Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/655

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A. D. 1573. Anno xiii Reginae Eliza beti C. 29. and a'! other Li ttcra Patents by ai y libra of h :i ties, Fram hifcs, Immui therein exprefled n 01 grand I to le , or to any I id Ch incellor, Mafters and Schol nd by Virtue unto the fai I Cham ell >r, M; . I aw, Ufage, Cuftom,< withftanding Saving to all and every Perfon and Perfons, ai Heirs and Succeflbrs, and the Heirs and £ 1, ■, Heir, and Sui I fuch Right , Titles, ] , L . , ( lands, which they and every of them had, might or fhould have ha , Lordlhip ;, I inds, Tenei Churches, Penfions, Portions, Hereditaments and all other Thin , tjoned or comprifcd, by reafon of' any Right, Tit] , ft or Condition to th m or or to the Anceftors or PredecclTors of them or an Jute or grown before th( Patents, or by reafon of any < Demil i «.: i 1. i Ac! or AcTts, at any I made or done between the faid Chancellor, Mafters and Scholars of cither of the faid Univcrfitics of Cam- . and Oxford, or any of them, and oth< rs, by what Name and . T .m,cs focver the fame were made and done, in like Manner and Form as they and every of them had or i ight have had the farm ma- king of this Acf ; any Thing, csV. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That this AiSr, or any Thing therein contained, ilia!! not extend to the Prejudice or Hurt of the Liberties and Privileges of Right belonging to the : liliffs and Burgeffc; of the Town of Cambridge and Cil f; but that they the laid Mayors, Bailiffs and Burgefles, and every of them, and their Succeflbrs, (hall be and continue free in fuch Sort an 1 Degree, and enjoy fuch Liberties, freedoms and Immu they or anv of them lawfully may or might have done before the making of this prefent Act; any Thing contained in this prefent Act to the contrary notwithftanding. Anno decimo quarto Reginae Elizabeth. e. A June folk were enabled as followeth. CAP. I. It mall be Felony to t ike or keep from the Queen any of the CafHes, Forts, Molds, C5V. or to raze or burn Fdony. any Caflle or Fort having the Queen's Munition or Ordnance therein, or guarded with Soldiers, and ad- vifedly to exprefs the fame by Words, Acl or Writings. It fhall be High Treafon to with-hold from the Queen any of the Caftles, Holds, £?>. or any of her Ships, Artillery or Fortification of War ; or to bum a .d deftroy any of her Ships, or to bar any Haven ; during the Queen's Life. EXP. CAP. II. The Penalty for confpiring, devifing or going about to enlarge any PriLner committed to Prifon or Cuftody Tieafca. by the Queen's fpecial Commandment, for any Treafon or Sufpicion of Treafon concerning her own Perfon, and the fame Confpiracy, Device, £?7. by exprefs Words, Writing or other Matter, manifeftly to declare or fet forth, before the Prifoner (hall be indicted, (hall be deemed Mifprifion of Treafon, after Indictment Felony, after Attainder High Treafon. EXP. 3 lull. 6, 12, 14. CAP. III. An Aft againft the Forging and Counterfeiting of Foreign Coin being not current within this Realm. ' TpOrafmuch as by the Laws or Statutes of this Realm, fmall or no condign Punrfhrent is at this Time , jgtr, Stff, z. ' _|/ provided for fuch evil-difpofed Perfons as fhall counterfeit or forge fuch Kind of Gold or Silver of c 6. ' other Realms as is not the proper Coin of this Realm, nor current in Payment within this Realm ; by u '- . M ' - !L r ;fio ,. n 4 reafon whereof divers evil-difpofed Perfons, as well without this Realm as within, are encouraged and "' ^ ' r c vi"ncv ' emboldned daily to counterfeit or forge fuch Kind of Gold and Silver, and utter the fame in this Realm, which i> not-the

  • in great Deceit of her Majefty's Subjects :' (2) Be it ena£ted by our faid Sovereign Lady the Queen, the Coin of this

Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, of this prefent Parliament alTembled, and by the Au- R a'.m. nor thority of the fame, That if any Perfon or Perfons hereafter falfly forge or counterfeit any fuch Kind of 01 !"?' 1 : Coin of Gold or Silver as is not the proper Coin of this Realm, nor permitted to be current within this h21p.c~ 2 Realm;--;,