Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/682

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632 C. it— 16. Anno xxiii Regime Elizabeths. A.D.1581. Whtt Officers V. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Juftices of Affifes in nny hear and their Circuits, and Juftices of the Peace in every Shire, County and Town Corporate within this Real r, toerin.neih-- j n their Seitions, within their feveral Limits of their Comnriffion, and Stewards of Leets, Liberties and ^.u cesaoi- L aw( j a y Sj within their federal j rifdictions, fhall and may by Virtue hereof, hear, enquire and determine of all and every Offence or Offences which ihall be committed within the Precinct of their Liberties, fn- A Jufticeof rifdictions or Franchifes againft the Tenor of this Act : (2) And further, That every JulHce of the Peate arnlneTnO?" w ^ tn ' n every County of this Realm, fhall within the Limits of his CommiiTion have Power and Authority f "der.'and bind by Virtue hereof, to examine all Offenders in the Premiffes within the County where he is or mall be Juf- hi-« to appear at tice, if fo be that the faid Offence or Offences fhall not before be heard or determined by the Juftices of the next Sef- Affile in their Circuits, or by the Stewards of Leets, Liberties or Lawdays within their faid feveral Jurif- rfions. dictions; (3) and alio to take Bond with good Sureties for his and their Appearance that fhall fo offend, to appear at the next General Sefiions of the Peace to be holden within the fame County where the fame Offence fhall be committed, to anfwer the faid Offence and to pay the Penalties, or receive the Punifa- ment by this Act appointed or limited. Pheaf.mts or VI, provided always, That this Act. fhall not in any wife extend to Lowbellers, Tramellers or others, w-iiiSr "ken wn ' cn fh a M unwillingly happen to take any Partridges or Pheafants by Night under any Tramel, Lowbel, and Sec go. again' Roadnet or other Engine, i'o as they and every of them do prefently loofe and let go every Pheafant and ' Partridge fo taken, and fuffer them prefently to fly and go at large at the Place where they ihall happen fo to be taken, without willingly killing, or wilfully hurting any fuch Pheafant or Partridge fo taken in any Manner of Sort; any Thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding. 1 Jac. 1. c. 27. 7 FartkcrPrwlfioni JaC. I. C. II. relating hereto, 4(9" $ pf. (3 X M. c. 23. 5 Am. c. 14. 9 Ann. c. 25. 3 Geo. 1. c. II. S Geo. i.e. 19. laGen, 2. a 31. mi 28 Geo. 2. c. 12. CAP. XL Cardiff Bridge, The County of Glamorgan in South-Wales, and the Town of Cardiff" therein, (landing near unto the River of Tojfe, ihall jointly proceed together to the Re-edifying of the Bridge there ; viz. the County ihall al- ways beftow five Parts of the Charges, and the Town, of Cardiff one Part ; and fo for every five Pounds payable by the County, the Town of Cardiff and Liberties fhall frand charged with twenty Shillings ; and fo from Time to Time for the Maintaining of the faid Bridge, flial! defray all fuch Charges as ihall be neceffary in like Proportion. Repealed by i Annse, Stat. i. c. 18. §. 10. C A P. XII. Savins;. An Addition to the Statute of 13 El. 0.23. touching the Paving of a Street without Algate, in the Suburbs of London, leading to the Queen's Store-houfe of the Minories towards the Tower of London, and other Places near thereunto. Every Perfon that hath Lands adjoining to the North-fide of Hog-lane, fhall fcour and keep fcoured and cleanfed the Ditch there againft the fa'd Lands, upon Pain to forfeit to the Queen fix Shillings and eight Pence for every Rod not cleanfed. PR. CAP. XIII. Plimfted Midh A Continuance for two Years of certain Statutes not in Print, made Anno 5, 8 & 14 Eliz. touching the and Earith, Inning and Fencing of Earith, Lyfnes and Plwnffed Marjh in the County of K tit ; and fome further Be- nefits, granted to the Inners. PR. 27 Eliz. c. 27. 4 Jac. 1. c. 8. CAP. XIV. Taxes. A Confirmation of a Subfidy of fix Shillings and eight Pence in the Pound, granted to the Queen by the Clergy, to be paid in three Years. EXP. CAP. XV. A Grant of a Subfidy and two Fifteens to the Queen by the Temporalty. EXP. CAP XVI. EardoB. A Confirmation of the Queen's General and Free Pardon. Except, &c. EXP. . Anno viceiimo feptimo Reginje Elizabeths. T the Parliament begun and holden. at JVcftminfter the three and twentieth Day of November in the feven and twentieth Year of the Reign of our gracious Sovereign Lady Elizabeth, by the , Grace of God, of England, France, and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, cjfr. And there continued until the nine and twentieth Day of March following: To the high Pleafure of Almighty God, and the Weal publick of this Realm, were enacted as followeth. j