Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/653

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A. D. 1570. Anno xiii Regime Elizabeths. C. 26 — 29. 603 ' finuance, will end and difcontinue in this prcfent Parliament, and alio lofe their Foreeand I ' fore and forafmuch as the fame feveral A. t and every of them do feem g"od, bi ' further continued for the Weal and Profit ol this Realm,' ({) Be it thi Queen's molt excellent Majcfty, with the Affent ol thi Loi | in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, Thai tl them, and each and every Article, Claufe and Sentence in them and every of them < tinue, be and endure in full Force and Eftccd until the End of thenexl Parliament. XVII. Provided neverthelefs, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, Thai the (■ '. ins the Avoiding of foreign Wares made by Handicraftmen beyond thi , i I Meaning therein contained, (hall not in any wile extend or be prejudicial to am (if any Intercourfc now (landing in Force, had or made between the Progenitors of the ' or her Highnefs, and any others; any Thing heretofore, or now, ordained or enacted t any wife notwithftanding.

  • XVIII. For the more Increafe of Woods, where by an Act of Parliament made in the five and thi

' tieth Year of the Reign »f King Henry the Eighth, intituled, For the /'. f JVoo/ls, dfe. th re arc ' feveral Claufcs limiting how many Years all Manner of Lands or Coppice-woods, being I ver ] or in ' common, (hull next after the Felling thereof be fumcicntly inclofed, or the Springs thereof othen J and preferved from Destruction, as by rhe fame Act moie particularly appeareth : (2) lor that by I p

rience it is found, that the Space and Time of the laid feveral Years of Inclofure or Prefervati 

' fufficient;' (3) Be it enacted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, that from ntieth of '}' next all Manner of Woods or Coppice intended by the faid Act to be inclofed, and the Sp ing th Served, fhall be futHciently inclofed, or the Springs thereof otherwife faved from Deftruction, by the S of two full Years more than in the feveral Claufes of the faid Ails is feveral! v limited, ao ordine to _r»i_- T»r-_ j. r..u .j i:i..r>..:_ .._: ] • *i. „ r r ■ i i -i .•' .-. i_. .--i , from the End of live Years, any other Cattle but Calves and Yearling Colts only, until the End I I Years, if the Wood was under the Age of fourteen Years at the laft Fall, or until the Age of eight Years,' c if the Wood was above the Age of fourteen Years at the Time of the laft Fall, tsfc. XIX. Provided that this Addition to the Statute of Woods fhall continue as long in Force as the aforefaid J5 H ' a - Cl ' *• Statute made in the thirty-fifth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth. , XX. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons (lull be iP' c ' ,s ' a Buyer, Badger, Kidder, or Carrier of Corn, Cattle, Butter, Cheefe and fuch like kind of Victual, in Buyer" '"'•.' none other Manner nor Form than is contained in a Statute made in the fifth Year of the Reign of our So-or i vereign Lady Queen Elizabeth, nor fhall be any other ways admitted or licenced to be a Buyer, Badger, Corn, Butter, Kidder or Carrier as is aforefaid, than is mentioned and appointed by the faid Statute; any Thing in this* " or any other Ad heretofore to the contrary notwithftanding. XXI. Provided always, and be it enacted, That the faid Act againft Regrators, Foreftallers and IngrofTcrs 7 is not meant to extend, nor fhall extend to any Wines, Oils, Sugars, Spices, Currans, nor other foreign ,' Victuals, brought or to be brought into this Realm from beyond the Seas; Fifh and Salt only excepted. £d. 6. c. i -° fliall not exieru!. CAP. XXVI. l8Car.*.c.M. A Confirmation of a Subfidy of fix Shillings in the Pound, granted to the Queen by the Clergy, to be paid Die?. in three Years. EXP. C A P. XXVII. A Confirmation of two Fifteens and Tenths, and one Subfidy granted to die Queen by the Temporalty. EXP. CAP. XXVIII. A Confirmation of the Queen's Free and General Pardon. Except, is'c. EXP. Pardon. CAP. XXIX. An Ac"t concerning the feveral Incorporations of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and the Confirmation of the Charters, Liberties and Privileges granted to either of them. F OR the great Love and Favour that the Queen's moft excellent Majeffy beareth towards her Higl LTniverfities of Oxford and Cambridge, and for the great Zeal and Care that the Lords and Comn this prefent Parliament have for the Maintenance of good and godly Literature, and the virtuous i; d of Youth within either of the faid Univerfities, and to the Intent that the ancient Privileges, Liber i Franchifes of either of the faid Univerfities heretofore granted, ratified and confirmed by the Queen's High- nefs, and her moft noble Progenitors, may be had in greater Eiiimation, and be of greater Force and Strength, for the better Increafe of Learning, and the further Supprefling of Vice : Be it therefore ej -'■ ■ »5 the Au- thority of this prefent Parliament, That the Right Honourable Robert Earl of Leicefl, the faid Univerfity of Oxford, and his SucceiTors for ever, and the Matters and Scholars of the fame L ni- 4H2