Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/643

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much as fhall be referved by Way of Ufury above the Principal, lor any Money lb to Ik: lent or Ibrboi.i r citures to be recovered and employed as is limited for forfeitures by the laid former Si tutc now revived. A. D. 1570* Anno xiii Regince Eli Z abet HA, C. III. And be it further enacted, That all Bonds, Contrails and Afllu : , /t hrr, to be All made for Payment of any Principal or Money to lie lent, (2) 01 Cm nant i" be pcrfi rimy in lending or doing of any Thing agamft the faid Act now revivi d, ( ^ upoi Doing there fhall be referved or taken above the Rate of ten Pounds For tlie Hundred for 1 1 Utterly void. IV. And be it further enacted, That all Brokers, Solicitors and Driven of Bargains for Contract, other Doings againft the f.iid Statute now revived, whereupon fhall be 1 I Rate of ten Pounds for the Loan of one hundred Pound 1 u a ear, fhall I judged, punifhed and ufed as Counfellors, Attornies or Advocates in any Cafe of P ' V. And forafmuch as all Ufury, being forbidden by the Law of God, 1 Sin ■ '•," (3] B ji enacted. That all Ufury, Loan and forbearing of Money, or giving Days for forbearing of Money, . Way of Loan, Chcvifmce, Shifts, Sale of Wares, Contracts brother Doings whatsoever, for Gain, m tioncd in the faid Statute, which is now revived, wherein* n is not refer. , or coien m referved, payed or given to the Lender, Contracter, Shifter, Forbcarer or Deliverer, above the Sum ol ■ ten Pound for the Loan or forbearing of a hundred Pound for one Year, or alter that Rate for a inc;'- OJ '■■■ I Icffer Sum or Time, fhall be from the five and twentieth Day of "June next coming punifhed in ! lowing ; that is to fay, That every fuch Offender againft. this Branch of this prefent Statute, fhall fori much as fhall be re ' (3) All fuch Forfci tutc now revived. VI. And be it further enacted, That Juftices olOycr and Dettrmuur, and Juftices of Affifc in their Cir- Wl • I cuits, Juftices of Peace in their hellions, Mayors, Sheriffs and Bailiffs of Cities, fhall alfo have full Power *"'■'; ' and Authority to enquire, hear and determine of all and lingular Offences committed againft the faid Sta- "* nir«n tute now revived. ifoiSjt** VII. And be it further enacted, That the faid Statute now revived fhall be moft largely and ftrongly TheSiuutr c f conftrucd for the repreffing of Ufury, and againft all Perfons that lhall offend againft the true Meaning of >~ H - *■ c - »• the faid Statute, by any Way or Device, directly or indirectly. taJrftoBd VIII. Provided alway, That this Statute doth not extend, nor fhall be expounded to extend unto any !r "ok reprcflLe Allowances or Payments for the finding of Orphans, according to the ancient Rates or Cuftoms of the t Vtm. City of London, or any other City where like Order is for the Cuftody of Orphans and their Goods, as is in .the faid City of London. IX. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforcfaid, That if any Perfon or Per- in what Cafe >a fons fhall, from and after the faid five and twentieth Day of June, offend contrary to the faid Statute re- °fc ni " ""!> vived by this prefent Act, made in the feven and thirtieth Year of the Reign of the faid late King Henry £ c J t j[° j^i'^ the Eighth ; That then all and every fuch Offender and Offenders fhall and may alfo be punifhed and a'oiial Law. corrected, according to the Ecclcfiaftical Laws heretofore made againft Ufury : (2; And that all and every Perfon and Perfons offending in Ufury, Shifts or Chevif.mcc, againft this prefent Act, and not taking or receiving, but only after the Rate often Pounds in the Hundred or under for a Year, fhall be only punifh- ed by the Pains and Forfeitures provided and appointed by this Art, againft fuch as fhall not take or receive over and above the Rate of ten Pounds in the Hundred for a Year, and not otherwife. (3) This Act to continue and endure for and during the Space of five Years next after the End of this prefent Parliament, and from thence unto the End of the hrft Seflion of the Parliament then next enfuing. X. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if this prefent Act fhall not be continued in the firft Seflion of the Parliament next enfuing the faid Term of five Years, and then in the fame Seflion no other Statute or Provifion made againft Ufury or corrupt Chevifance ; That then all and every the Laws and Statutes repealed by this Act fhall remain and be of fuch like Force and Effect as if this prefent For farther p ■. Act had never been had ne made. 21 Jac. 1. c. 17. made perpetual by 39 Eliz. c. 18. Vfury, fee 31 £1. c. 5. §.4. 11 Car. 2. c. 13. ar.d 12 .it, Stat. z. c. 1 . CAP. IX. An A£b for the Commiffion of Sewers. FOrafmuch as noCommifli the Space of five Years :' the AfTent of the Lords Spiritual ... and by the Authority of the fame, That from henceforth all and every Commiffion and Commiflions of Sewers now ftanding in Force, or that hereafter fhall be granted and made, fhall ftanJ and con- c ... ,. n g ' tinue in Force for the Term of ten Years next enfuing the Date of every fuch Commiffion, unlefi the fame Commiffion or Commiflions be or hereafter fhall be repealed or determined by reafon of any A Cosumffion new Commiffion in that Behalf made, or by Super/ideas : (3) And that all fuch Laws, Ordinances and of S( Conftitutions as be or fhall be duly made by Force of any fuch Commiffion, according to the Tenor and y^ aetcn Effect limited in any fo'rmer Statute heretofore made touching Commiffion or Commiffions of Sewers, ahd TheOrfos of being written in Parchment indented, and under the Seals of the faid Commiffioners, or fix of them ( where- th c of the one Part fhall remain with the Clerk appointed and to be appointed for .the Commiffion ol for the Time being, and the other Part in fuch Place as the fame Cprhrmffloner*, or fix of them, fh order and appoint) fhall, without any Certificate thereof to be made into the Court of Chancery, without the Royal Affent to the fame had,ftandand continue m full Force and Effect notwithi Determination of any fuch Commiffion by Super/ideas, until fuch Time as the fame Laws, Conftitutions Royal Afleot. . Vol. II. 4 G