- . Seals'.. ' tine of Lancajhr, to be fold, before fuch Time that the Owner or Maker of every fuch Cloth, Cotton, Frize or Rug, fliall fix and put to, or caufe to be fixed and put to, every fuch Cloth, Frize, Cotton or Rug, one Seal of Lead, having the Mark of every fuch Owner or Clothier engraved on the one Side there- of, and the true Length of every fuch Cloth, Frize, Cotton or Rug, as it is found, being wet, to be en- graved on the other Side of the faid Seal : (2) And alfo the Queen's Highnefs Aulneger of the faid County Palatine for the Time being, upon .Trial of the Weight of every fuch Cottoiij Frize and Rug, fhall fix and., ' TTOrafm ' F their-