Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/667

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A.D. T576. Anno xviii Rcginee I ;. 1 ZAB! n C. 617 Shires aforcfaid, now hath, 01 ai anj l i i or ought l Power, Authority, Preheminence and [urifdiction to every Yc.r, in every oi the (aid Shires within th ii , award, adjudge, receive, take Knowledge of, and ( ■ lizcs, Freafons, Murder-:, Felonies, Indictments, Appeals ol Miird .Mid mixt, Si grounded upon any Statute 01 Statutes, Writs, Pn , lines, Acknowlcdg s, Confcflions, Wai T to now hath or might lawfully do by Force of a making ol this Actj (s^And that from henceforth all and fingular W Verdicts, Judgments, Fines, Recoveries, 'I hing and Things, Mattel and Matters as aforcfaid, had, mad mined, awarded, adjudged or executed by or before any fuch two Juftii ces and AfTociatc or Aflbciatcs, as aforefaid, to I ftforefaid, (hall be allowed, taken, c nftrued, expounded and ad iui I, effectual . ■ all Inten s, Conftructions and Purpofes, as if the fame had been had, made, taken, d determined, awarded, adjudged or executed by or befi ■ : ich one fufl ce, oi o or late being Juftice or Juftices of the fame Circuit, or feveral torefaid ; any Law, Uftgc, Statute, Aft, Ordinance or Prcfci iption to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding. Car'.z. c. 5. 1 H & M. flat, i. c. 27. 5 W. & M. c. 4. 7 6f 8 W. 3. <•. 38. 11 & 12 W, 3. c. g, S Ctc. 1. c. 25. 6 C. 2. c. 14. ■ 1. 42.— •Csnttimn? Ch>j!cr jtc j'jrtbtr 43 El. c. 15. 22 Cm. 2. c. 46. and 26 Geo. 2. t. 34. CAP. IX. An Aft againfl the Tranfporting of Leather, Tallow and Raw Hides. c X7 ^ E R E in the Parliament holden at Welbninjier in the firft Year of the Reign of the Queen's moft 1 El. c 8. VV excellent Majefty, one Act was made, That the carrying of Leather, Tallow and Raw Hides out '4 '- 1 - =• 4- ' of the Realm for Merchandizes, fhould be Felony; which Act was made to endure but for a certain ' Lime, and afterwards was difcontinued, and fithence, viz. in the firft Seflion of thii Parliament , y renewed, to have Continuance for certain Years yet to come : (2) And where alfo in ;.. I El. c s. ' in the fifth Year of her Mnjefty's Reign, one other Act was male, upon gre t Advice, Conferenc ' Deliberation, concerning Tanners, Curriers, Shoemakers and other Artificers occupying the cuttinj 4 Leather; (3) and thereby all former Acts were repealed concerning the fame, by winch Means it . ' hoped that the Goodncfs of Leather, and the excels Prices thereof, as alio of Fallow, fhuuld hue bi

  • remedied, which notwithstanding daily hath increafed, arid yet doth ; the Caufe whereof is, that !•

' Shipped for foreign Parts, or Tranfported out of the Realm, no Forfeiture is given to him or them that L ' will feize or fue for the fame:' (4) For Remedy whereof, be it enacted by the Queen : ign A R< icrof Lady, and by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the faid Act made in the laid hi it Year, and the St»;.ic of continued in the firft Seffion of this prefent Parliament, ftuli be repealed ; (5) and that fo much of the (aid ' Act made in the faid fifth Year, and the Provifoes therein contained, as do or doth concern the Tranfport- '.. ing of Leather or Hides, fhall be continued and duly put in Lxecution. realcd by 1 Jac. ,. c . 22 . II. And be it further enacted, That it fhall not be lawful for any Perfon or Perfons to lade, fhip or carry The I in any VefTel or Ship, or othe wife, any Leather, Tallow or Raw Hides, of Intent to tranfport or cany '[ the fame into any Place or Places of the Parts beyond the Seas, or into the Realm of Scotland, by Land or by Sea, other than Si-ottijh Hides, according to the faid Provifo in the faid Act made in the (aid fifth Raw Hi Year; (2) upon the Pains and Forfeitures hereafter enfuing ; that is to fay, upon the Pain of the Forfeiture the Intern of the faid Leather, Tallow or raw Hides fo laden or tranfported, and treble the Value thereof, to be for- x ' v feited by the Owner or Owners : (3) And alfo the Owners of the faid Ships or Veffels, knowing of fuch fi Offence, to forfeit the faid .^hips or veflels, with all their Apparel and Furniture to them and every of them hereto, 13 & 14 belonging; (4) and the Mafters and Mariners knowing of fuch Offence, to forfeit all their Goods and Or. 2. c. 7. Chattels, and to have Imprifonment by the Space of one Year without Bail or Mainprize ; (5) the one i Moiety of all which Forfeitures to be to the Queen's Majelty, her Heirs and SuccelTors, the other Moiety to him or them that will fue for the fame, by Action of Debt or Information in any Court of Record; in which Suit no Protection nor Wager of Law fliall be admitted. ftn and Mtrinen offending. Burr. /'.- — ! 20. III. Provided always, That if any Owner of any fuch Ship or VefTel, or any Matter or Mariner know- By » jng any fuch Tranfportation of Leather, Tallow or Raw Hides, fhall within three Months next after his ^; ' Knowledge thereof, or after his Return into this Realm, give good Information bona fidt, before any of s( .' jp ' or N!jr | ncr the Barons of the Queen's Majeity s Court of the Exchequer, or before the Lord Pfefident or Council m2J c r t a r .c ihe in the North, or in the Marches of PFaks, or before the Head Officer of any Port where he fhall firft arrive, P niltj »forc- upon his or their Oath, of the Number and Quantity of Leather, Tallow and Raw Hides fo carried, con- f " d - veyed and tranfported, and by whom, where, and in what Ship or Veffel, and afterwards fliall be read.y Vol. II. 4 K upon