Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/662

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612 C. 2> 3. Anno xviii Reginae Elizabeth je. A. D. 1576. within this ' or the Dominions thereof, by a Statute made in the fifth Year of the Queen's Majefty's Reign, are taken, Realm (hall be ' deemed and adjudged tobeTreafo 1; (2) and the Offenders therein, their Counfellors, Con enters and Aiders, High Treafon. c likewife deemed And adjudged as Offenders in Treafon, and being thereof lawfully convicted or attainted, - lnft'17 ' ' according t0 the ^ u ^ Order and Courfe' of the Laws of this Realm, are to fuffer Pains of Death, and to lote llialc'sL'.C, 213 ' and forfeit all his and their Goods and Chattels, and alfo all his and their Lands and Tenements, durino- 6f 215. ' his and their natural Life or Lives only, as by the faid Eftatute thereof made, among other Things therein Other undue ' contained, mane-at large it-doth -and may appear: (3) Sithence the making' of which good Law and Sta-i M fa"rf F the ' tutc divers faife'.and evil-difpofed Perfons, knowing that the faid Law being, as it is, penal, ought to be Mon'eynot with- -' taken and expounded ftriftly according to the Words thereof, and the like Offences, not by any Equity to in the ftria ' receive the like Punifhment or Pains, have fithence the making of the faid Law and Statute molt wickedly Woidofthe ' devifed and praftifed, for wicked Lucre and Gains-fake, other Arts, undue Ways and Means, to falfify, foreUid Statute, c impair, diminifh and lighten, as well the proper Monies and Coins of this Realm and the Dominions ' thereof, as alfo theMonies or Coins of other Realms allowed and fuffered to be current within this Realm ' and the Dominions thereof by her Majefty's Proclamation, to the great Damage, Lofs, Hurt and Deceit, ' as well of her Majefty, as of all her faithful and loving Subjects, and more is like hereafter to be praftifed '. .and, done, if the fame, be apt fpeedily met withal;' (4) For Reformation and Remedy whereof, be it en- .afted, declared and eftablifhm hy the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That if any Perfon or Perfons, of what Eftate, Decree or Condition, foever he or they be, fl; all from and after the firft Day at April next coming, for wicked Lucre or Gains-fake, by any Art, Ways or Means whatfoever, impair, diminifh, fal- fify, fcale , or, lighten the 'proper Monies or Coins of this R.ealm or any the Dominions thereof, or the Monies pr.-Cpins of any other Realms ^allowed and fuffered to be current at the Time of the Offence committed within this Realm of England or any the Dominions of the fame, by the Procla- mation of the Queen's' Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, fhall be taken, adjudged and deemed to be Treafon.; (5) and the Offenders therein, their Counfellors, Confenters and Aiders, fhall be likewife deemed' and adjudged as Offenders "iri'Treafon, and being thereof lawfully convifted or attainted, accord- ing to the due Order of the Laws of this Realm, fhall fuffer Pains of Death; (6) and lofe and forfeit all their Good.s and Chattels to the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, and fhall alfo lofe and forfeit to the Queen's Highnefs, her'Heirs and Succtffors, all their Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, during his of their natural Life or Lives only. No Corruntien H- Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Aft, nor any Thing there - of Blood or in contained, nor any Attainder or Attainders of any Perfon or Perfons for any Offence or Offences made Forfeiture of Treafon by this Aft, fhall in any wife extend, or be judged, interpreted or expounded to make any Cor- Dower for this ' ru ption of Blood "to any the Heir or Heirs of any fuch Offender or Offenders, or to make the Wife of any fuch Offender to lofe or forfeit her Dower of or in any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, or her Title, Action or Intereft to^the fame; any Thing in this Aft contained, or any Attainder or Attainders hereafter to be had, for any Offence or Offences made Treafon by this Act, to the contrary notwkhftanding. Trhlof 3 Peer ^- And be it further 'enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any of the Lords of the Parliament, or by his Felrs. Peer of this Realm, for the Time being, fhall fortune at any Time hereafter to be indicted of any Offence made Treafon by thi r . Aft, that then they and every of them fhall have his or their Trial by their Peers, as- For rather Pro- hath been ufed heretofore in Cafes of High Treafon. 25 Ed. 3. Stat. 4 & 5. c. 2. I Ma. Seff. 2. c. 6. •vifions rcUun" to 'the CU, fee 3 & tjW, 3. c, 26'.' '9 SS 10 W. 3. c. 21. 1 sitm. flat. 1. c. 9. and 15 Geo. 2. c. 28. CAP. II. An Aft for Confirmation of Letters Patents. A Confirmation of the Affurance made of any Lands to the Queen by any other Perfon fince the Beginning of her Heign. The Right of others faved. A Confir- mation of the Letters Patents of the Queen made fithence the Beginning of her Reign, or to be made "feven Years after. Defects in Letters Patents faved. Patents of Offices. A Satisfaction to the Queen for the Overplus of the Value of the Lands by her granted. Patents or Grants whereunto this Statute fhall not extend. 34 & 35 H. 8. c. 21. i Ed, 6. c. 8. 7 Ed. 6. c. 3. 4&5P.&M. c. 1. 35 Eliz. c. 3. 43 Eliz. c. 1. CAP. III. Juftices of Peace fhall order the Punifhment of the Mother and reputed Father of a Baftard, C3V. 2 Roll 82. A Rogue fhall be conveyed from Conftable to Conftable until he come to the Gaol. A Stock to fet the Stile 207, 2S3. Poor on Work fhall be provided in every City and Town Corporate. Houfes of Correction fhall be af- figned in every County. Lands holden in Socage may, during twenty Years, be given towards the Maintenance of Houfes of Correction and Stocks for the Poor. EXP. Cro. Car. 341, II. Concerning Baftards begotten and born out of lawful Matrimony, (an Offence againft God's Law 350,470. and Man's Law J the faid Baftards being now left to be kept at the Charges of the Parifh where they be born, to the great Burden of the fame Parifh, and in defrauding of the Relief of the impotent and aged true Mod. C.ifes in Poorof the fame Parifh, and to the evil Example and Encouragement of lewd Life : (2.) It is ordained and Law 4. enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That two Juftices of the Peace (whereof one to be of the ghwrum, in B«rn,r,i— 136. , or next unto the Limits where the Parifh Church is, within which Parifh fuch Baftard fhall be born, upon Examination of the Caufe and Circumftance) fhall and may by their Difcretion take Order, as well for the Punifhment of the Mother and reputed Father of fuch Baftard Child, as alfo for the better Relief of every 2 Bulft. jar, f la ch parifh in Part or in all; (3) and fhall and may likewife by like Difcretion takeOrderfor the Keeping A Provih'ou 5 fo- °f. eve, y lucn Baftard Child, by charging fuch Mother or reputed Father, with the Payment of Money thekcopi'ngof" weekly or other. Suftentar.ipn ( fi>r the Relief of fuch Child, in fuch wife as they fhall think meet and con- Hattarjs. venient :