Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/644

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594 C. I0 " Anno xiii Reginse Elizabeths. A. D. 1570. and Ordinances (hall be altered, repealed or made void by the Commiflioners after to be afligned and ap. pointed for Sewers in thofe Parts where the fame Laws, Ordinances and Conftitutions were made, or- dained and constituted, or by fix of them. TheCommiffip- II, And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That at all Times from and after the End and jictsot Sewers Expiration of the Term of ten Years next enfuing the Date or Tejle of any Commiflion of Sewers here- tinte'onVVear 1 " a * ter t0 ^ e made, all fuch Laws, Ordinances and Conftitutions, as were made by Virtue of any fuchCom- thoughiheCom- miflion, and written in Parchment indented and fealed as is above-mentioned, without Certificate thereof, inifficin do expire, or the Affent Royal to the fame had, as is aforefaid, fhall, notwithftandingthe Determination of any fuch Commiflion by the Expiration of the Term of ten Years next enfuing the Date of any fuch Commiflion of" The Tuftices of Sewers, likewife continue in Force for and by the Space of one whole Year then next enfuing : (2) And Peace ma'y tor . t jj at t he Juftices of Feace in the Shire and Shires where the fame Laws, Ordinances and Conftitutions are cure the Com- t0 ^ e executed within their feveral Commiflions or Limits, or fix of them, whereof two to be of the £>uo- rmfiion of Sew- rum', fhall have Power and Authority, by the Space of one whole Year next after the Expiration of every ers, unlefs a fuch Commiflion, to execute the fame Laws, Ordinances and Conftitutions, and every of them, as fully new Commiflion anc j ; n as am pl e Manner and Form as the Commiflioners, or any of them, named and appointed in every he granted, oj . ^ Commiflion fo expired, might or fhould have done, to all Intents and Purpofes as if the faid Com- miflion or Commiflions had continued in Force. III. Provided always, and be it neverthelefs enacted, That if any new Commiflion of Sewers fhall be made wi:hin the fa>d Year, that then immediately from and after fuch Commiflion newly made and pub- lifhed, the Power of the faid Juftices of the Peace, and every of them, in any wife concerning the Execu- tion of any fuch Laws, Ordinances and Conftitutions of Sewers, fhall utterly ceafe ; any Thing or Things in this Aft to the contrary expreffed in any wife notwithflanding. A Farmer of ] v And be it further enacted, That no Farmer or Farmers for Term of Years, of any Manors, Lands able (hall " or Tenements, lying or being within the Precincts or Limits of any fuch Commiflion of Sewers, which be r , . or hereafter may be ordered and chargeable by any Laws, Ordinances or Conititutions made or to be jnade by Virtue of any fuch Commiflion, wherein he or they fhall be named or appointed Commiflioner or Com' iamePrecina. mifiioners, not having Eftate of Freehold within the Realm of England of or in Manors, Lands or Tene- ments, of the yearly Value of forty Pounds, fhall at any Time hereafter have Power to fit, or in any wife intermeddle with the Execution of fuch Commiflion or Commiflions, during the Time he or they fhall continue or be fuch Farmer or Farmers of any fuch Manors, Lands or Tenements, and fhall not have Ef- tate of Freehold, as is aforefaid ; (2) but that every fuch Commiflion, as having refpect only to every fuch Perfon orPerfons for fuch and fo long Time as he or they fhall fo be and continue Farmer or Farmers of any fuch Manors, Lands or Tenements, fhall be deemed and adjudged in Law to be as void and of none Ef- fect ; any Tiling in the fame Commiflion, or any Statute or Law heretofore made, to the contrary not- withftanjing. There (hall be y_ ^ nc j £ e j t f ur ther enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from henceforth the faid Commiflioners, R° turn of the" nor an Y °f them, fhall not be compelled or compellable to make any Certificate or Return of the faid Com- Commiffion. miflions, or any of them, or of any their Ordinances, Laws or Doings, by the Authority of any the faid 1 Lev. *88. Commiflions, nor fhall not have any Fine, Pain or Amerciament fet upon them, or any of them, or any 1 Vent. 66, 67. Ways to be molefted in Body, Lands or Goods, for that Caufe. VI. And yet neverthelefs, to the Intent the Queen's Majefty our Sovereign Lady, her Heirs and Suc- ceflbrs, may at all Times hereafter be truly anfwered of all fuch Iffues, Fines and Amerciaments, as fhall happen, grow or be forfeited by Virtue of any fuch Commiflion, or by the Execution thereof: (2) Be k Amerciaments a ^° ena & e d> That the Crerk and Clerks appointed, and hereafter to be appointed, for and in any fuch ftall be eitreated Commiflion and Commiflions of Sewers, fhall yearly truly eftreat all the faid IfTues, Fines, Penalties, For- into the Exche- feitures and Amerciaments, that fhall be due and anfwerable to her Highnefs, her Heirs and SuccefTors ; 9 uer - (3) and the fame Eftreats ihall yearly deliver into the Court of the Exchequer at fuch Time and Times, and in fuch Manner and Form, as Juftices afligned to and- for the Confervation of the Peace in any wife fhould or ought to do by Virtue of their Comrhflion, (4) upon Pain to forfeit to our Sovereign Lady the Queen, her Heirs and SuccefTors, for every Default in that Behalf made, five Pounds. In what Cafe a tl. Provided always, That it fhall be lawful for any Commiflioner, being alfo a Farmer, and not hav- Farmer of Lands j n g Lands and Tenements to the clear yearly Value of forty Pounds of Freehold, to fit by Virtue of the faid bea'commiffio'- Commiflion, and have his Voice and full Authority with others to make and eftablifh Ordinances mi- ner. " Sewers, according to the Tenor of the Commiflion, touching and concerning all Lands and Tenements within the Precinct of every fuch Commiflion, other than fuch Lands and Tenements as he or they, for And fee farther the Time being, hold and enjoy as Farmer, as he or they might have done before the making of this Sta- 7 Ann. c. 19. tute; any Thing therein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. 3 Jac. 1. c. 14. CAP. X. Fraudulent Deeds made by Spiritual Perfons to defeat their Succeffors of Remedy for Dilapidations fhall be void, &c. Wron nd ' /t/*^^ divers and fundry Ecclefiaftical Perfons of this Realm, being endowed and pofTefTed of Fra'uds^praftifed ' VV ancient Palaces, Manfion-Houfes, and other Edifices and Buildings, belonging to their Ecclefiaftical by diversEcde- * Benefices or Livings, have of late Years not only fuffered the fame for Want of due Reparations partly to ' run