Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/660

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6io 0.12,13. Anno xiv Reginse Elizabeths. A. D. 1572. a'isn « Hoi.fe Colleges, Homes, Bodies Politick or Corporate, and their Succeffors, of Lands of as good Value ^nTfi'ffici^/r' ruK * ot as g reat yearly Value afj the leaft, as fo fhall be aliened ; any Statute to the contrary notwithftand- ing. XX. And forafmuch as. all the. fame federal Acts and Statutes and every of them do feem good, benefi- The fifft men- * qal "and needful to be further continued, for the Weal and Profit of this Realm, (2) Be it therefore now 'n™?V4 Sta 't'i eBai -^> by the Queen's moil excllent Majefty, with the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and ih't iind ofthc l ^ iy Common's, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the fame fe- nejt Parliament, veral Acts and Statutes and every of them, and all and every Article, Claufeand Sentences, in them and every tinue. be and endure in full Force and Effect until the End of the next Par- oftrjem. contained, fhall continue liament. 39 El. c. 18. C A P. XII. An Act for the Repeal of a Statute made in Anno oSlavo of the Queen's Majefty 's Reign touching the Town of Shre'wjbury. So much of she ' TT THERE at the Parliament, h olden at IVef.minfter the laft Day of September In the eighth Year of the Statute of ' Yy Reign of our Sovereign Laiy the Queen's moft excellent Majefty, there was an Act made, inti- ff C '- 7 ' t i. ' tuled. An A£i touching Drapers, Cottoners a?ul Frizers in the Town ^/"Shrewfbury in the County of Salop : any of the inha- ' And in the fame Aft there is contained Matter then fuppofed for the Benefit of the faid Town of Shrew f- tirants of ' bury, in advancing the Corporation of Drapers, Cottoners and Frizers of the faid Town : (2) And it was ShrcwiWy to ' thereby enacted, That from and after the Feaft of Eafter then next enfuing, no manner Perfon or Perfons buyWelfli Cloth, c w hatfoever, inhabiting and dwelling within the faid Town of Shrew/bury, or the Liberties or Franchifes of its repealed '" ' t ' le f ame Town (other than fuch as then had, or then after fhould ferve as Apprentice in the Occupation .or ' Science of Drapers, or then had been, or thereafter fhould be, free of the faid Science or Myftery) fhould ' occupy, ufe, exercife Or .frequent the faid Trade,. Art, Myftery or Science of buying of the faid Welch Cloth 'or Lining, Cottons, Frizes or Plains, nor have any Factor or Doer for him or them in the fame, nor by ' any Colour, Engine or Fraud, buy any of the faid Frizes, Linings, Cottons and Plains ; (3) upon Pain

  • that every Perfon and Perfons inhabiting as is aforefaid, and occupying, ufing of exercifmg the faid Trade,
  • Art, Myftery, Occupation or Science of buying of Weljh Clothes and Linings, &c. and not au-

' thorifed by the Ac!:, fhould lofe and forfeit for every Piece of the faid Clothes bought, fix Shillings eight ' Pence : Theinconve- < II. And where fithence the making of the faid Act, Experience hath plainly taught in the faid Town, nieDces enfuing, < t h at ,-jjg [^ j^q. j^ath not only not brought the good Effect that then was hoped and furmifed, but alfo ^f the aforeiai'd g ' hath been and now is likely to be the very greateft Caufe of the Impoverishing and Undoing of the poor Aft, to the poor ' Artificers and others, at whofe Suit the faid AcT: was procured, for that there be now fithence the making Inhabitants of ' of the faid Statute, much fewer Perfons to fet them a-work than before; (2) and byreftraining all other Shrewsbury and ' Inhabiters of the faidTown of Shre-ivjbury from the former lawful Trade ever heretofore ufed of buying of others. c -Welfo Clothes, Frizes, Cottons, Linings and Plains (leaving the fame nevertheless free for all the Subjects ' of England, without any Reftraint, faving for the faid Inhabitants of the Town of Shrew/bury and the Li-

  • berties and Franchifes of the fame Town only) hath been the evident Occafion of great Decay, not only
  • to the faid Town and the Liberties and Franchifes of the fame, but alfo to a great and infinite Number of
  • poor People in North-Wales, that is to fay, in the Counties of Mountgomery, Denbigh, Merioneth, and alfo
  • the Town of Ofwefter, and the greateft Part of the Country thereabouts, where the faid Welfo Clothes,.

' Frizes, 'Cottons, Linings and Plains are made and fold, which were wont to be maintained and relieved by ' Trade of making or working of the faid Frizes, Cottons, &c. contrary to the Expectation that then was

  • wrongfully conceived :'

A Repeal of III. Be it therefore at the humble Suit of the Inhabitants of the faid Town, and alfo of the faid Artificers, Part of the Stat, fqj- whofe Benefit the faid Act was fuppofed to be provided, ena£ted, That the faid Act, and all the Matter ofSEi. c.7. j n t ij e f a i(j aq contained, fhall from henceforth be repealed and made void ; any Thing in the faid Act to and a Connrma- .. _..__■ i n j- — tionoftheRe- the contrary notwithftanding. ^due, IV. Provided always, That fo much of the faid Statute of the eighth Year of our Sovereign Lady the Queen's Majefty that now is, and every Article and Branch therein contained as toucheth the prefent and ready Payment of Money to Sheermen, Cottoners and Frizers, for their Work, and alfo as toucheth the Reftraint of f u ch as fhall or do occupy or ufe the Trade of buying of Frizes, Cottons or Plains, from the Ufe or Exercife of the Faculty of Prizing or Cottoning, fhall ftand and be in Force j any Thing in this Statute to the contrary notwithftanding. CAP. XIII. Mtxam and, Htxamhire, with the Liberties there, fhall be within the County of Northumber- land, C A P.