Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/673

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A.D. 1576. Anno xviii 'Regime Elizauf. th.-u. C. 18 — 24. Feaft of Pentecofl then following : And th.c twoWardena fo chofea fhall do theu Endea 1 • i benefit the (aid Bridge; and ffiiril receive-the Finer, Rente and Revenues of the ] ring to the Bridge, and of alJ Contribution Money payable to the Ule of the fame Bridi out of the fame as Caufe fhall require. The new Wardens Hull b bound to the J make an Account. The old Wardens Hull account the Thurfday in It Afliltants fhall fubferibeto all Leafcs m ide of the Bri Ige's Lands ; which I Effect as 'Tenant in Tail may do by die ! tatul ! of 2Z H. 8. c. z8. a Years there fhall be made a Terrar of the Lands leafed. No-I i to the Maintenance of the faid Bridge, fhall be affefll-d to pay towards I when the Rents or Profits of the Lands belonging to the fame be not Cuj£ Lnt. CAP. XVIII. The County of Gloucefler and the County of Monmouth fhall ftand for ever chargeable fir •!;.• M ntenance, PR Repairing and New making of Chepjlow Bridge, as often as Need (hi fuch Part and Moiety as licth in the Middle of the Stream <jf the VS atei "i H (hips of Chepflow znATydenham : And for the AfTeflment, Collection.!!! upon to be ('pent, fuch Orders fhall be obferved as is appointed by the Statute of iz II. 8. c 5. R I. !'. 3 Jac. 1. c. 23. and other Provifions made relating thereto. C A P. XIX. Every Perfon which fhall be immediate Owner, Landlord or Terre Tenant of any Houfe, Lands or Te- c nements within the City of Chiche/ler, in Fee-fimple, Fee-tail, for Life or Years, (hall from Time to Time, or by the Affignmentof the Mayor of the City, caufe to be paved with good Paving-Stones, along, from and againft his Houfe, Lands, c?v. adjoining to the Street, Co much of the laid Street a i-.i L to the Channel, upon Pain of Forfeiture of three Shillings Four-pence for every Yard Equate not p.-. The Leffees for Years, or at Will, may defaulk fo much of their Lord's Rent as they lhall beflow in fuch Paving, unlefs they fhall otherwife covenant. PR. C A P. XX. An Aft for the Repairing and Amending of the Bridges and Highways near unto the City of Oxford.

  • "T^Orafmuch as your Highnefs's Univerfity and City of Oxford hath received from your Highnefs, and pr. Bad
  • Jl your noble Progenitors, grt-at Privileges and Prerogatives, as alio the Inhabitants and Dwellers within

1 theCompafs and Precinct of five Miles thereunto adjoining, as chiefly by a Statute made in the fecond and ' 4 third Year of King Philip and Queen Mary, intituled, An Ail that no Purveyor /hall take any Grain, Corn' 1 ' ' ' or other Vicinal zuithin the Compafs or PrecinSi of five Miles of the faid City : And in the thirteenth Year of ,. j- ; c. 21. ' your Majcfty's Reign hath been renewed and enlarged : (2) By Means whereof the Inhabitants aforefaid, j|. c Wj i, aeu ' not only to themfelves, but to their Pofterity, by the Markets of your faid City, is like to reap much Gain, Oxford di

  • Profit, Commodity and Advantage, by Utterance of their Corn, Grain and Victual: Saving that the arli lh - tnhati-

' Ways, Bridges and Paffages leading fro n your Highnefs Manors, and other Places of this Realm, to your ur ' Highnefs's City, (being for the molt part Water-works) within thefe two Years, by Force of Waters arc ,

  • fo decayed, fain down and impaired, that your Highnefs and Subjects, with your and their Carriage, travel- Und, Meadow

ling that Way, as others travelling out of all Parts of this Realm, are much annoyed and incumbrcd, and or Pafturc in Oe-

  • the Inhabitants there are not able, without great Danger, to travel or repair unto the faid City, or bring to cu '
  • the Markets their Corn, Grain, Vicinal or other Neceffaries, to the great Hurt of the faid City, as Dearth ^ a ' r °' d j t«lrt,

c like to enfue within the Univerfity and City, is'c. ' ..rot the Ways there. Inhabitants within five Miles of Ovfcrrd having one Yard land, &c. fhall pay Four-penr- onlv. fee; 3 5 V.'. .: -. (J. aS. Th .■ C H tager sne! La- tourer's Charge. Tin Forfeitures of them who m>ke Default. Digging ot Gravel, Sand, Rubbifli or Stone in other Men's Grounds. - . . I. :. .'. DiiWs for Default of Payment of the Forfeiture. Continued by 3 Car. j. c. 4. 16 Cat. 1. c. 4. CAP. XXI. It fhall be lawful for every Perfon to buy and fell within the Borough of New Wood/lock, in the County ofNewWoadAocb Oxford, all Manner of Wools and Yarns brought into the faid Borough, upon the ufual Market and Fair Days, and the fame to ufe and employ to their beft Profit. P R. CAP. XXII. The Confirmation of a Subfldy of fix Shillings in the Pound, granted to the Queen by the Clergy, to be Sobfidy. paid in three Years. EXP. CAP. XXIII. Three Fifteenths and Tenths, and one Subfidy granted to the Queen by the Temporality. EXP, C A P. XXIV. A Confirmation by Parliament of the Queen's free and general Pardon. EXP. r.:d:?. Anno