Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/656

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606 C. 4 — 6. Anno xiv Reginss Elizabeths. A. D. 1572. The Penalty of Realm ; that then every fuch Offence (hall be deemed and adjudged Mifprifion of High Treafon ; (3) and fo J' e "? s . of Co "? the Offenders therein, their Procurers, Aiders and Abettors, being convict according to the Laws of this Money ofthii e Realm of fuch Offences, fhall be imprifoned, and forfeit fuch Lands, Goods and Chattels, as in Cafes Realm, nor cur-of Mifprifion of Treafon for Concealment of High Treafon. rent therein. Farther Provificm concerning the Coin 8 & 9 W. 3. c. 26. 9 £? larY. 3. c. 21. 1 Ann. fiat. 1. c. 9. and 15 Geo. 2. c. 28. C A P. IV. Cordwainers. The Statute of i El. c. 10. prohibiting the Tranfporting of Leather, Tallow and Raw Hides, fhall be re- vived for feven Years. EXP. and REP. 18 Eliz. c. 9. CAP. V. An A£t for the Punifhment of Vagabonds, and for the Relief of the Poor and Impotent. Vagabonds. A Repeal of the Statute of 22 H. 8. c. 12. and 3 & 4. Ed. 6. c. 16. and 5 & 6 E. 6. c. 2. provided for the Repealed by 35 Relief of the Poor, and Punifhment of Vagabonds. A Vagabond above the Age of fourteen Years fhall E1, pj 7 c ' $" " 4 " be adjudged to be grievoufty whipped, and burned through the Griffle of the right Ear with a hot Iron of Hi ,3. ' ' the Compafs of an Inch, unlefs fome credible Perfon will take him into Service for a Year. And if being 43 El. c 2. of the Age of eighteen Years, he after do fall again into a roguifh Life, he fhall fuffer Death as a Felon, unlefs fome credible Perfon will take him into Service for two Years. And if he fall a third Time inta a roguifh Life, he fhall be aJjudged a Felon. Who fhall be adjudged Vagabonds ? The Penalty for the Relief of them. Who may make Pafsports and Licences and to whom ? AiTeflments fhall be made of the Parifnioners of every Parifh for the Relief of the Poor of the fame Parifh. Every Bifhop fhall vifit and reform Hofpitals within his Diocefe. No Perfon fhall bring any Rogue out of Ireland or the IJle of Man into England. EXP. A ProvjGon for XXXVTI. It fhall and may be lawful for the Juftices of Peace of every Shire within this Realm, at the Relief of the their General Quarter-Seffions of the Peace to be holden within the fame Shires, or the moil Part of the common Gao'/ *~ a 'd Juftices being then prefent, to rate and tax every Parifh within the faid Shires, at fuch reafonable Sums Continued as to of Money, for and towards the Relief of the faid Prifoners as they fhall think convenient by their Dif- the taxing of cretions ; fo that the laid Taxation and Rate doth not exceed above fix Pence or eight Pence by the Week Gaol Money, by out f ever y Parifh ; and that the Churchwardens of every Parifh within this Realm for the Time being 2iTac ? i L c"-^s ^ a ^ evel 'y Sunday levy the fame, and once every Quarter in the Year pay to the High Conftables or 3 Car.'i. c. 4. Head Officers of every Town, Parifh, Hundred, Riding or Wapentake within this Realm, all fuch Sums and farther con- of Money as their Parifh fhall be rated and taxed, for and towards the Relief of the faid Prifoners tinued by 16 within their laid feveral Parilhes : And that the faid High Conftables and Head Officers, and every of Car. i. c. 4. them, fhall pay all fuch Sums of Money fo to them paid by the faid Churchwardens, at every General Quarter-Seffions to be holden within the faid feveral Shires, to fuch fufficient Perfons dwelling nigh the faid Gaols as fhall be appointed by the faid Juftices in their faid open Quarter-Seffions, to be there ready to The Forfeituie -receive the faid Money lb collected as is aforefaid; and that the Collectors for the faid Prifoners fhall weekly of the Church- diftribute and pay all fuch Sums of Money as they and every of them fhall receive for the Relief of the ward ns, Con- j^jj p r jf oners as aforefaid ; upon Pain as well the faid Churchwardens of every Parifh, Conftables and Head leftors omittin" Officers of every Hundred or Wapentake, as alfo the faid Collectors appointed for the Collection and (. on- thcir Duties. ° tribution of the faid Prifoners, fo making Default as aforefaid, to forfeit five Pounds ; the one Moiety thereof fhall be to the Ufe of the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeftors, and the other Moiety to the Relief of the Prifoners ; any Statute, Law, Cuftom, Ufe or other Thing to the contrary in any wife not- withftanding. Juftices of Peace XXXVIII. Provided always, That the Juftices of Peace wi'hin any County of this Realm or Wales, fh.iil not meddle £^.,11 not i ntrom i t or enter into any City, Borough, Place or Town Corporate where be any Juftice or roukri' &cf'but" JlijftJcqs of Peace for any fuch City, Borough, Place or Town Corporate for the Execution of any Branch, the Mayors or Article or Sentence of this Aft, for or concerning any Offence, Matter or Caufe growing or ariftng within officers' of the the Precincts, Liberties or Jurifdiftions of fuch City, Borough, Place or Town Corporate; but that it fame. ma y an( j jfhall be lawful to the Juftice and Juftices of Peace, Mayor, Bailiffs and other Head Officers of thofe Cities, Boroughs, Places and Towns Corporate where there be Juftice or Juftices, to proceed to the Execution of this Act, within the Precinct and Compafs of their Liberties, in fuch Manner and Form as the Juftices of Peace in any County may or ought to do within the fame County by Virtue of this Act ; any Matter or Thing in this Act expreffed to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. XXXIX. And that every Juftice and Juftices of the Peace, within every fuch City, Borough, Place and Town Corporate, for every Offence by them or any of them to be committed contrary to the Intent and Meaning of this Statute fhall be punifhable and chargeable, as other Juftices of Peace- at large in the' Counties are by this Act above appointed to be. CAP. VI. Fugitives. The Queen may make Grants by Copy of Court-Roll, ufual Wood-Sales or other Things, of Lands of Fugitives contrary to 13 Eliz. c. 3. as Tenant pur terme dauter vie, may do. The Rents of Fugitives Lands fhall be anfwerabie in the Exchequer, and of Duchy Lands in the Court of the Duchy of Lan- cajler. EXP. 3 Lift. 178. Lane 47. CAP. 3