Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/679

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A. D. 1581. Anno xxiii Rtgina; T. 1 1/ a ii f. tus. C. 6~ of the faid Ck ',.■'.•,'■'■' Iw r 1. EI. c. 15. . i0, ■ r . 1 ( P. VI. ,rrySl;ip, VcfTel or Crayer, whereof an) • ot the Hum! -ii <•>' tw i-nty I uns w up

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or ( )wik r ot fuch Shi] rite foi every i ui VeliT. 'laden with Sea Coals or G fiiuii l>( Sci Cd.i1 or Grindllone, one Penny Halfpenny. EXP. ji Eliz. e. 13, c. 18. 43 El. c. 9. 1 J.i. 1. c. 32. C A P. VII. It fhall not be lawful to any Etiglifl) Man or Woman, or Denizen, to go or fend into any Othi Country tor the buying or bringing into this Heal n an fj Agreement with any Stranger or other for fuch brin fhali be brought hither out of any Foreign Dominion, > l>y th< Own*;, thereof, being.. mil the Procurement of any of the Queen's Subjects. 3,3 fl. ii. c. 2. 13 ft. c. 11. ^7 i 1. c. ic. fee- pealed by 39 El. c. 10. CAP. VIII. An Acf. touching the true making, melting .and working of Wax.

  • X T 7HERE by the Goodnefs of God this Land doth yield great 1 fenty of Honey and Wax, as notp -.•• foroSos

• yV o»ly hath and doth fuffice the neceffary Ufes of the Queen's Majefty and her Sul | i «- ' within this Realm, but alfo a great Quantity to be fpared, to he tranfporteifunto oth ICoun- ' tries beyond the Seas, byway of Merchandize, to the great Benefit of her ." le Ua ta ; (2' v " ' and yet neverthelefs, a great rart of the Wax made and melted within this Realm h nd to be of ' late very corrupt, by reafon of the deceitful Mixture thereof, an J the Makers and Sellers of Honey alfo 4 have not only ufed to put the faid Honey in Calk of deceitful Affile, but have ufed alio deceitful M ' tures of the lame :' (3) Be it therefore enacted by the Authority of ehu prefent Parlian ent, That <-, ry Perfon within this Realm or the Dominions of the fame, which (hall after the Featt of Pentccoft next enfuing, in the making and melting of Wax, by any Way or Means ufe or pr.xtife, or cattle to be uied or practiil-.*., any Manner of Deceit by mixture and mingling the fame with Roiin, fallow, Turpmtirc, or any otlur deceitful Thing, to the intent to fell and utter the fame, or offer the fame to be fold or uttered for Wax. t< raiy Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, lhall forfeit and lofe the fame mingled 1 r corrupted Wax : (i) Anil if the fame corrupted Wax lhall happen to be fold before fuch Fault and Corruption fhafl be found, that ; the (aid Meker, Mingler or Corrupter, Caufcr or Procurer thereof, fhall forfeit for every Pound two Shil- lings, whereof the one Half to the Queen's Majefty, the other Half to the Party deceived, If he will fue for it, or any other Perfon or Peifons that will fue for the fame in any of the Queen's Majefty's Courts of Record. II. And to the Intent that the Offenders in thefa Kinds of Deceit may be the better and fooner known and found out, beitenacTd by the Authority aforeiaid, That every Melter and Maker up of unwrought W Wax fhall have for himfelf a Stamp or Mark of the Breadth of Six-pence, wherein two Letters fhall be****** plainly graven, fignifying his Name and Surname, and with the fame fhall ftamp every Piece of Wax, to be printed or (lamped triangle in three Places upon the Outfide of the tipper Part of every Piece fo melted and call, upon the Pain to forfeit the Value of every Piece or Cake fold or offered to be fold, and not fo ftamped or marked. III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforeiaid, That no Manner of Perfon ne Perfons with- in this Realm, or the Dominions thereof, fhall from the faid Feaft of Pentscoft melt, mix, work or fell ar Manner of wrought Wax, Stuff or Wares wrought wit 1 Wax, as in Lights, Staff-Torches, Red Wax orStui Sealing Wax, Book-Caudle, Searing-Candle, Searing of dead Corps, Links, Green Wax, Red Wax, or' 1 - any other Work or Thing whatfoever, to be done or wrought with Wax to be put to Sale, but with good, • wholefome, pure and convenient Stuff, meet in fuch Wares or Work in convenient Quantity to be ufed : (2) And that every Perfon or Perfons that fhall work to fell fuch Stuff or Wares of Wax, have a Mark, Stamp or Seal, to fet on his or their Work by him or them wrought or fold, to the Intent that if any De- ceit be ufed or done, it may be known who were the Workers thereof; (3) and fuch Perfon or Pent" fhall be found or known to work or fell, or to Sale put, any fuch lalfe ax or Wares wrought with Wax to be put to Sale, fhall forfeit and lofe the fame corrupted or deceitful Wax and Wares ; the one Halt" t to the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeifors, and the other to the Party deceived, if he fhall fw the fame ; or otherwifc to him or them that will fue for the fame by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or In- formation in any the Queen's Majeity's Courts of Record wherein no Effoin, Protection or Wager of Law fhall be allowed. IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Perfon and Perfons what which after the Feaft oiPenUtoJl next aforefaid fhall fell, or offer to be fold, any corrupted and falfe mi::