Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/633

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A. D. 1570. Anno xiii RcginE Eli zabp.tii.c. C. r, 2. 583 Anno decimo tcrtio Regime E L I z A B B I H &, AT tin- Parliament begun and holder) at TVe/hnin/ttr the fecond Day of April in th>- • "S f.«r of the Reign of our mod gracious Sovereign Lady Elizabeth, by the G England, France and Ireland, Queen, Defendei "i the faith, He. and nued unn! i Diffolution of the fame, to the high Pleafure of Almighty God and Weal publick of this Realm, v.,: a folio weth. C A P. I. It fhall I"' High Trcafon to intend D ily Harm to the Queen, or to levy, or ton to :u again ft her. or to affirm, That the Queen ought not to enjoy the Crown, I Pcrfon ; or to publiih. That the Queen is an Heretick, Schiunatick, Tyrant, Infidel, a '*• ( '1 own ; or to claim Right ti> the Crown, or to ufurp the fame during the Queen's Life ; <<r to affirm I Right in Succcffion of the Crown in fome other than the Queen ; <<r to affirm. That t! tutcs do not bind the Right of the Crown, and the Defcent, Limitation, Inheritance, or Governance thereof. II. Whofoever fhall during the Queen's- Life, by any Book, or Work written or printed, cxprefly affirm, (before the fame be ellablifhcd by Parliament ) That any one particular Perfon is or ought to be Hci; Succeflbr to the Queen, except the fame be the natural I (lite of I cr Body : Or fhall wilfully fet up in open Place, or (pre id any Books or Scrowls to that 1 fleet : ( >r fhall print, bind or put to Sale, or utter, caufe, is'e. any fiich Hook or Writing, he, his Abetters and Counfellers (hill for the firft Offence be a whole Year imprifoned, and forfeit Half his Ooods ; and for the fecond Offence fhall incur the Penalty of a Praemunire. EXP. 26 H. 8. c. 13. 1 Ed. 6. c. 12. 1 & 2 P. & M. c. 10. 1 El. c. 5. CAP. II. Ah Act againft the bringing in, and putting in Execution of Bulls, Writings or Inftruments and other Superftitious Things from the See of Rome. WHERE in the Parliament holden at Weflminfter in the fifth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign A RchtatfJof Lady the Queen's Majefty that now is, by one Act and Statute then and there made, intituled, An :lic Swore of Ad for the AJfurance of the Queen's Majejly's Royal Power over all States ami Subjecls within her Highnefs ' E1 f c - ': Dominions, it is among other Things very well ordained aid provided for the abolifliing of the ufurped jtohfhm *oi Power and Jurifdiclion of the Bifhop of Rome and of the Sec of Rome, heretofore unlawfully claimed and the Authority ufurped within this Realm and other the Dominions to the Queen's Majefty belonging, That no Perfon of the Biffcop or Perlbns fhall hold or Hand with, to fet forth, maintain, defend or extol the fame ufurped Power, and S™ o{ or attribute any manner of Jurifdiction, Authority or Preheminence to the fame, to be had or ufed within Romc - this Re.ilm or any the faid Dominions, upon Pain to incur the Danger, Penalties and Forfeitures ordained and provided by the Statute of Provifion and Praemunire, made in the fixteenth Year of the Reign of King Richard the Second, as by the fame Aft more at large it doth and may appear : (2) And yet nevertheleia 16 R. 1. c. 5. divers feditious and very evil-difpofed People, without the Refpect of their Duty to Almighty GOD, or of the Faith and Allegiance which they ought to bear and have to our faid Sovereign Lady the Queen, and without all Fear and Regard had to the faid good Law and Statute, or the Pains therein limited, but minding, as it fhould fcem, very fedkioufly and unnaturally, not only to bring this Realm and the Imperial Crown thereof (being in very Deed of itfelf moft Free) into the Thraldom and Subjection of that foreign, ufurped and unlawful JurifdiiStion, Preheminence and Authority claimed by the faid See of Rome ; (3) but alio to eftrange and alienate the Minds and Hearts of fundry her Majefty's Subjects from their dutiful Obedience, and to raife and ftir Sedition and Rebellion within this Realm, to the Diftur- bance of the moll: happy Peace thereof; (4) have lately procured and obtained to themfelves from the faid The Effcfl of Bifhop of Rome and his faid See, divers Bulls and Writings, the Effect whereof hath been, and is, to B,,;1 ' b '° u S ht abfolve and reconcile all thofe that will be contented to forfake their due Obedience to our moil gracious lron Sovereign Lady the Queen's Majefty, and to yield and fubject themfelves to the faid feigned, unlawful and ufurped Authority; (5) and by Colour of the faid Bulls and Writings, the faid wicked Perfons very fecretly, and molt feditioufly, in fuch Parts of this Realm where the People for want of good 1'nitruction arc molt weak, fimple and ignorant, and thereby fartheft from the gord Understanding of their Duties towards GOD and the Queen's Majefty, have by their lewd and fubtil Practices and Perfwafions fo • far forth wrought, that fundry fimple and ignorant Perfons have been contented to be reconciled to the faid ufurped Authority of the See of Rome, and to take Abfolution at the Hands of the faid naughty and ftu til Practifcrs ; (6) whereby hath grown great Difobedience and Boldncfs in many, not only to withdraw and abfent themfelves from all Divine Service, now moft godly fet forth and ufed within this ■ Realm, but alfo have thought themfelves difcharged of and from all Obedience, Diry and Allegiance to her Majefty, whereby moft wicked and unnatural Rebellion hath enfued, and to the further Dzngcr of this Realm is hereafter very like to be renewed, if the ungodly and wicked Attempts in that Behalf be not by Severity of Laws in Time reftrained and bridled :' II. For Remedy and Redrefs whereof, and to prevent the great Mifchiefs and Inconveniencies that Patting : n ore thereby may enfue, Be it enacted by the Queen's moft excellent Majefty, with the Affent of the Lords- 11 ')' BMot *k- Spiriiual- - «■ ■■: