Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/637

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A. D. 1570. Anno xiii Regime El 1 /. Afefi t m.i:. C. 4. 5 S 7 Virtue of this Act be taken, deemed and ufed for the S.-iti> r.u'i i>>n of tb< Arrearage! ami Debt of evtoy fuch Accountant or Debtor, as is above-mentioned, to aJl Intent and] rrfbna Indebted upon his or their Account or Farm wei thereof a tually feized of fuch I I my Perfon or Pcrfons, by any fuch Accountant or Debtor, oroy Leans, a that all Sales to be thereof made by the Qj | f U ch Debt or Arrearages as fhall be found, .is is afon faid. to be due and i I ns and SuccelTors, (hall be of the lik ' . nd be ufed and done in fuch like Manner and 1'urm, a 1 before expr ' ! > d. ' VI. And whereas heretofore fomc Treafiirei , I ■" fs, Receivers, Collectors and other*, having ' had Charge of the Queen's Majefty's Money and Trcafure, have gotten into theii Hands gn ' the Que n's Majefty's Money and Trcafure fithe ce tb Beginning of her Majefty's Reign, fraudulently employed her Majefbj '■■ M m j thd Trcafure which they had in then Charge, in fundry ' wife to their own Ufes, partly in the Purchafing her Majefty's own Lands, and partly in purchasing ' Lands of others : (.'.) And to the Intent the fame Should not l>e liable to fatisfy and pay her Majefty, her ' !l irs or Succeffors, of that which to her or th m fhould ap d the fame fometim 1 their own Names, and fbmetimes in the Names of fundry thfeii triends and Kinsfolk , Wh

  • dren, ami yet neverthelefs have taken and received the Rents and Revenues thereof to their owl I

VII. Be it therefore further enacted and ordained by the Authority aforcfaid, That all and fingul Tenements and Hereditaments, which any Treafurer, Receiver, Teller, Cultomer, Collector, Officer 01 Accountant before-named, hath heretofore lincc the Beginning of the (Queen's Majefty's Reign purchafed ' '_' or caufed to be purchafed, to the Intent the fame fhould not be liable, as is aforcfaid (the Fraud and Covin . aforcfaid being nrft found by Office or Inquifition) fhall and may be feized and taken by her Majefty, Heirs and Succeffors, and retained by her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, in Fee-fimple, to be fold Or otherwife ufed at her and their Wills and Pleafures, towards the Payment and Satisfaction of all and Arrearages already let or determined and adjudged, or that hereafter fh.dl be fet, determined or adjud upon his or their Account (all reafonable and due Petitions being allowed) at fuch Rate and Value as the fame were purchafed or bought, or caufed to be purchafed or bought, by any fuch Treafurer, Receiver, 'Poller, Cuftomer or Collector before-named, or by any other Perfon to their Ufe. VIII. Provided always, That if the Lands and Tenements fo to be feized, taken or fold, by her Mi-' 1 , jefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, as is laft above-mentioned, do furmount, after the Rate and Value afore- f^ m ^ f ,id, the Debt and Arrearages to be fet, determined and adjudged upon the Account of any Treafurer, w m f u j Receiver, Teller, Cuftomer, Collector or Accomptant before-named, that then her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, fhall take and feize only fo much as fhall amount, after the Rate and Value aforefaid, to the juft Payment and Satisfaction of fuch Debt and Arrearages as hath been or fhall be fet, determined or adjudged upon his or their Account as is aforcfaid. IX. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforcfaid, That no Bifhop having the No Collection of any Sublidy or Tenths, or any his Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, whereof he is L " '■" *- :1 lc fci/.ed in the Right of his Bifhoprick, fhall be charged by Virtue of this Act for any Arearages of ar£4j Tenths or Subfidy, otherwife or in any other Manner than he might lawfully have been before the Ma- king of this Act ; any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. X. And be it alfo further provided and enacted by the Authori y aforefaid, That this Act, or any *? Thing therein contained, fhall not in any wife extend to charge any Treafurer, Receiver, Teller, Cuf-* { .' A ' S ^ K ", Collector or Accomptant aforefaid, having any yearly Receipt, 12) nor any their Lands, Tene- .^j, rhents or Hereditaments, whole yearly Receipt, Collection and Charge, or whole whole Receipt from the Beginning of his Charge, is not or hath not been, or hereafter fhall not be, above the Sum of three hundred Pounds ; (3) otherwife or in any other Manner and Form than he or they might lawfully have been charged before the Making of this Act ; any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof notwith- standing. ' XI. And forafmuch as fundry the Accountants before-named, namely, The Treafurer of the Chamber, ' and Cofferer of the Houfhold, of our faid Sovereign Lady the Queen, her Hcir^ and Succeffo;s, 1 1. ' rers of Wars or Garrifons, Treafurers of the Navy, Treafurers or Receivers of any Sums of Money ' for Provifion of Victual, or for Fortifications, or for Buildings, and Matter of the Wardrobe, are by ' Ortler of their Offices and Charge, af;er their Accounts ended and determined, to dlsburfe, ( I ■ iccnvrtjnts ' defray the Debt remaining upon their Accounts, in fuch Charges as are neceifarily and incidemly to be „(,„(, arc mt ' fpent and provided in their Offices and Charges, fo as they are not of fuch Sums of Money or Debt to mak< prefent ' remaining upon their Account to make prefent Payment and Satisfaction as other Accountants are:' -:■" c ■'•■ XII. Be it therefore enacted and ordained by the Authority aforef i .1, That this Act or any Thing therein contained fhall not extend to give any Power or Authority to make Sale of any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, for any fuch Debt to be fet and adjudged m any of his or their Accounts mentioned in this Branch, unlets the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, upon the Ending or Determining of his ot their Accounts (all his or their due Petitions to them upon the fame A -counts being allowed I require .ir command prefent Payment thereof, or otherwife eftfoons require a new Account 01 the lame Debt to let M remaining in any the Accounts mentioned in this Branch; and that then the fame Debt, oriany.Paxt thtB '. fhall be found to be owing and unexpended m the Matters or Charges pertaining to any ot their faid Offices or Charges men ioned in this Branch, and the fame Debt remain unpaid by the Space ot fix Months alter fuch Requeft or Commandment. _, . _ A _ XIII. Provided alway, That this Act fhall not extend to charge any Sheriff, Efcheator or Pailiii pi . bertiesj or the Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments of any Sheriff, Efcheator or Baiuli or Liberties, nor s 4 F 2