Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/663

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A. D. 1576. Anno xviii Rcginrc Eli z a b venicnt : (4) Ah'! if after the fame Order by them fubi Mothei or re] (h ill not far < ■>• ir I ■ • del j that then 1 tgWardtoi e ommonGaol, (5) thereto remain wii P u in fuflicicnt Surety ( >i ler, 01 of the Peace to be holden in that County where fuch Order fh.dl b l. id lull:. 1 e or the more Part of them tl then and there fhall take any;) (7) and that if at the faidSefTn then to abide and perform the Ord r before made as isaforel of the fult Sefiion of the next Parliament, and farther continued by 10 Car. 1. C A P. IV. Every Pcrfon which hath orclaireth to have any Eftate of Inheritance, I of Record in the Exchequer, of, in or to any Lands 01 Hereditament , tec, bj Charles Earl of TVeJimoreland, or any other Rebels in the Nottl d in the Statute 1 Eliz. c. 16. or in any of the Records of their feveral Attainders, at any Time withij I the feventh Day of November. Anno n. of the Queen's Reign, (hall wi hin one Year 1 firft Day of Miiy next, openly fbew forth in the Exchequer in the Term-time, the I ancc, and exhibit the lame to he inrollcd of Record : Or clfe every fuch Conveyance made by any of the laid Rebels fhall he void : And after the laid Party which exhibited) I may within one Year produce Witneffes to be examined in the Exchequer, to pfov( thi fame to be made bona I And yet if at the Suit of the Queen or any of her Patentees, it (hall be foui tl by V Conveyance was made by C>> in to d fraud the Queen of her Forfeiture, it fhall be void : But thi fhall not extend to any Bargain and Sale made of Lands by Deed indented and inrolled, nor to Leal three Lives, or one and twenty Years, nor to Eflatcs granted by Copy according t < the Cuftom of the Manor, fo uled to be lettcn by the Space of twenty Years, whereupon the old and accuftomed yearly Rent or more fhall be refcrved. PR. 7 Co. n. 13 illi^. c. 16. CAP. V. An A£t to redrefs Difordcrs in common Informers. FOR redreffing of clivers Diforders in common Informers, and for better Execution of penal Laws, ' (2) Be it enacted, That every Informer uyon any penal St .tute fhall exhibit his Suit in propc 1 Pel (i in, , t ;; - and pitrfue the lame only by himfelf or by his Attorney in Court; (3) and that none fhall be admitted or The Duty of an received to purfuc againft any Perfon or Perfons upon any penal Statute, but by way of Info m ttion or ori- '"•"">« '" pa- ginal Action ami nototherwife ; (4) nor fhall have ne ufe any Deputy or Deputies at all ; (5 J and that uj on every fuch Information which (hall be exhibited, a fpecial Note be made of the very Day, Month and - , Year of the exhibiting thereof into any Office or to any Officer which lawfully may receive the fame,!' without any Manner of Antedate thereof to be made, and that the fame Information be accounted and taken »_ ; all ' ll ' c >< to be of Record from that Time forward and not before. (6) And be it likewife enacted for the Confidera- " ' tion aforefaid, That no Procefs be fued out upon any fuch Information, until the Information be exhibited^ V in Form aforefaid; (7) and that upon every fuch Procefs fhall be indorfed, as well the Party's Name that . . purfueth the fame Procefs, as alfo the Statute upon which the Information in that Behalf made is grouuded : Riy, Month and (8) And that every Clerk making out Procefs contrary to the Tenor and Provifion of this Aft, fhall forfeit Xf?*. ' and lofe forty Shillings for every fuch Offence ; the one Half to be to the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and i'.'.^"^^" Succeflbrs, and the other Half to the Party againft whom any fuch defective Procefs fhall be awarded, to lie [ndorferocot'ef recovered in any Court of Record, by Action of Debt or Information, in which no EfToin, Protection, the Procefc Injunction or Wager of Law fhall be permitted or allowed. ^ awarded opon an II. And be it further enacted, That no Jury fhall be compelled to appear in any of the Queen's Ma- * a,orm t ' ur " jefty's Courts of We/tmiti/ier, for the Trial of any IiTue in any fuch Suit upon any penal Law, for any fuch where the T.ial Offence committed above thirty Miles from the City of Wejln infter t except in cafe where the Attorney Gc- cl '•»" '"»« lhj l | neral for the Time being, for fome reafonable Caufe in that Behalf to be {hewed, fhall require the fame to^ c ',.' 3 1 s s ' , .' : u ' Ln be tried at the Bar, in any of the Courts of the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs or SuccefTors, at Wefbm'nfhr 5^ -8,. aforefaid; (2) which Requeft fhall be noted on the Backfide of the Writ of Dijir'mgas thereupon awarded, to the End the Sheriff or his Bailiff may and fhall fignify the fame to the Jury that are in fuch Cafe im- panelled. III. And be it further enacted, That no fuch Informer or Plaintiff fh ill or may compound or agree with No Informer any Perfon or Perfons that fhall offend, or fhall be furmifed to offend, againft any penal Statute, for fuchj^j^gjg* Offence committed, or pretended to be committed, but after Anfwer made in Court unto the Information & mt tut by or Suit in that Behalf exhibited or profecuted ; (2) nor after Anfwer, but by the Order or Content of the Confent of the Court in which the fame Information or Suit fhall be depending; upon the Pains and Penalties hereafter Court. in this prefent Act fet down and declared : (3) And that if any fuch informci or Plaintiff as aforefaid, fhall T. 8 ," 1 ' 1 '-> 7- willingly delay his Suit, or fhall difcontinue or be nonfuit in the lame, or fhall have the Trial or Matter t j paft againft him therein by Verdict or Judgment of Law ; That then in every fuch Cue the fame liv-,-6. former or Plaintiff fhall yield, fatisfy and pay unto the Party Defendant, his Coits, Charges and Damages, The Pen-.: to be afligtved by the Court in which the fame Suit fhall be attempted ; [4J For the Recovery and Execution »■ !•*««"«• *» wherTOf i»>u. 8 <»rdiieoa.