Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/635

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A. D. 1570. Anno xiii Regime Elizabeths, C. 3, 4. to whom fuch Offei Hi 'I be made, as is aforefaid, (hall be refiant ; (?) And alfo ii fuch Pcrfon or Perl i to whom fuch Offer (hall be made, (hnli happen to receive ;iny ("tn h Agnm D I remembred, and (hall within the Space of one Day next after fuch Receipt dclivci the fa of Peace within the lanu- Shire when- the Party fo receiving Ih ill be then reliant, or (hall happt n I That then every fuch Pcrfon or Perfons doing any the Aet; or Things in this Provifi m in Form above-declared, (hall not by Force of thi Statute incur any Danger 01 Penalty appointed l>y tin . Statute, or any other Pain or Penalty ; this Aet, or any Thing therein contained to the contrary in any wile notwithstanding. IX. And be it furth :r enacted hy the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Pcrfon and Perforu, which . nt any Time ftnee the Beginning of the iirlr Year of the Queen' ■ Majerb/s Reign thai now i , have brou| or cauf d to be brought into this Realm any fuch Bulls, Writings or Inftruments ol R ■■ • onciliation only are above-mentioned, and now h IVC any of the fame Bull , Writings or Inlli umenr. in his or theil Hand ' or Cuftody, and fhall and do within the Space of three Months next after the End of any SeiEo Diffolution of this prcfent Parliament, bring and deliver all fuch Bulls, Writings and Inftruments v. they or any of them now have in hi.; or their Cuftody, to the Bifhop of the Diocefe where fuch Abfo- lution hath been given and recrived, to th • Intent that the fame Bulls. Writings or Inftruments maybe cancelled and defaced, and (hall openly and publickly before fuch Biihop contJs and acknowledge hla or their Offcnc : therein, and h imbly defire to be received, rcftored and admitted to the Church of Eng- land, (hall Hand and be clearly pardoned and c'ifcharged of all and every Offence and Offences done or committed in any Matter or Caufe concerning any of the laid Bulls, Writings or Inftruments, for or touching fuch Abfolution or Reconciliation only. (2) And that all and every Perfon or Perfons which A Pinion of »U have received or taken any Abfolution from the faid Bifhop of Rom,; or his faid See of Rome, of any Re- 'J: conciliation unto the faid Bifhop of Route, or to the faid Sec of Rom,-, fithence the faid tirft Year of the . Reign of our faid Sovereign Lady the Queen, and (hall within the faid Space of three Month next after Home, »n<* do any Seflion or I involution of this prefent Parliament come before the Bifhop of the Diocefe of fuch Place eonlka it. at.j where fuch Abfolution or Reconciliation was had or made, and (hall publickly and openly before the fame '. u '"'■'• ' Biihop confefs and acknowledge his or their Offence therein, and humbly defire to be received, rcftored and lc v admitted to the Church of England, (hall like wife (land and be clearly pardoned and discharged of all and every Offence and Offences done or committed in any Matter or Caufe concerning the faid Bulls, Wri- tings or Inftruments, for or touching only receiving of fuch Abfolution or Reconciliation, and for and con- cerning all Abfolution or Reconciliation had or received by Colour of any the faid Bulls, Writings or In- ftruments only. X. Provided alfo, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Juftice of Peace, Jf.-^'i,' to whom any Matter or Offence before-mentioned fhall be uttered, (hewed or declared, as is aforefaid, do p ca c C ' n0 , ac. not within the Space of fourteen Days next after it (hall be to him (hewed or uttered, fignify or declare doGng .n Of. the fame to fome one of the Queen's Majefty's Privy Council, that then the fame luftice of Peace (hall fence-* incur the Danger, Pain and Forfeiture provided by the faid Statute made in the (aid (txteenth Year of un,ubim - King Richard the Second. XL Provided alfo, and be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Nobleman, being Tml of 1 N">- a Peer oi this Realm, fhall at any Time hereafter happen to be indicted for any the Offence or Offences^" 1 ™ b )' h,s aforefaid, that then every fuch Nobleman and Peer or this Realm ftiall have his'Trial by his Peers, as in * cr Cafes of Hisrh Treafon and Mifpriiion of Treafon hath heretofore been accuftomed or ufed : XII. Saving to all and every Perfon and Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, their Heirs and Sue- * s '" n? . of , » ccilois, and the Heirs and Succeflbrs of every of them, other than the faid Offenders and their Heirs ~? claiming only as Heir or Heirs to any fuch Offenders, and fuch Pcrfon and Perfons as claim to any their Ufes, (2) all fuch Rights, Titles, Interefts, Poflefiions, Leafes, Rents, Reverfions, Remainders, Offices, Fees and all other Profits, Commodities and Hereditaments, as they or any of them fhall have at the Day of the Committing of fuch Offence or Offences, or at any Time before, in a^ large and ample _ . p Manner to all Intents and Purpofes, as if this AA had never been had nor made ; any Thing herein con- ' tained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. 23 Eliz. c. 1. c. 4. 150. a c.6. iW.&M. fiat. 1. ..iS. 5 Ana. .-. 5. j-.:' 13 C .. ». .. - '. C A P. HI. If any born within this Realm, or made Free Denizen, hath departed or fhall depart the Realm without P. the Queen's Licence under the Great or Privy Seal, and fhall not return again within fix Months after "• ' Warning by Proclamation, he Avail forfeit to the Queen the Profits of all his Lands during his Life, and s,v alfo all his Goods and Chattels. The like Penalty he (hall Curtain, which having Licence (hall not return within C^x Months after his Licence expired. The Offender fhall have Reftitution upon Submiflion. Fraudulent Affurnnces made by Fugitives of their Lands and Goods to deceive the Queen', fhall be void. EXP. 5 R. 2. Stat. 1. c. 1. 12 R. 2. c. 8. 14 El. c. 6. C A P. IV. An Aft to make the Lands, Tenements, Goods and Chattels of Tellers, Receivers, fc?r. liable to the Payment of their Debts. FO R the better Security of the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, againft fuch as ft) ill h.v. the Receipt and Charge of the Money and Treafure of her Highnefs, her Heirs and Succeffoi . Be it declared and enacted by the Queen's Majeftv, with the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, L , Vol. IL a. F and