Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/674

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624 C.i. Anno xxiii Reginae Elizabeths. A. D. 1581, Anno vicefimo tertio Reginae Elizabeths. T this prefent Seffion of Parliament by Prorogation holden at Wejlmlnjier the fixteenth Day of "January in the three and twentieth Year of the Reign of our moft gracious Sovereign Lady Eli- zabeth, by the Grace of God, of England, France and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c. and there continued until the eighteenth oi March following: To the high Pleafure of Almighty God, and Weal publick of this Realm, were enacted as followeth. CAP. I. An A 61 to retain the Queen's Majefty's Subjects in their due Obedience. n Eli*, t. z. ' T7HER.E fithence the Statute made in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of the Queen our Sovereign 3lnft. 198. ' Yy Lady, intituled, An Aft againji the bringing in, and putting in Execution of Bulls, Writings and In- ' Jhuments, and other SuperjUtious Things frotn the See «/"Rome, divers evil-afie£ted Perfons have pracfifed, ' contrary to the Meaning of the faid Statute, by other Means than by Bulls or Inftruments written or "s Majefty's Subjects from their natural Obedience to her M Rome, and in refpect of the fame to perfwade great Numl ' Majefty's Laws, eftablifhed for the due Service of Almighty Treafon to with- II. For Reformation whereof, and to declare the true Meaning of the faid Law, be it declared and en- draw any from acted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That all Perfons whatfoever, which have or fhall have, efAbi^lcdTo the or ^ a ^ P rete nd to have Power, or fhall by any Ways or Means put _ in Practice to abfolve, perfwade or KomiihRelifion. withdraw any of the Queen's Majefty's Subjects, or any within her Highnefs Realms and Dominions, from- 1 Leon. 239. their natural Obedience to her Majefty : (2) Or to withdraw them for that Intent from the Religion now by her Highnefs Authority el'ablifhed within her Highnefs Dominions, to the Romijh Religion, (3) or to move them or any of them to promife any Obedience to any pretended Authority of the See of Rome, or of any other Prince, State or Potentate, to he had or ufed within her Dominions, (4) or fhall do any overt Act to that Intent orPurpofe ; and every of them fhall be to all Intents adjudged to be Traytors, and being It (hall be Trea- thereof lawfully convicted fhall have Judgment, fuffer and forfeit, as in Cafe of High Treafon. (5) And Ton toberecon- if any Perfon fhall after the End of this Seffion of Parliament, by any Mems be willingly abfolved or with- oied or with- drawn as aforefaid, or willingly be reconciled, or fhall promife any Obedience to any fuch pretended Au- RominiRdigiori.'ho'i'yo Prince, State or Potentate, as is aforefaid, that then every fuch Perfon, their Procurers andCoun^ fellors thereunto, being thereof lawfully convicted, fhall betaken, tried and judged, and fhall fuffer and forfeit, as in Cafes of High Treafon. The Penalty of I I. And be it likewife enacted and declared, That all and every Perfon and Perfoas that fhall wittingly Aiders, Main- be Aiders or Maintainers of fuch Perfons fo offending as is above expreffed, or any of them, knowing the tamers and Con- f ame5 or which fhall conceal any Offence as aforefaid, and fhall not within twenty Days at the furtheft, after fuch Perfons Knowledge of fuch Offence, difclofe the fame to fome Juftice of Peace or other higher Officer, fhall be taken, tried and judged, and fhall fuffer and forfeit, as Offenders in Mifprifion of Treafon. The Forfeiture IV. And be it likewife enacted, That every Perfon which mail fay or fing Mafs, being thereof lawfully for faying or convicted, fhall forfeit the Sum of two hundred Marks, and be committed to Prifon in the next Gaol, there hearing ofMafs, to rema i n by t he Space of one Year, and from thenceforth till he have paid the faid Sum of two hundred Marks: (2) And that every Perfon which fhall willingly hear Mafs, fhall forfeit the Sum of one hundred Marks, and fuffer Imprifonment for a Year. The Penalty for V. Be it alfo further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Perfon above the Age of fixteen not coming to Years, which fhall not repair to fome Church, Chapel or ufual Place of Common Prayer, but forbear the the Church by fame, contrary to the Tenor of a Statute made in the firft Year of her Majefty's Reign, for Uniformity of Com- the Space of a mon p ra yer, and being thereof lawfully convicted, fhall forfeit to the Queen's A4ajefty for every Month, after it w" hVsuat." the End of this SdIion of Parliament, which he or fhe fhall fo forbear, twenty Pounds of lawful Englijh Mo- 1 El. c. 2. ney ; (2) and that ov.r and befides the faid Forfeitures, every Perfon fo forbearing by the Space of twelve The Kins may Months as aforefaid, fhall for his or her Obftinacy, after Certificate thereof in writing made into the Court feife two Parts commonly called the King's Bench, by the Ordinary of the Diocefe, a Juftice of Affife and Gaol-delivery, of the offenders or a J u fti ce Q f Peace of the County where fuch Offender fhall dwell or be, be bound with two fufficient Lieu of the'" Sureties in the Sum of two hundred Pounds at leaft, to the good Behaviour, (3) and fo to continue bound, twenty Pounds, until fuch Time as the Perfons fo bound do conform themfelves and come to the Church, according to the 3 ja C . i.e. 4. true Meaning of the faid Statute made jn the faid firft Year of the Queen's Majefty's Reign. §■ 11. Hob. 127. iLeon. 241. 2Leon. 5. iAndcrf.133. Hob. 205. 11C0.56. Cro.Jac.480. I Roll 89, 92. Lane 60, 91. Bridg. 120. 2 Bulft. 324. 3Bulft.87. J he J- 07ielXU ™ VI. And be it further enacted, That if any Perfon or Perfons, Body Politick or Corporate, after the S°c'hoX P rnafter * F ea -ft oi Pcntecoft next coming, fhall keep or maintain any School-mafter which fhall not repair to Church not repairing to as is aforefaid, or be allowed by the Bifhop or Ordinary of the Diocefe where fuch School-mafter fhall be ihe Church, or fo kept, fhall forfeit and lofe for every Month fo keeping him, ten Pounds. not allowed by yjr. (Provided that no fuch Ordinary or their Minifters fhall take any Thing for the faid Allowance.) the Ordinary. 1^ ^ n( j f uc b School-mafter or Teacher, prefuming to teach contrary to this Act, and being thereof law- fully convicted, fhall be difabled to be a Teacher of Youth, and fhall fuffer Imprifonment without Bail or what luftkes Mainprife for one Year. ^"enquire f VIII. And be it likewife enacted, That all and every Offences againft this Act, or againft the Acts of the Offences done firft, fifth or thirteenth Years of her Majefty's Reign, touching acknowledging of her Majefty's Supream 3 Government