Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/632

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582 C. 17 — 20. Anno o&avo Reginse Eli z abe thjs, A.D.1565, accuftomcd to have been paid, or of Right ought to have been paid, to any Perfon or Perfons, by the Handa of the faid feveral Sheriffs : (2) And that fuch Order, Direction and Appointment fo made, had and taken by the faid Barons in Manner and Form laft before recited, fhall be obferved, performed, fulfilled and ktpt yearly, as well by both the Sheriffs of the faid feveral Counties of Surry and Suffix for the Time being, as by the faid feveral Sheriffs for the Time being of the faid Counties of Effcx and Hertford, and of Somerfet and Dor/it, and of IVarwick and Leicefler, and of Nottingham and Derby, and of Oxon and Barks ; any Ufage, Law or Cuftom to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding. VI. Provided always, and be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Sheriff hereafter to be chofen and made of any one of the faid Counties in this Aft mentioned, fhall pay in any Court of el*' Ha "kaM be Record for any Duty belonging properly to the Office of Sheriff, any other Fees or Charges, than only the pakTby S Sherift'- one Half of the Charges and Fees which he fhould be compelled to have paid, if he had been Sheriff of wicks divided, two of the faid Shires and Counties, as before the making of this Act was ufed ; any Law, Ufage or Cuftom . to the contrary notwithstanding. VII. This Aft to continue and endure unto the End of three whole Years, to be accounted from the Feaft of All-Saints in the Year of our Lord God a thoufand five hundred threefcore and feven, and from thence to the End of the next Parliament then next following the End of the faid three Years. [Made per- petual by 13 El. c. 22. except as to SuJJ'ex and Suny.] For farther Provifions relating to Sheriff's fee 27 El. c. 12. 29 Eh c. 4. 21 Jac. 1. c. 5. 13 £sf 14 Car. 2. c. 21. 3 Geo. 1. c. 15. 6 Geo. 1. c. 21. §. 53. 20 Geo. 2. c. 37, 24. Geo. 2. c'48. and 32 Geo. 2. c. 14. CAP. XVII. Taxes. A Confirmation of a Subfidy of four Shillings in the Pound granted to the Queen by the Clergy, to be paid in three Years. EXP, CAP. XVIII. p ariloll The Queen's Free and General Pardon confirmed by Parliament. Except, &c. EXP. CAP. XIX. Taxes, A Grant by the Temporally to the Queen, of one Subfidy, and of one Fifteenth and Tenth. EXP.. C A P. XX. An Aft for Repealing a Branch of a Statute made in the 26 H. 8. c. 6. §. 12. for Trial of Offences in Wales. WHERE in the Parliament holden at Weflminfter in the twenty-fixth Year of the Reign of the late King Henry the Eighth, among other Things it was enafted, That all Murders, Robberies, Felonies

  • and other Felonious Offences, which fhould from that lime be committed in any Lordfhips Marchers, or

' other Place in Wales, might be enquired of, heard, tried and examined in the next Englifli Shire thereunto ' adjoining : And alfo by one other Branch contained in the Statute, it is ordained, That fuch of the

  • fame Offences as fhould be committed within the County of Merioneth, one of the three old Shires of

' North-Wales, might at the Difcretion of the Juftices there, be inquired of, heard, tried and determined in ' the Counties of Anglefey and Caernarvon, being two other Coun ies of North-Wales, as by the fame Aft ' more plainly doth appear ; and yet neverthelefs in the Parliament holden at Weftminfter in the thirty-fourth ' and thirty-fifth Year of the Reign of the faid late King Henry the Eighth, by one Aft and Statute there 1 made touching certain Ordinances in Wales, it is by one Branch thereof among other Things enafted

  • and eftablifhed, That all Offences, Murders, Robberies and other Felonies, which from thenceforth mould

' be committed in the faid County of Merioneth, fhould and might be inquired of, heard and determined ' before the Juftices within the faid County of Merioneth, or elfe in the County of Salop, being the next

  • Englifl) County adjoining thereunto, in fuch Manner and Form as the like Offences committed in other

' the faid Counties in Wales fhould or might be inquired of, heard and determined, as by the faid Aft more ' at large doth appear. By reafon of which faid feveral Branches contained in the faid feveral Statutes, ' the faid County of Merioneth ftandeth now not only chargeable to fuch like Trial in the next Englijh ' Shire, for the faid Offences as other Counties of Wales at this prefent be, but alfo by Force of the laid ' Statute made in the faid twenty-fixth Year of the faid King Henry the Eighth, the faid County of Merio- ' neth is alfo fubjeft to fuch Enquiry and Trial to be had within the faid Counties of Caernarvon and An- ' g^fcy-i being both Weljh Shires, much to the Difcredit of the Inhabitants of the f.iid County of Merioneth, ' for that no other Counties of Wales, for fuch Offences, are chargeable with the like Trial.' II. Wherefore be it enafted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That fo much of the faid Aft and Statute made in the faid twenty-fixth Year of the Reign of the faid late King Henry the Eighth, as •doth limit or appoint any of the faid Offences before-mentioned, committed within the (aid County of Me- rioneth, to be inquired of, tried, heard and determined within the faid Counties of Caernarvon and Anglefey, or either of them, fhall from henceforth be. utterly repealed, void and of none Effect. Ann*