Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/636

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586 C. 4. Anno xiii Reginse Elizabeths. A. D. 1570. liable for the and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That all Landsj Payment of the Tenements, Profits, Commodities and Hereditaments, (3) which any Treafurer or Receiver in or belbng- b^thum not" m % to an V °^ the Qi" een ' s Majefty's Courts of the Exchequer, Wards and Liveries, or Duchy of Lane ifier t piiaf&e':™'" Treafurer of the Chamber, Cofferer of the Houfhold to the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs or Succeilbrs, This Aft en- Treafurer for the Wars, Treafurer of any Fort, Town or Caftle, where any Garrifon is or fhall be kept, tended 10 Under- Treafurer of the Admiralty or Navy, Treafurer, Undertreafurer or other Perfon accomptable to the Queen's Coheftois of Majefty, her Heirs or Succeflors, for any Office or Charge of or within the Mint, Treafurer or Receive* Tenths, &c. by f an y Sums of Money impreft, or otherwile, for the Ufe of the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs or Succeilbrs, 14 c- 7 * or for Provifions of Victual, or for Fortifications, Buildings or Works, or for any other Provifions to be ufed in any the Offices of the Queen's Majefty's Ordnance and Artillery, Armory, Wardrobe, Tents and Pavilions, or Revels, Cuftomer, Collector, Farmer of Cuftoms, Subfidies, Impofts or other Duties within any Port of the Realm, Collector of the/Tenths of the Clergy, Collector of any Subfidy or Fifteen, Re- ceiver General of the Revenues of any County or Counties, anfwerable in the Receipt of the Exchequer, or in the Court of Wards and Liveries, or the Duchy of Lancajier, Clerk of the Hamper, (4) now hath, or at any Time hereafter fhall have, within the Time whilft he or they or any of them fhall remain ac- % Mod. 247. countable; (5) fhall for the Payment and Satisfaction unto the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeilbrs, of his or their Arrearages, at any Time hereafter to be lawfully, according to the Laws of this Realm, adjudged and determined upon his or their Account (all his due and reafonable Petitions being allowed) be liable to the Payment thereof, (6) and be put and had in Execution, for the Payment of fuch Arrearages or Debts to be fo adjudged and determined upon any fuch Treafurer, Receiver, Teller, Cuftorrer, Col- lector, Farmer, Officer or Accountant, as is before-named, (7) in like and in as large and beneficial Manner to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the fame Treafurer, Receiver, Teller, Cuftomer, Farmer or Collector, upon whom any fuch Arrearages or Debts fhall be fo adjudged or determined, had the Day he became firft Officer or Accountant ftood bound by Writing obligatory, having the Effect of a Statute of the Staple, to her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeflors, for the true Anfwering and Payment of the fame Arrea- rages or Debts, emtain Cafes l H. And forafmuch as many Times it may come to pafs, that the Queen's Highnefs, her Heirs or Suc- wherem the t cefiors, fhall not or may not be conveniently fatisfied of the Debt to be determined or due upon any Ac- tte Accountants * count or Farm as is aforefaid, by way of Extent, for that the yearly Value of the Lands extended will Lands. ' not fatisfy her Highnefs, her Heirs or Succeflors, within the Compafs of many Years, fo as thereby 1 Leon,. 98. * great Lofs might enfue to her Highnefs, her Heirs and Succeflors;' (2) For Remedy thereof be it further enacted, That if any Treafurer, Receiver, Collector, Farmer, Cuftomer, Teller, Collector of Cuftom, Subfidy or Impoft, or other Perfon Accountant before-mentioned, which fhall from and after the Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel now next coming receive or be chargeable with any Money or Treafure of our faid Sovereign Lady the Queen, her Heirs or Succeflors, (3) and fhall upon the Determining of his or their Account (all his and their due Petitions to them upon the fame Account being allowed) or by reafon of any Farm, as aforefaid, be found in Arrearages, or to owe unto our faid Sovereign Lady the Queen, her Heirs or Succeflors, any Sum or Sums of Money, (4) and fhall not within the Space of fix Months next after his or their Accounts finifhed, or Debt known, (having Allowance of his or their due and reafonable Petitions, as is aforefaid) truly fatisfy and pay all fuch Arrearages and Sums of Money as he or they fhall owe upon Determination of his or their Account, or upon his or their Debt known, as is Such Sale good aforefaid; (5) that then it fhall and may be lawful to the Queen's Highnefs, her Heirs and Succeflors, at alter the Death an y Time, and from Time to Time, after the faid fix Months ended, to make Sale by her or their Letters •f fuch Ac^ Patents under the Great Seal of England, of fo much of the Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments of every El. c. 3.' fuch Accountant or Debtor fo being found in Arrearages or in Debt, as is above-mentioned, as may fuf- §. 2. fice our faid Sovereign Lady the Queen, her Heirs or Succeflors, for the Satisfaction of his or their Debt or Arrearages, to be determined or adjudged upon his or their Account or Farm, as is aforefaid, (all due Pe- titions being allowed, as is aforefaid) until her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeflors, be by fuch Sale fully fatis- fied and paid off fuch Arrearages and Debt to be found upon Account or Farm, as is aforefaid. Delivery of the j|j > And if any Overplus of Money fhall be received or had upon any fuch Sale, then the fame fhall Overplus to^the ^ p a j c j anc [ d e ]i ve re<l to the Accountant or Farmer, or his Heirs, by the Officer that fhall receive the Land; Money upon any of the faid Sales, without any further or other Warrant in that Behalf to be made or obtained. The Sale good jy. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all the faid Sales to be made by the agointt the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs or Succeflors, as is aforefaid, fhall be good and available in Law agalnft e"uitt C ~ the P arL y Accountant indebted as is aforefaid, and his Heirs claiming as Heirs, and againft the Queen's Hob. 4.5. Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflors, notwithftanding any former Charge or Incumbrance to her Majefty,

  • Read, againft her Heirs and Succeilbrs, by the Perfon or Perfons for whofe Debt or Duty the fame fhall fortune to be

the Party Acaun- f ] rj . 'ytlrS 6»/8q'. ^' •^ nc ' ^ e lt r ' lirt h er enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons accountant or Accountant' pur- indebted, as is aforefaid, fhall at any Time after he or they fhall become accountant or cha.geable, as is timfeth Lands in aforefaid, purchafe and buy, or caufe to be purchafed and bought, any Lands, Tenements or Heredita- cthers Names, ments, and cai.fe the Afiurance thereof to be made in the Name of any other Perfon or Perfons, where the Dyen6a. fame is indeed meant or intended to the Ufe, Profit or Behoof of fuch Perfon accountant or indebted, or of any other Perfon or Perfons, and that the fame Manner of Purchafing, and fecret Ufes, Profits or Behoof, fhall be found by Office or Inquifition; That then all and every Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments fo to be bought or purchafed,. or caufed to be purchafed (as is before-mentioned in this Lift Provifo) fhall by Virtue 1