Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/654

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004 C. 29. Anno xiii Reginae Elizabeths. A. D. 1570. verfity of Oxford for the Time being, fhall be incorporated and have a perpetual Succeffion in Fad, Deed and Name, by the Name of the Chancellor, Matters and Scholars of the Univerfity of Oxford; and that the fame Chancellor, Matters and Scholars of the fame Univerfity of Oxford, for the Time being, from hence- forth, by the Name of Chancellor, Matters and Scholars of the Univerfity of Oxford, and by none other Name or Names {hall be called and named for evermore; and that they fhull have a common Seal to ferve for their neceffary Caufes touching and concerning the faid Chancellor, Matters and Scholars of the faid Univerfity of Oxford, and their Succeffors : And likewife that the Right Honourable Sir William Cecil Km. Baron of Burghfey, now Chancellor of the faid Ujniverfjty of Cambridge, and Iiis Succeffors for ever,, and the Matters and Scholars of the fame Univerfity of Cambridge for the Time being, fhall be incorporated and have a perpetual Succeffion in Fact, Deed and Name, by the Name of the Chancellor, Matters and Scho- lars of the Univerfity of Cambridge ; and that the fame Chancellor, Matters and Scholars of the faid Uni- verfity of Cambridge, for the Time being, from henceforth, by the Name of Chancellor, Matters and Scho- lars of the Univerfity of Cambridge, and by no other Name or Names', _fhall^ be called and named for ever- more ; and that thty fhall have a Common Seal to ferve for their neceffary Caufes touching and concerning the faid Chancellor, Matters and Scholars of the faid Univerfity of Cambridge, an i their Succeffors: And further, that as well the Chancellor, Matters and Scholars of the faid Univerfity of Oxford, and their Suc- ceffors, by the Name of -Chancellor, Matters and Scholars of the Univerfity of Oxford, as the Chancellor, Matters and Scholars of the faid Univerfity of Cambridge, and their Succeffors, by the Name of Chancel- lor, fi a 'ers and Scholars of the Univerfity of Cambridge, may feverally implead and be impleaded, and fue and be fued for all manner of Caufes, Quarrels, Actions Real, Perfonal and Mixt, of whatfoever Kind, Quality- or Nature they be, and fhall and may challenge and demand all manner of Liberties and Franchifes, and alfo anfwer and defend themfelves under and by the Name aforefaid, in the fame Caufes, Quarrels and Actions, for every Thing and Things whatfoever, for the Profit and Right of either of the aforefaid Uni- verfuies, tD be done before any manner of Judge, either Spiritual or Temporal, in any Courts and Places within the Queen's Highnefs Dominions whatfoever they be: And be it further enacted by th; Authority aforefaid, That the Letters Patents of the Queen's Highnefs moft noble Father King Henry the Eighth, made and granted to the Chancellor and Scholars of the faid Univerfity of Oxford, bearing Date the firft Day of April in the fourteenth Year of his Reign, and the Letters Patents of the Queen's Majefty that now is, made and granted unto the Chancellor, Matters and Scholars of the Univerfity of Cambridge, bear- ing Date the twenty-fixth Day of April in the third Year of her Highnefs moft gracious Reign, and alfo all other Letters Patents, by any of the Progenitors or Predeceffors of our faid Sovereign Lady, made to either of the faid corporated Bodies feverally, or to any of their Predeceffors, of either of the faid Univer- fities, by whatfoever Name or Names the faid Chancellor, Mafters and Scholars of either of the faid Uni- verfities, in any of the faid Letters Patents, have been heretofore named, fhall from henceforth be good, effectual and available in the Law to all Intents, Conftructions and Purpofes, to the forefaid now Chancel- lor, Matters and Scholars of either of the faid Univerfities, and to their Succeffors for evermore, after and according to the Form, Words, Sentences and true Meaning of every of the fame Letters Patents, as amply, fully and largely, as if the fame Letters Patents were recited verbatim in this prefent A£t of Par- liament ; any Thing to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. And furthermore be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Chancellor, Mafters and Scholars of either of the faid Univerfities, feve- rally, and their Succeffors for ever, by the fame Name of Chancellor, Mafters and Scholars of either of the faid Univerfities of Oxford and Cambridge, fhall and may feverally have, hold, poffefs, enjoy and ufe to them, and to their Succeffors for evermore, all manner of Manors, Lordfhips, Rectories, Parfonages, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Services, Annuities, Advowfons of Churches, PoffeiTions, Penfions, Portions and He- reditaments, and all manner of Liberties, Franchifes, Immunities, Quietances and Privileges, View of Frank-pledge, Law-days, and other Things whatfoever they be, the which either of the faid corporated Bodies of either of the faid Univerfities had, held, occupied or enjoyed, or of Right ought to have had, ufed, occupied and enjoyed, at any Time or Times before the making of this Act of Parliament, according to the true Intent and Meaning as well of the faid Letters Patents made by the faid noble Prince King Henry the Eighth, made and granted to the Chancellor and Scholars of the Univerfity of Oxford, bearing Date as is aforefaid, as of the Letters Patems of the Queen's Majefty made and granted unto the Chancellor, Mafters and Scholars of the Univerfity of Cambridge, bearing Date as aforefaid, and as according to the true Intent and Meaning of all the other the forefaid Letters Patents whatfoever ; any Statute or other Thing or Things whatfoever heretofore made or done to the contrary in any manner of wife notwithftanding. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all manner of Inftruments, Indentures, Obligations, Writings Obligatory and Recognizances, made or knowledged by any Perfon or Perfons or Body Corpo- rate, to either of the faid corporated Bodies of either of the faid Univerfities, by what Name or Names foever the faid Chancellor,' Mafters and Scholars of either of the faid Univerfities have been heretofore called in any of the faid Inftruments, Indentures, Obligations, Writings Obligatory or Recognizances, fhall be from henceforth available, ftand and continue of good, perfect and full Force and Strength to the now Chancellor, Mafters and Scholars of either of the faid Univerfities, and to their Succeffors, to all Intents, Conftructions and Purpofes, although they or their Predeceffors, or any of them, in any of the faid Inftru- ments, Indentures, Obligations, Writings Obligatory or Recognizances, be named by any Name contrary or diverfe to the Name of the now Chancellor, Mafters and Scholars of either of the faid Uniyerfities. And be it alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That as well the faid Letters Patents of the Queen's Highnefs faid- Father King Henry the Eighth, bearing Date as is before expreffed, made and granted to the faid Corporate Body of the faid Univerfity oiOxon, as the Letters Patents of the Queen's Majefty aforefaid granted to the Chancellor, Mafters and Scholars of the Univerfity of Cambridge, bearing Date as aforefaid, and