Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/661

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A. D.i 57 2. Anno xiv Reginac Eliz abeth a . C. j 4, 611 C A P. XIV. An Ad for the Afliirance of Gifts, Grants, &c. made and to be made to and for the Relief of tUe Poor in the Holpitals, i£c.

  • 't T THERE our late Sovereign Lord of famous Memory King Edward the Sixth, by hi

' W dated the twenty-fixthDay Xifjunt ifllhefevemth' Year df hismoft gr.u I

  • and eltablilh three Holpitals in and near to the City of Louden, called tli II .' rh c

1 Sixth, of Chri/l, Bridewell, and St. Thomas the Apoftle j and by I 1 ' Power and Liberty for purchafmg of Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments for the Relief and Si

  • of the Poor in the Paid Holpitals, as by the laid Letl r i Patients more plainly appearcth. And where:;
  • our late Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth, by his Letters Patents dated the thirteenth of%»

' in the thirty-eighth Year of his Reign, did found an Hofpithl in H'ji-Smithjiell called Little St. ■ huw's, near London. And whereas divers wcll-difpofed and charitable Perfons have given Lan , I ' ments and Hereditaments, to the Relief and Suftcntation of the Poor, not only in the faid Holpitals, but

  • alfo in other Holpitals. And as it is hoped many more hereafter will likewife charitably give, and where
  • many of fuch Gifts and Afluranccs have been and are likely to be made by the laft Wills of the Gi

1 (hereof, at winch Time for want of Counfcl or other Opportunities, it may happen that the right Name of

  • the faid Corporation hath not or (hall not be truly named or expreffed, whereby may grow fome Q i

' of the Validity of fuch Grants, Gifts or Devices:' Be it therefore enaited by the Queen's moil ex- cellent Majcfty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affem- bled, and by the Authority of the fame, That all Gifts, Grants, Legacies, Devifes and Allurances made or to be made of any Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, by Will, Feoffments or otherwifc, to the I , or for the Relief of the Poor in any Hofpital now remaining and being in EJ/e, and employed to the 1: or Maintenance of the Poor in the faid Holpitals, or any of them, fhall be as good and available in Law, according to the true Meaning of anv fuch Donor, Grantor, Teftator, Devifor or Allurer, as if the faid Corporation had been or were in the Writings or Deeds of fuch Gifts, Grants, Devife or Aliurancc, or in fuch Iaft Will or Teftament, rightly or truly named ; any fuch mifnaming, mifreciting, or not true na- ming or reciting of the faid Corporation to the contrary notwithstanding : Saving to all and every Pcrfon and Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, their Heirs and Succellbrs, other than fuch Donor, Grantor, Tef- tator, Devifor and Affurer, their Heirs and Succellbrs, all fuch Right, Title and Intcreft, as they or any ' of them have or fhall have in or to any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments fo given, granted, devifed or al- fured, as if this A£t had never been had nor made. And where in the laft Parliament holden at // '<; Iminfler » J Eli!! - c - IO - it was provided and emitted among other Things, That from henceforth all Leafes, Gifts, Grants, Feoff- §• 3- ments, Conveyances or Eftates, to be had, made or differed by any Mafter and Fellows of any College, Dean and Chapter of any Cathedral Church, Mafter or Guardian of any Hofpital, Parfon, Vicar, or r.ny £»--, r. i— other having any Spiritual Living of any Houfe, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, Parcel of the Pof- :cl - feffion of any fuch College, Cathedral Church, Hofpital, Parfonage, Vicarage or other Spiritual Promo- tion, or pertaining to the fame, or any of them, to any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corpo: other than for Term of one and twenty Years, or three Lives, in Manner and Form as is mentioned in the faid Aft, fhould be utterly void and of none EffeiSt. Be it enadted and declared by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That thefe Words (iVlafter or Guardian) of any Hofpital mentioned in the fiid former Act, were intended and meant of all Holpitals, Maifon Dieus, Bead-houfes, and other Houfes crdained for the Suftentation or Relief of the Poor, and fo fhall be expounded, declared and taken for ever. Anno decimo octavo Reginae Elizabeths. T this prefent Seflion of Parliament by Prorogation holden at Weflnunfitr thfc -i.'.hth Day of Fe- bruary in the eighteenth Year of the Reign of our molt gracious Sovereign i . ... '-, bv the Grace of God, of England, Frame, and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, S?V. A continued until the fifteenth Day of March following : To the high Pleafure of Almighty God, and A . • t public k of this Realm, were enacted as followeth. C A P. I. An Aft againft the diminifhing and impairing of the Queen's Majefty's Coin, and other Coins current within this Realm. ' TT 7TIEREAS the Offences of Clipping, Rounding, Warning and Filing, for wicked Lucre ct G:. ; . ' W fake, of any the proper Monies or Coins of this Realm or the Dominions thereof, or of I - ■ ' nies or Coins of any other Realm allowed by Proclamation, and fuffered to be current within this .Realm *" s ' 4 i 2 or